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Mordred11 said:
mhsillen said:
Mordred11 said:
mhsillen said:
Mordred11 said:

Next year,holiday sales won't be enough to save Wii's ass.

You do realize that Wii only had a sliver of a down turn in year over year sales right?

I think you maybe talking with your heart

What are you talking about?All three consoles are very close between eachother in 2010.Holidays are the single reason the Wii is going to be the highest selling home-console this year as well.

Assuming the PS3 and 360 will be getting a price cut in 2011,holidays won't be enough to save the Wii.It needs a price cut as well,or a BIG thing coming out for it.

I don't seem to realize what you don't understand...

I don't know what you mean by save

In plain words the wii has buried both hd consoles.  

So you must mean something else

I hope you don't mean that the wii will not sell another console because the drop off you want so bad will be gradual

By ''save'' I meant making it #1 for the whole year 2011.

So you are grabbing anything no matter how small to get a speck of a victory for you console of choice

The wii will be the top selling console this year.  Next year will be close because of the holidays.

After that probably all consoles will backslide.  Hollow victory if it does happen

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Maynard_Tool said:
Mordred11 said:
Maynard_Tool said:

Yes, because at the end we still have Wii, X360 and ps3, despite everything that happened.... games, bundles, new accesories etc etc....

So is all good

All is good?really?I wonder if Nintendo is thinking the same.They keep losing Wii's marketshare,and they know they will continue doing so in 2011 if they don't take measures.In 2007,Wii has sold more than the PS3 and X360 combined,now the Wii can only manage to outsell them during the holidays,and that also won't last forever...
I'm tired of explaining the same thing over and over again.I don't even know why I bother,maybe because of boredom...

Marketshare? Pfffffff do you really think marketshare is more important than the money they are making? Lulz at you sir.

Nintendo keeps making millions out every single console they sale, then if you take into account all the software.... well, I think Nintendo is the last one to worry about these sales.

But yeah, keep it up man.... you surely are going to convience some people around here

** And think for just a moment... imagine a $50 price cut next year... remember, wii has only had 1 $50 price cut in a total of 4 years, while the X360 and Ps3 has had many price cuts, new models and the motion controllers... Do you really believe wii is in trouble? Do you really believe Nintendo is not happy? pffff I am the one that needs to think if I should bother....

I'm sorry, but if Nintendo didn't cared about Marketshare they wouldn't show competition figures in their meatings... protecting your marketshare is protecting your profit...

And what is funny is altought PS3 had a lot of Cuts and 1 redisign it still costs 50% more and Weight/Measure lot more than wii... so for price cuts and redisign they could do a lot more on PS3 front (not that it would be a wise solution)

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Immortal said:
Conegamer said:
Immortal said:

Kinda disappointed by Wii sales. Just 25k shy of being up YOY. Should close that gap next week though, :D.

Yay for DS>PS2. Finally!

I know that DKCR's only in Americas and NSMB's bundled and all, but it's rather awkward to see it below NSMB on launch week, :P.

How can you be disappointed at 1.1mil in one week, and being miles ahead of the competition?

Yeah, I know, sounds crazy, right? But whilst 1.1m is impressive, it's still not up YOY and is tantalizingly close. The number is amazing in itself, but it's pointless to be happy about it without putting it into context. Also, it doesn't really matter how Wii stacks up against PS360. During the holidays, at least, it's in a completely different league from them, :D.

Whilst your points are fair, one also has to realise how it's been performing throughout the rest of the year. Since it's been down so dramatically, and even "doomed" in some cases, putting it into perspective in such a light shows how strong the holiday sales were, up in America from last year!

It also proves two things, Nintendo were right not to cut the price this year, and Nintendo were right not to release Wii2 or whatever it's called. Therefore the sales are good IMHO. However, since, as you say, they are down YOY, it could quite easily be seen as a negative, but for me, having over 1.1mil sold in one week is no mean feat


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

mhsillen said:
Mordred11 said:
mhsillen said:
Mordred11 said:
mhsillen said:
Mordred11 said:

Next year,holiday sales won't be enough to save Wii's ass.

