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Forums - General Discussion - Don't ask don't tell repealed.

Good news. Sexual orientation should not be a factor in whether one can serve their country or not. However, I do think the US military should treat sexual advances by Gays onto Heteros (regardless of sex) the same way as they treat sexual harassment between a man and woman or vice versa.

They can serve, which I agree with. I don't think the US military should make it so vague that Gays joining the military think it is a meat market where they can try to hit on any cute guy or cute girl because they are a sexual minority. If I did this as a straight man to my female co-workers in my work where 95% of my co-workers are female, I would be hit with sexual harassment in a second. Same standard should be held for Gays in the US military as it is work and sexual harassment goes both ways, homo and hetero.

It is one thing to be attracted to someone, but to ask them out or comment on their attractiveness during work skirts the lines of sexual harassment. If you want to date a co-worker, then befriend them first and hang out after work. Don't be stupid and ask them out at work.

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Killiana1a said:

Good news. Sexual orientation should not be a factor in whether one can serve their country or not. However, I do think the US military should treat sexual advances by Gays onto Heteros (regardless of sex) the same way as they treat sexual harassment between a man and woman or vice versa.

They can serve, which I agree with. I don't think the US military should make it so vague that Gays joining the military think it is a meat market where they can try to hit on any cute guy or cute girl because they are a sexual minority. If I did this a straight man to my female co-workers in my work where 95% of my co-workers are female, I would hit with sexual harassment in a second. Same standard should be held for Gays in the US military as it is work and sexual harassment goes both ways, homo and hetero.

Agreed and I'm sure that the military will do this, also I think you left out sexual advances by a gay person onto another gay person of their own gender. They too can be unwanted and count as harrasment, just as they can in the case of two heterosexual people of opposite gender.

Killiana1a said:

Good news. Sexual orientation should not be a factor in whether one can serve their country or not. However, I do think the US military should treat sexual advances by Gays onto Heteros (regardless of sex) the same way as they treat sexual harassment between a man and woman or vice versa.

They can serve, which I agree with. I don't think the US military should make it so vague that Gays joining the military think it is a meat market where they can try to hit on any cute guy or cute girl because they are a sexual minority. If I did this as a straight man to my female co-workers in my work where 95% of my co-workers are female, I would be hit with sexual harassment in a second. Same standard should be held for Gays in the US military as it is work and sexual harassment goes both ways, homo and hetero.

It is one thing to be attracted to someone, but to ask them out or comment on their attractiveness during work skirts the lines of sexual harassment. If you want to date a co-worker, then befriend them first and hang out after work. Don't be stupid and ask them out at work.

Completely agree, standards need to be the same for everyone.

The real problem with the old law was people who had a partner and perhaps even children back home but if they ever talked about them they could lose their job, which is just awful.

Rath said:
Killiana1a said:

Good news. Sexual orientation should not be a factor in whether one can serve their country or not. However, I do think the US military should treat sexual advances by Gays onto Heteros (regardless of sex) the same way as they treat sexual harassment between a man and woman or vice versa.

They can serve, which I agree with. I don't think the US military should make it so vague that Gays joining the military think it is a meat market where they can try to hit on any cute guy or cute girl because they are a sexual minority. If I did this as a straight man to my female co-workers in my work where 95% of my co-workers are female, I would be hit with sexual harassment in a second. Same standard should be held for Gays in the US military as it is work and sexual harassment goes both ways, homo and hetero.

It is one thing to be attracted to someone, but to ask them out or comment on their attractiveness during work skirts the lines of sexual harassment. If you want to date a co-worker, then befriend them first and hang out after work. Don't be stupid and ask them out at work.

Completely agree, standards need to be the same for everyone.

The real problem with the old law was people who had a partner and perhaps even children back home but if they ever talked about them they could lose their job, which is just awful.

Even now, sexual harassment is still a fuzzy issue and policy. Sometimes even asking someone to hang out or saying someone's hair is nice can be construed as sexual harassment. It all depends on the individual and there are some moody men and women out there who hold grudges.

I don't know the US military's sexual harassment policy, but I do know that soldiers facing murder charges of unarmed civilians would much rather prefer a civilian prison than the brig.

