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Well I prefer PSN but mainly because it's free, other than that and the lack of cross game chat they are basically the same thing, the only difference is Live Gold membership costs $59 and PSN is free, If we count PS Plus 1-Year membership which costs $49 you'd also get game trials demos early so thats another plus(pun not intended).

As for the problems with silent players and such, That doesn't seem to be much of a problem anymore. Maybe it's just me but almost everybody on PSN has a mic now, or at least the people worth talking to do.

In the end I can see why people like Live, it's an easy to use service and you get what you payed for. But you can't help but acknowledge that PSN is doing the same thing free of charge and keeps us updated and adding new features through firmware maybe 2-3 times a year. The way I see it, PSN is only going to get better and Live is eventually going to offer a free service to compete, I'd be surprised if they didn't.