You do realize that Wii only had a sliver of a down turn in year over year sales right?

I think you maybe talking with your heart

What are you talking about?All three consoles are very close between eachother in 2010.Holidays are the single reason the Wii is going to be the highest selling home-console this year as well.

Assuming the PS3 and 360 will be getting a price cut in 2011,holidays won't be enough to save the Wii.It needs a price cut as well,or a BIG thing coming out for it.

I don't seem to realize what you don't understand...

I don't know what you mean by save

In plain words the wii has buried both hd consoles.  

So you must mean something else

I hope you don't mean that the wii will not sell another console because the drop off you want so bad will be gradual

By ''save'' I meant making it #1 for the whole year 2011.

So you are grabbing anything no matter how small to get a speck of a victory for you console of choice

The wii will be the top selling console this year.  Next year will be close because of the holidays.

After that probably all consoles will backslide.  Hollow victory if it does happen

I don't have any console of choice...and what exactly do you mean with that sentence?It's obvious that the Wii needs a price-cut next year.If its down significantly YoY compared to 2010,and the other 2 consoles will be up significantly compared to 2010,there is a good chance Wii will not be #1.

I'm done talking about this.It's just so simple and obvious.You think I care about some silly fanboy war?

Also, I don't normaly coment this late into a WW up thread, but does it normally get this fiery? People just need to chill, every console is doing fine. Some..better than others, yes, so let the Wii-supporters take this one. No point trying to spin it any other way. They'll be chances next year, so wait for them

After al the nay-saying and pounding into the dirt and "teh Wi is dommed" threads popping up I think it's fair to say that Nintendo has proved everyone wrong; again. That doesn't mean the 360 didn't sell well, the PS3 didn't sell well, Kinect didn't sel well...

So yeah, people, stop being so childish. It's embarrasing to yourself and the console/company/game you're trying to promote...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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kowenicki said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
kowenicki said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:

That reaction is because how you act in every ONE of these threads, someone says something that could ever so slightly be taken as a knock at the 360 and you take offense to it, it gets old quickly my man.

By return to normal I mean the sales start to fall back into line, after these pushes they have started to trend up more over time, but its not like these pushes have made the consoles reach the madhouse levels we saw earlier this gen, mainly I mean how the DS and Wii were sold out for months on end, DS less than Wii of course but it's also easier to manufacture them.

The pushes have done well by making the consoles pick up steam but it's fair to say they didn't start a wild fire where sales started to track significantly higher aka not normal next week will be a big week to see if 360 will top out 2008 even then 2008 wasn't that far ahead of 2009, so yeah, in line with trends, normal haha.

Also what does Wii market share have to do with a damn thing?  That's just trying to make numbers look better AKA spin, but that's just a fallacy, Wii numbers being lower has nothing at all to do with sales trends of other consoles, PS3 has nothing to do with 360 or Wii and 360 has nothing to do with PS3 or Wii.  All of these statements trying to put one console down to give another one a "better light" is just sorta lame, I mean you yourself was doing this ( oh yeah people could totally do that with the consoles as well like 77.7m v 46.4m! But it doesn't make statements like that not spin.

If you want to discuss 360 sales trends, do it, if you want to discuss PS3 sales trends, do it, but if all you want to do is spin it to make a console of choice look better, then it's wasting everyones time.

not doing that, I am just showing how your statement is factually incorrect.

no need for such a time consuming rant.

Maybe go and have a look at Seece's market share trends article to see how wrong you are.

Good one Kowen I never knew you had such a good sense of humor!  No thank you I'd rather just read sales trends from the source than read some silly thread, also I'd rather you make an arugument based on something like numbers rather than trying to pull this whole, you're wrong go to some internet thread to prove how wrong you are!  When I talk about sales trends over the past 2 years being generally the same, you try to pull some market share (for the year) stuff, when the highest I remember Wii being was 48% overall and now it's 46.7% overall, 1.3% that's not a lot of ground...

