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Nintari said:

I like the part where the OP says that XBL makes him feel like he's never alone. It's like awwww, poor little baby can't stand being alone. Give me a break. It wasn't until THIS generation where our freakin' consoles were always jacked into some sort of connection. On the PS2, I played GOW,MGS,ZOE,RE,SOTC...and a ZILLION other games...wait for it..ALONE. And you know what? I had a blast.


Kids these days must have some sort of insecurity and/or fear of being alone. It's like, if they don't have their cell phone next to them or a laptop, they FREAK OUT. Can't be alone....can't be alone.....can't be ALONE!!! LOL


Maybe it's bad parenting..I don't know, but it's creepy as hell.

Or... he was used to the online community brought in buy Xbox and Xbox Live in 2002 or perhaps even was doing lots of online pc gaming as welll perhaps. I am 25 now and I still member NES and Genesis clear as day but I agree with the poster. I played last gen primarily on my Xbox so that might explain why I feel that way. My brother is 30 and he even would agree with OP. We both been gaming for a long time so age does not nesesarily have anything to do with his post at all.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad