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Nintari said:

I like the part where the OP says that XBL makes him feel like he's never alone. It's like awwww, poor little baby can't stand being alone. Give me a break. It wasn't until THIS generation where our freakin' consoles were always jacked into some sort of connection. On the PS2, I played GOW,MGS,ZOE,RE,SOTC...and a ZILLION other games...wait for it..ALONE. And you know what? I had a blast.


Kids these days must have some sort of insecurity and/or fear of being alone. It's like, if they don't have their cell phone next to them or a laptop, they FREAK OUT. Can't be alone....can't be alone.....can't be ALONE!!! LOL


Maybe it's bad parenting..I don't know, but it's creepy as hell.

Im guessing you didnt have an xbox then? Dreamcast had the internet as well, in fact there was an even earlier console if i remember correctly.

But none the less xbox is a known online console, even the original one so again this doesnt really work for your thoughts does it?


Bet with Conegamer and Doobie_wop