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Forums - Sony Discussion - Has the Playstation Move's apparent success made people go crazy?

Current situation at my favoured online shop (

  • Navigation Controller currently not available
  • PS Move currently not available
  • Move Charging Station currently not available
  • Move Starter Kit available

Yesterday PS Move was still available.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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Seece said:
cory.ok said:
Seece said:

What on earth do the slim consoles have to do with this? The figures on the front page arnt nessacerily active install base but units SOLD across the globe, and when someone rebuys a slim what do you think happens to the phat? 9/10 times it's gets sold on to a new active user. And yes we do track overall Move sales and install base, obviously there is more room for discrepency. Sony will obviously know a lot about the sell through in each country, for various obvious reasons, they have the most data to hand to figure it out.

the sales figures arent even close to install base, not even a little bit.

how exactly would one account for the x360s failure rate or numerous new models?  a lot of the time the hardware sold gets broken, goes unused or is simply lost, whichever the case install base is always dropping, but also at the same time rising from new sales.  to raise an install base you have to get more people using your product than there are people stopping using your product

vgchartz tracks market share, not install base.  

I just said that, learn to read.

Most broken consoles get fixed by MS, so don't start spewing that crap, and like I said, when I sold my phat it went to a new home that bought games for it. Like most I imagin.

Anecdotal evidence at best!! You need some kind of proof or back your claim up with a link for it to be anywhere near true.

Mythbusters: Myth BUSTED! or UNCONFIRMED as you so wrongly said....

When I sold my 360, it actually multiplied and ordered the buyers to buy 20 brand new games!! 360 multiplies and mind control ready?

Here's the link for the full story:

Mythbusters: Myth CONFIRMED.

LOL, anywayssssss.....

I think at this point, tracking MOVE only titles is not the best way to track sales (not only not the best, but I think it's wrong). Because at launch, consumers have different options concerning the games available. Had all games for MOVE been brand new at launch and retail only, it would've been a different story. However, since RE5, LBP, MAG and Heavy Rain have already been released these games and their sales to this date also play a part in MOVE sales. Including untracked PSN titles, everything coming from VGC will be guesstimates (more so than with other products), thus making SONY numbers the most reliable ones, at least imo.

Jordahn said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Jordahn said:
DirtyP2002 said:
evolution_1ne said:

you posted a pic of move shipments at launch to try and justify Sony over shipping and or no shortages after it's been out for almost 2 months........ or am I missing something?

I had to go to university today and the Media Markt is just around the corner so I checked if there are any PS Move left.

I asked another employee and he told me this is still the first shipment. They reduced the price as you can see. It is 55 € now. It used to be 60€. (Check first pic) Not a big deal, but still far away from the reported shortages. This is a picture I took today. At first I thought I was wrong and they are sold out, but they just moved below the Xbox 360 section at the bottom as you can see. The PS Move demo is not displayed anymore. (Check the first pic, there is a guy playing PS Move) Instead there are turntables for the Xbox 360 version of DJ Hero 2.

Wrong again.  Most of us agree that the bundles are in stock.  But it's becoming quite common for the MOVE controller itself hard to find.


There are Move controllers as well. I just didn't make a picture.

When I posted the first picture: Ohh that is old, probably sold out already. There are shortages!

When I post the second picture: It is just the starter kit! Everything else is sold out.... except software, subcontrollers, charging stations and PS eye.

So the starter kit is available and the first shipment is not sold out. Small price cut happened though.

software is not sold, because it is not needed... there is a demo disc! That is why there is almost no game in the PAL charts at all.

What does it take to convince you that PS Move is not the blockbuster-out-of-the-gate-success like Sony wants to make it look like? I can post myself naked covered with move controllers and you guys would probably say those aren't real ones and I faked them in my basement.

When did SONY ever said MOVE was going to be a "blockbuster-out-of-the-gate-success?"  Or did you lie to yourself to get yourself worked up over nothing?  Not healthy.

How would you describe 3 million moves sold in america till the end of the year like Sony projected?
Plus Japan and EU Sony will probably announce something like 10 million till then end of the year worldwide. And it is so obvious that this is not an active userbase but every controller shipped worldwide. That is my point.

