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Killiana1a said:

Good news. Sexual orientation should not be a factor in whether one can serve their country or not. However, I do think the US military should treat sexual advances by Gays onto Heteros (regardless of sex) the same way as they treat sexual harassment between a man and woman or vice versa.

They can serve, which I agree with. I don't think the US military should make it so vague that Gays joining the military think it is a meat market where they can try to hit on any cute guy or cute girl because they are a sexual minority. If I did this as a straight man to my female co-workers in my work where 95% of my co-workers are female, I would be hit with sexual harassment in a second. Same standard should be held for Gays in the US military as it is work and sexual harassment goes both ways, homo and hetero.

It is one thing to be attracted to someone, but to ask them out or comment on their attractiveness during work skirts the lines of sexual harassment. If you want to date a co-worker, then befriend them first and hang out after work. Don't be stupid and ask them out at work.

Completely agree, standards need to be the same for everyone.

The real problem with the old law was people who had a partner and perhaps even children back home but if they ever talked about them they could lose their job, which is just awful.