A lot of the sub-90 reviews (and especially the extremely critical 75 from Destructoid) pan the clunky controls, having been carried over from the first game.
Sure I haven't played a lot of LBP, but I've played enough that I can give my own assessment of the controls and they are not clunky, or rather any clunkiness feels like it's meant to be part of the game, not an flaw or something they tried out that didn't work. I think the controls work very well, it's part of what makes LBP LBP. The only frustration is moving between the planes, but that's worth about a 0.1 deduction at best, because it still works fine most of the time.
Can someone please explain to me why the physics of LBP is so objectively broken that people can say it's a major weakness that needed to be fixed for LBP2? I just don't see it myself.
“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell
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Jimi Hendrix