Killiana1a said:
Rath said:
Killiana1a said:

Good news. Sexual orientation should not be a factor in whether one can serve their country or not. However, I do think the US military should treat sexual advances by Gays onto Heteros (regardless of sex) the same way as they treat sexual harassment between a man and woman or vice versa.

They can serve, which I agree with. I don't think the US military should make it so vague that Gays joining the military think it is a meat market where they can try to hit on any cute guy or cute girl because they are a sexual minority. If I did this as a straight man to my female co-workers in my work where 95% of my co-workers are female, I would be hit with sexual harassment in a second. Same standard should be held for Gays in the US military as it is work and sexual harassment goes both ways, homo and hetero.

It is one thing to be attracted to someone, but to ask them out or comment on their attractiveness during work skirts the lines of sexual harassment. If you want to date a co-worker, then befriend them first and hang out after work. Don't be stupid and ask them out at work.

Completely agree, standards need to be the same for everyone.

The real problem with the old law was people who had a partner and perhaps even children back home but if they ever talked about them they could lose their job, which is just awful.

Even now, sexual harassment is still a fuzzy issue and policy. Sometimes even asking someone to hang out or saying someone's hair is nice can be construed as sexual harassment. It all depends on the individual and there are some moody men and women out there who hold grudges.

I don't know the US military's sexual harassment policy, but I do know that soldiers facing murder charges of unarmed civilians would much rather prefer a civilian prison than the brig.

The Military's sexual harrassment policy?

I doubt it's much different then their policy on rape.

Which is basically

"Shut the hell up about it, or you'll be court martialed anyway, your probably just lying and wanted to have sex anyway, what kind of woman joins the army afterall, or you just deserved it, besides we can't deal with the bad media."

I'm paraphrasing of course.  I think I got the general feeling about right.  I need to go to bed soon though... i'm a bit cranky.  Ha.

Seriously though, like 1/3rd of women serving in the Military are raped...

"In 2008, 62% of those that were convicted of sexual assault or rape received very lenient punishments such as demotion, suspension, or a written reprimand."

I'm guessing calling someone sweet cheeks isn't going to end you up in the brig.

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As for me, I like being hit on by gay guys.

I see it as a confidence booster.

It's like being asked out by an unattractive woman or someone else you wouldn't want to date, but you have an instant and honest reason to say no and aren't going to hurt anyones feelings outside of slight disapointment.

Kasz216 said:

As for me, I like being hit on by gay guys.

I see it as a confidence booster.

It's like being asked out by an unattractive woman or someone else you wouldn't want to date, but you have an instant and honest reason to say no and aren't going to hurt anyones feelings outside of slight disapointment.

I agree, it's a huge compliment. My bi friend is my biggest fan.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Nighthawk117 said:

So the liberals get their victory - all towards their ultimate goal of getting gay marriage legalized across the USA. But why stop there?  Why not legalize bestiality too?  That is indeed the road we are on...

The sooner the USA goes bankrupt, the better.  This country deserves to lead no  more.

Considering that people like you generally don't consider that animals have any rights, and are no more than objects for the amusement of humans, I'm actually surprised you don't find anything wrong with bestiality.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


When I was in the Army, there were known gays in the Army.  We knew they were gay.  They knew we knew they were gay.  I guess there were a few jokes about it but less than I noticed in college.  It was a very minor thing and didn't seem to slow down biz as usual at all.

Although, I consider this issue to be very minor, I'm glad this passed.  If it didn't, it looked like the courts had already/ were in the process of doing it.  It seems silly that anyone would vote against it.


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If they want to serve openly then more power to them,but why would they want to? I agree with the repeal,but my fear is that were going to see more incidents of discrimination pop up. I was in army for a very short time,so I know how some people are. So let me honestly ask the gay member's of vgchartz,why would you want to serve openly in the military and take the chance of getting discriminated against are possibly beat down bye some young punks. I'd hope that would'nt happen,but the military is a rough enviroment. Let me stress again,I have nothing against gay people and there desire to openly serve in the military if they so choose,but I just have concerns of were this is going to lead. I'm just trying to play devil's advacte and have an honest discussion about this.