Another point I am trying to make is: There are NO shortages in Germany. I read online that there are (from sources placed in UK oder US) but when I walk one mile I can pick up 50 controller if I want to. That is what I tried to say all the time, but apparently people from UK just know better than me. So I made 2 pictures.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

DirtyP2002 said:
Jordahn said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Jordahn said:
DirtyP2002 said:
evolution_1ne said:

you posted a pic of move shipments at launch to try and justify Sony over shipping and or no shortages after it's been out for almost 2 months........ or am I missing something?

I had to go to university today and the Media Markt is just around the corner so I checked if there are any PS Move left.

I asked another employee and he told me this is still the first shipment. They reduced the price as you can see. It is 55 € now. It used to be 60€. (Check first pic) Not a big deal, but still far away from the reported shortages. This is a picture I took today. At first I thought I was wrong and they are sold out, but they just moved below the Xbox 360 section at the bottom as you can see. The PS Move demo is not displayed anymore. (Check the first pic, there is a guy playing PS Move) Instead there are turntables for the Xbox 360 version of DJ Hero 2.

Wrong again.  Most of us agree that the bundles are in stock.  But it's becoming quite common for the MOVE controller itself hard to find.


There are Move controllers as well. I just didn't make a picture.

When I posted the first picture: Ohh that is old, probably sold out already. There are shortages!

When I post the second picture: It is just the starter kit! Everything else is sold out.... except software, subcontrollers, charging stations and PS eye.

So the starter kit is available and the first shipment is not sold out. Small price cut happened though.

software is not sold, because it is not needed... there is a demo disc! That is why there is almost no game in the PAL charts at all.

What does it take to convince you that PS Move is not the blockbuster-out-of-the-gate-success like Sony wants to make it look like? I can post myself naked covered with move controllers and you guys would probably say those aren't real ones and I faked them in my basement.

When did SONY ever said MOVE was going to be a "blockbuster-out-of-the-gate-success?"  Or did you lie to yourself to get yourself worked up over nothing?  Not healthy.

How would you describe 3 million moves sold in america till the end of the year like Sony projected?
Plus Japan and EU Sony will probably announce something like 10 million till then end of the year worldwide. And it is so obvious that this is not an active userbase but every controller shipped worldwide. That is my point.

Another point I am trying to make is: There are NO shortages in Germany. I read online that there are (from sources placed in UK oder US) but when I walk one mile I can pick up 50 controller if I want to. That is what I tried to say all the time, but apparently people from UK just know better than me. So I made 2 pictures.

You still haven't answered my question, "When did SONY ever said MOVE was going to be a "blockbuster-out-of-the-gate-success?""  We all here know you are an anti-gamer, anti-SONY, 360 shrill.  All you're doing is overhyping the apparent unexpected success of the MOVE and placing it on SONY just so you can create some self personal vindictive justification to bash it.  The OP is correct in that Move's apparent success have made people go crazy.  But then again, you were susceptible to downplaying the PS3 and singing praises to the 360.  

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

thismeintiel said:
Squilliam said:
thismeintiel said:
Squilliam said:

Its the way they work. When Microsoft 'ships' most of their products, an OEM just installs a copy into one extra machine or a tech does it in a large enterprise. They don't actually move product. Also when they did Windows 7 pre-orders they booked that already recieved monies to the quarter of release. So shipments for them tend to be more fulfilled orders which is why the PS3 / Xbox 360 shipment discrepency relative to each other exists.

This may affect how they report sales of their SW, but how does that affect how they report sales of the 360, a tangible object?  They both (at least I know for Sony) are reporting sales to retailers.  So how does MS's method of reporting HW sales to retailers make it more in line with what retailers/customers are buying?

Microsoft shipments are effectively fulfilled orders, I.E. when they channel stuff the retailers already have their product and Sony shipments are further back though im not sure whether its orders recieved, shipments sent, shipments to warehouses or from warehouses based on orders. Essentially Microsoft is more in line with the retail reality.