But here again you're trying to lead the debate into some "us v them" mentality and yet to provide one shred of evidence to say how the 360 sales are trending higher than they have the past two years, you can't because it isn't, so you're using a yearly marketshare debate as a scapegoat, I applaude you, you've wasted everyone's time.

No I am not... I'm merely showing trends as they are

and this is a sales site based around compariosns..  thought you might get that by now.

And... "silly thread"?  So you think Seece's news item (VGC News item) is a silly thread?  You pick out the markety share %'s buit ignorte the clear rising sales trends.... fine.  This is pointless.

Nice example you are setting. Carry on the good work.  Did I upset one of your little friends or something.  Awww diddums.



LOL I'm confused by what that even means but I'm laughing at the sentiment.

And yeah I said silly thread cause I haven't seen Seece actually make an article in ages.

And yet again you ignore my plea for some shred of evidence as to where sales are trending up for PS3 and 360 respectively, cause at this moment, PS3 is on track to do slightly worse than last year and 360 slightly better, but still within range for "normal" which is what started this whole silly business of yours.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Mordred11 said:
mhsillen said:
Mordred11 said:
mhsillen said:
Mordred11 said:
mhsillen said:
Mordred11 said:

Next year,holiday sales won't be enough to save Wii's ass.

You do realize that Wii only had a sliver of a down turn in year over year sales right?

I think you maybe talking with your heart

What are you talking about?All three consoles are very close between eachother in 2010.Holidays are the single reason the Wii is going to be the highest selling home-console this year as well.

Assuming the PS3 and 360 will be getting a price cut in 2011,holidays won't be enough to save the Wii.It needs a price cut as well,or a BIG thing coming out for it.

I don't seem to realize what you don't understand...

I don't know what you mean by save

In plain words the wii has buried both hd consoles.  

So you must mean something else

I hope you don't mean that the wii will not sell another console because the drop off you want so bad will be gradual

By ''save'' I meant making it #1 for the whole year 2011.

So you are grabbing anything no matter how small to get a speck of a victory for you console of choice

The wii will be the top selling console this year.  Next year will be close because of the holidays.

After that probably all consoles will backslide.  Hollow victory if it does happen

I don't have any console of choice...and what exactly do you mean with that sentence?It's obvious that the Wii needs a price-cut next year.If its down significantly YoY compared to 2010,and the other 2 consoles will be up significantly compared to 2010,there is a good chance Wii will not be #1.

I'm done talking about this.It's just so simple and obvious.You think I care about some silly fanboy war?

it's simple you said save wii's ass.  That sounds like you just hate the stupid system.  

The sales will be close next year a system doesn't drop all of a sudden.  But the only ass that would need saving are the systems that are in second and third.  And the system that will not recoup the monster losses they incurred 

MaxwellGT2000 said:
kowenicki said:

not doing that, I am just showing how your statement is factually incorrect.

no need for such a time consuming rant.

Maybe go and have a look at Seece's market share trends article to see how wrong you are.


Good one Kowen I never knew you had such a good sense of humor!  No thank you I'd rather just read sales trends from the source than read some silly thread, also I'd rather you make an arugument based on something like numbers rather than trying to pull this whole, you're wrong go to some internet thread to prove how wrong you are!  When I talk about sales trends over the past 2 years being generally the same, you try to pull some market share (for the year) stuff, when the highest I remember Wii being was 48% overall and now it's 46.7% overall, 1.3% that's not a lot of ground...

But here again you're trying to lead the debate into some "us v them" mentality and yet to provide one shred of evidence to say how the 360 sales are trending higher than they have the past two years, you can't because it isn't, so you're using a yearly marketshare debate as a scapegoat, I applaude you, you've wasted everyone's time.

Just an FYI, my sales articles arnt "threads" they're articles, published on the front page, one there now, go check it out. The data used in them is data pulled from VGChartz, and yes it does indeed show 360 is trending upwards, in marketshare, sheer units and YoY.


Great to see DQIX selling 36k and outselling BOTH versions of FFXIII combined... It deserves it, definitely the best JRPG of the gen.