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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FPS Map Design, 1993 and Today

^ - An example of skill

Regenerating health is exactly why campfests happen, there are no items to fight for so you might as well sit around.

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youarebadatgames said:

^ - An example of skill

Regenerating health is exactly why campfests happen, there are no items to fight for so you might as well sit around.

Good point actually, never though of that.

Staude said:

You can whine all you want, but I find the first person shooters of today to (often) get boring a lot slower than they used to. RPG elements, story telling, visuals, audio .. and a actual (sometimes) functional AI all helps in in adding to the experience :p

RPG elements are good but we don't need them in every single game. Visuals and audio evolve naturally, and I don't care about them if the cost is measured in fun. AI is nice, though. Still, I'd much rather have gameplay that keeps me coming back to it because it's actually good and not because it's addictive, especially since I don't get addicted that easily.

Staude said:


RPG elements, story telling, visuals, audio .. and a actual (sometimes) functional AI all helps in in adding to the experience :p

Yes it's true, but to have a good AI, good visuals and storytelling doesn't exclude to also have a good level design or to don't have, every time, the auto health regeneration.

trunkswd said:
NiKKoM said:


that's all what I have to say..

I knew that was the original Doom and I recognized the layout, but I wasn't sure which level that was.

Well, I'll give you a chance to make it up: from which chapter in FFXIII was the right map taken?

All of them.

Staude said:
Damnyouall said:

And that (along with auto health regeneration) is why modern first person shooters are dull, boring and too easy.
Press "A" to win.

FPS story telling 1993 antoday


You can whine all you want, but I find the first person shooters of today to (often) get boring a lot slower than they used to. RPG elements, story telling, visuals, audio .. and a actual (sometimes) functional AI all helps in in adding to the experience :p

you should play Duke Nukem!

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

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B3ST THR34D EVV4R Z0MGGGGGG!!!!!!!!11!1!1!!!1!!!!!!!ONE!!!!!!!111!!

Also, in games like Doom you had to search for secret levers and hidden keys in order to get to the next room.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

youarebadatgames said:


^ - An example of skill

Regenerating health is exactly why campfests happen, there are no items to fight for so you might as well sit around.

Very true, except that most chobs and scrubs that play FPS games these days like CoD would never be able to get more than a few frags per game and have their asses used as a wiping mop of the floor. Then they start bitching about how the game is stupid and broken and takes no skill to make themselves feel better about their scrub skills. Then they go buy CoD, or GoW, or Halo, or any current shooter from the past 6 years that requires minimal amounts of skill to play and thus we get dumbed down, noob friendly, scrub pampering, shooters we have today.

Then for single-player you have a good example why things got so dumbed down in this thread. "zomg i got lost!!1" So things got simplified because the lowest denominator is a scrub, not the person who can actually play the game well and take time to figure out how things work.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Does anyone actually knows how those old games sold? I can only find that Quake 2 was at 1.000.000 plus and Quake 1 at 550.000....  So it's not really strange that developers made everything more noob friendly to get more sales... *looks at Black Ops sales numbers*


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Killiana1a said:

Further proof of the casualization of the FPS genre without mentioning multiplayer with recharging health, kill streaks, a level system rewarding time investment as opposed to skill, and on.

This post has me thinking when did this simplistic map design start?

Personally, my knee jerk reaction is screaming Half-life, but even in Half-life the indoor levels were labyrinthes.

I am going to pin the blame for the casualization on the first Call of Duty as it started as a scripted immersive experience as a soldier on the shores of Normandy. Yeah, Call of Duty is to blame.

As for Halo, even the most simplistic outdoor map in Halo makes the most complex Call of Duty map (pick a game from Call of Duty to Black Ops) look like a straight line from A to B.

sure.... because Call of Duty was the first FPS which did that...... sure