Do you actually have a link that proves that MS only counts it as a sale when a product arrives at the store?  Because I really doubt that.  Most likely, as with most companies, it is either when they get the order in or when they actually ship off the product to retailers.  I know for a fact that Sony changed its reporting methods in '06/'07 from counting units sold as units shipped from factories to their warehouses, to "recorded sales."  Now, I don't know if that means when a retailer puts an order in or when they actually ship it to the retailer.  Either way, it's a definite sale to retailer.

The info for their new method of reporting is found on page 4, under Game.

I looked for a link, honest, but I couldn't find it. All I have on hand is experience at comparing VGchartz to MS financials and the same for Sony.

I remember reading that actually, its a good refresher. I remember someone from MS telling me, though as it stands Sony = orders, Microsoft = fulfilled orders. They only count as shipments to Microsoft when they are on their way or have already arrived. Whereas Sony can have orders and a discrepency with retail between shipped/sold with no actual product on the shelves.

From what I remember of accounting a few years back both are kosher methods. There are actually a variety of ways they used to measure things like this which I have forgotten. ooops. :-o


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It bombed so hard on Japan... just like I told ya it would


Can't wait till they announce they shipped 5 million MOVEs

Squilliam said:
Bokal said:
Squilliam said:

The total number of Move only software titles sold is the only metric which counts. It is the only metric by which developers will use to justify further support over the longer term of 1-3 years and it is the only metric which is directly comparable to other platforms.

Why "Move only" software? If I buy the move now, it would be for Heavy rain, MAG, RUSE or RE5, not for Sports Champions. And the next ones that makes me intersted in it is Socom and Killzone, so all DS3 or Move games. And I'm certainly not the only one like that.

So? how is "Move only" software a metric of anything?

Buying Move only software is the only way you'll get Move games built from the ground up to support the platform. At the moment it is Move tack-ons and cheap minigames.

The reason Move only is a software metric is because it is the only software which will definitively tell us the size of the overall userbase.

Obviously, from the list I gave you, I'm not really interested in "built from the ground up" Move games. Move is for me an alternate way to play games, but I'm not interested in "wii-like" (I don't like the term but I hope you'll understand) games.
That's why I'm interested in killzone, socom, some golf game maybe, heavy rain, ...

So if I buy the Move, but only buy games that can be played also with the DS3 (like most Move games) and no Move only game, how is Move only games a metric of the size of the overall userbase?

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts

Didn't starcraft ever come back and reply?


But expected.


THE Biggest bomba in Japan. Told ya. Can't wait for Sony to announce 10 million shipped.

Bokal said:
Squilliam said:
Bokal said:
Squilliam said:

The total number of Move only software titles sold is the only metric which counts. It is the only metric by which developers will use to justify further support over the longer term of 1-3 years and it is the only metric which is directly comparable to other platforms.

Why "Move only" software? If I buy the move now, it would be for Heavy rain, MAG, RUSE or RE5, not for Sports Champions. And the next ones that makes me intersted in it is Socom and Killzone, so all DS3 or Move games. And I'm certainly not the only one like that.

So? how is "Move only" software a metric of anything?

Buying Move only software is the only way you'll get Move games built from the ground up to support the platform. At the moment it is Move tack-ons and cheap minigames.

The reason Move only is a software metric is because it is the only software which will definitively tell us the size of the overall userbase.

Obviously, from the list I gave you, I'm not really interested in "built from the ground up" Move games. Move is for me an alternate way to play games, but I'm not interested in "wii-like" (I don't like the term but I hope you'll understand) games.
That's why I'm interested in killzone, socom, some golf game maybe, heavy rain, ...

So if I buy the Move, but only buy games that can be played also with the DS3 (like most Move games) and no Move only game, how is Move only games a metric of the size of the overall userbase?

Because you cannot measure Move games which can also be played on a DS3 for relative adoption rates. In the early days of a console you can use software figures to find out how large an install base because any compelling software released can have >25% attach rate. You cannot do that with Move only games and with Move enhanced existing software you have to consider the fact that the attach rate of Move is fractional <10% and the attach rate for these games is fractional <10% relative to the overall console hardware base.
