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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why I like Live better than PSN

9087 said:

$50 every year.... over a 5-6 year console life span... = $250=$300


youre basically paying the price of another whole new console just to play on XBL!


$300 for only 6 years of entertainment?

MS is robbing us!

Live is clearly the most expensive luxary in the world.

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I prefer Live over PSN due to 360 being my main console I buy games for.  

Tbh the differences in the services are minor (imo) as cross game chat is rarely used by me along with the other gold exclusive features (Last fm., Facebook, Netflix, etc.)

SvennoJ said:

Live wasn't very good in the first year of 360 for me at least. It almost made me give up on console online gaming entirely.

Voice was pretty bad, everything I said came back as an echo. Nothing seemed to help. Bought a new headset, no use. When we played PGR3, all 3 of us could talk during track selection, but only 2 of us during a race? In Test drive unlimited 8 out of 10 games resulted in a disconnect, unable to connect to host. Same in Gears of War. And when it worked I could hardly understand what anyone was saying anyway except for the obvious swearing.

Cancelled live after a year then got a ps3. Tried burnout paradise online and it actually worked. Had a lot of (mostly silent) fun online in f1 championship edition, gt5 prologue, wipeout hd. Bought a 2nd hand ps2 headset with usb and I can actually talk to people without echos.

I tried live again in a free weekend, the echos are gone yay. Still couldn't understand much what anyone was saying. Haven't tried it since they chanced the voice codec.

I still don't spent a lot of time gaming online (<5%), so no point going back to live. I just buy multiplats for ps3 in case I want to try out the online portion.

Dude, I had XBL in 2003 and had NONE of those issues while playing online.

Nintari said:

I like the part where the OP says that XBL makes him feel like he's never alone. It's like awwww, poor little baby can't stand being alone. Give me a break. It wasn't until THIS generation where our freakin' consoles were always jacked into some sort of connection. On the PS2, I played GOW,MGS,ZOE,RE,SOTC...and a ZILLION other games...wait for it..ALONE. And you know what? I had a blast.


Kids these days must have some sort of insecurity and/or fear of being alone. It's like, if they don't have their cell phone next to them or a laptop, they FREAK OUT. Can't be alone....can't be alone.....can't be ALONE!!! LOL


Maybe it's bad parenting..I don't know, but it's creepy as hell.

Or... he was used to the online community brought in buy Xbox and Xbox Live in 2002 or perhaps even was doing lots of online pc gaming as welll perhaps. I am 25 now and I still member NES and Genesis clear as day but I agree with the poster. I played last gen primarily on my Xbox so that might explain why I feel that way. My brother is 30 and he even would agree with OP. We both been gaming for a long time so age does not nesesarily have anything to do with his post at all.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

Mordred11 said:
fastyxx said:
Mordred11 said:

Online gaming is supposed to be FREE!Plus,PSN is almost as good as LIVE.

Says who?  That's ridiculous.  

The whole "cost" thing is irrelevant to which is better.  It's not "Which is the better value?"  It's "Which is better?" 


Online gaming on PC is the best,and that's a FACT.=>It's free.

Just because you seem to not be able to afford the luxury doesn`t mean PSN is automatically better due to being free. Freee does not  equal better half the time.

BTW those of you that have Xbox LIVE Gold subscriptions about to expire and have been long time running LIVE members... call up Microsoft and mention that you been a long time member and perhaps you may get lucky like I did today and be offered my next renewal at $39.99 instead of $59.99.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

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I prefer PSN because you can watch Netflix without paying PSN for the service. :D

Well I prefer PSN but mainly because it's free, other than that and the lack of cross game chat they are basically the same thing, the only difference is Live Gold membership costs $59 and PSN is free, If we count PS Plus 1-Year membership which costs $49 you'd also get game trials demos early so thats another plus(pun not intended).

As for the problems with silent players and such, That doesn't seem to be much of a problem anymore. Maybe it's just me but almost everybody on PSN has a mic now, or at least the people worth talking to do.

In the end I can see why people like Live, it's an easy to use service and you get what you payed for. But you can't help but acknowledge that PSN is doing the same thing free of charge and keeps us updated and adding new features through firmware maybe 2-3 times a year. The way I see it, PSN is only going to get better and Live is eventually going to offer a free service to compete, I'd be surprised if they didn't.

mantlepiecek said:

Yeah, they do, if they are charging you to play online. You must be dumb if you actually paid them to play, lets say, COD on the PC.

Yes lets, even though there are rumours that Activision may eventually charge to play COD... oh wait is that not supporting your theory? Sorry :(


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop

Nintari said:

I like the part where the OP says that XBL makes him feel like he's never alone. It's like awwww, poor little baby can't stand being alone. Give me a break. It wasn't until THIS generation where our freakin' consoles were always jacked into some sort of connection. On the PS2, I played GOW,MGS,ZOE,RE,SOTC...and a ZILLION other games...wait for it..ALONE. And you know what? I had a blast.


Kids these days must have some sort of insecurity and/or fear of being alone. It's like, if they don't have their cell phone next to them or a laptop, they FREAK OUT. Can't be alone....can't be alone.....can't be ALONE!!! LOL


Maybe it's bad parenting..I don't know, but it's creepy as hell.

Im guessing you didnt have an xbox then? Dreamcast had the internet as well, in fact there was an even earlier console if i remember correctly.

But none the less xbox is a known online console, even the original one so again this doesnt really work for your thoughts does it?


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop