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Seece said:
cory.ok said:
Seece said:

What on earth do the slim consoles have to do with this? The figures on the front page arnt nessacerily active install base but units SOLD across the globe, and when someone rebuys a slim what do you think happens to the phat? 9/10 times it's gets sold on to a new active user. And yes we do track overall Move sales and install base, obviously there is more room for discrepency. Sony will obviously know a lot about the sell through in each country, for various obvious reasons, they have the most data to hand to figure it out.

the sales figures arent even close to install base, not even a little bit.

how exactly would one account for the x360s failure rate or numerous new models?  a lot of the time the hardware sold gets broken, goes unused or is simply lost, whichever the case install base is always dropping, but also at the same time rising from new sales.  to raise an install base you have to get more people using your product than there are people stopping using your product

vgchartz tracks market share, not install base.  

I just said that, learn to read.

Most broken consoles get fixed by MS, so don't start spewing that crap, and like I said, when I sold my phat it went to a new home that bought games for it. Like most I imagin.

Anecdotal evidence at best!! You need some kind of proof or back your claim up with a link for it to be anywhere near true.

Mythbusters: Myth BUSTED! or UNCONFIRMED as you so wrongly said....

When I sold my 360, it actually multiplied and ordered the buyers to buy 20 brand new games!! 360 multiplies and mind control ready?

Here's the link for the full story:

Mythbusters: Myth CONFIRMED.

LOL, anywayssssss.....

I think at this point, tracking MOVE only titles is not the best way to track sales (not only not the best, but I think it's wrong). Because at launch, consumers have different options concerning the games available. Had all games for MOVE been brand new at launch and retail only, it would've been a different story. However, since RE5, LBP, MAG and Heavy Rain have already been released these games and their sales to this date also play a part in MOVE sales. Including untracked PSN titles, everything coming from VGC will be guesstimates (more so than with other products), thus making SONY numbers the most reliable ones, at least imo.