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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Fans, who do you want see OUT of the console race?

Doobie_wop said:



The Legend of Zelda

Super Smash Bros.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Motion Controls

Your point is void and you should probably do your research before making such outlandish statements.

These threads have all turned bad because some people couldn't give up the opportunity to bash a company they don't like, instead of actually providing well thought out arguments as to why Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft should leave.

Best post I think I've ever, ever seen.


/tips hat


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when there is actually a console race I'll let you know.

Severance said:
Umos-Cmos said:

Oh, and as far as the Atari goes, My buddy had one that I played with him but I never actually owned one myself.  My parents thought videogames were the devil and that they'd never get me to do any work after I got one.  Luckily my brother and I begged and pleaded enough to get an NES about a year after launch.  My first personal gaming console was the NES. (-:

Very Offtopic :

why is that? =s i never understood religious parents,  and i haven't lived in the USA by that time i barely able to go outside i was so little but my father was a gamer before me so i got all his consoles and played them (he also had the first MagnaVox Odyssey ) , and that was around the NES days so i got the consoles late.

my father used to get extremely high scores in Space invaders, and i was a noob, i used to like games but not to the point of beating them and mastering them, that is until Sega Genesis came out actually, i began to love games.

I didn't mean that they literally thought it was the devil.  I was using a figure of speech.  It had nothing to do with my religion.  It had more to do with the fact that I grew up in a small town and my dad was a farmer/rancher.  He needed me and my brothers' help on the farm at an early age ( 6-8 years old) so he was afraid he'd have to pry us away from the Nintendo to get us to go to the farm with him.  We would just stay up late at night in our basement room playing on our little 12" black and white tv with the sound turned all the way down instead! (-:

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."

milkyjoe said:
Umos-Cmos said:

I'm sorry, but saying pitfall is very similar to Mario doesn't compute for me.  Mario plays and controls quite differently. If you break them down to their primitive play mechanics you can make the relation, but Mario offered so much more originality in environment design, sound design and control to the gaming world.

I've no real interest in this pointless debate but I noticed this because it's a common misconception that people always try to claim. Pitfall may well have some similarites to Mario games, but unfortunately, Mario games didn't begin with Super Mario Bros.

Mario's first appearance was in Donkey Kong in 1981. Pitfall was released in 1982.

Well said.  I should have written "Super Mario Bros" instead.  That's what I was referring to.

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."

guiduc said:

Sony, for their arrogance, and for continually dismissing Nintendo, while they copy the Wii Remote. At least Microsoft tried something new.

And what was that new thing Microsoft tried?

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All of them should stay. Micro is the best at online for consoles

Sony is best at making good 1st party games.

Nintendo is good at innovating and releasing the same game over and over.

Severance said:
KungKras said:
evolution_1ne said:

name one genre Sony doesn't have a game in
better, name one Sony doesn't have a game and and Nintendo does lol

2D platformer.

Starfox-style shooter

Whatever animal crossing is.


As for genres that I like that Sony doesn't have a game in that Nintendo doesn't have either:


Oblivion-style RPG


Hearts of Iron-style RTS

Other strategy games.

Whatever Minecraft is.

I could name more, but I guess that's a lot more than one.

Wow really ? are you joking? (i think you are) , i wouldn't want to make arguments but i'll tell you of the games i known.

2D platformers ? = Locoroco ?

Starfox style ? = Omega Boost? Colony Wars?

PSA =  Jumping Flash

MMORPG ? = .... you got to be kidding me here... who do you think made EverQuest? , they even made the first MMOFPS , called PlanetSide

WRPG? = King's Field

RTS? = there is a lot of them SOE made and there is this new one coming out called UnderSiege (that i and a lot of people here are looking forward to)

Strategy Games? = Arc the Lad (they're also working on new ones if i remember currectly )

and before you mention it, there is the horror , the JPRGs, the sandbox games, the racers , the arcadey racers , the downright weird as f$%ck games.

i really want this argument to stop >_>; i'm tired of arguing over stupid shit on this site.

Some of those games are third party. I never knew Sony made everquest though. And I didn't know that Omega Boost was made by Sony. See it's THAT hard to tell wich games are first party and wich are third party on Sony systems. And I forgot about LBP, so that's a 2D platformer.

Also, I guess I should have defined genres better.

Starcraft style RTS.

Hearts of iron style RTS

There, I will NEVER ever be able to play those kinds of games on Sony systems, there are many types of games that are non-existant in their Playstation systems, so saying that they have every taste and every genre covered is wrong! You still didn't give me an example of a game they made that is like animal crossing or Minecraft, whatever genres those games are in.


SpartenOmega117 said:

All of them should stay. Micro is the best at online for consoles

Sony is best at making good 1st party games.

Nintendo is good at innovating and releasing the same game over and over.

Is it really early or did I just read that? I would think that the Mario and Zelda series outrank any "1st party" games that Sony put out (Sony doesnt really do much 1st party stuff)

As for rereleasing the same game - Halo and God of War say hi =)

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

KungKras said:
evolution_1ne said:
KungKras said:
9Chiba said:

Can you name me one game that released before Killzone which has the same gritty atmosphere?

can you name me one gamer that plays games just for atmosphere?

You got to it before me xD

Altohugh my reply was going to be: "So a gritty atmosphere = an original and outstanding game?"

coming from nintendo fans who enjoy games with no story what so ever and pride them selves of the same rehash 2d mario over and over and over

lol the irony there is amazing XD

The original point that I was replying to was that Sony made new IPs instead of reusing their IPs like Nintnedo.

I responded by pointing out that even though Sony makes new IPs, there is nothing original about most of said new IPs, and I listed the biggest first party games that Sony had and compared them to 3rd party games in the same genre. (The only truly original IPs they have being LBP and the ICO games)

So I fail to see the irony that you are seeing,

Now I want you to find me one third party game that is like Zelda OoT, one FPS that is like the Metroid Primes, and one game that was like Super Smash Bros before it came out. It's impossible. It seems like Nintendo's games actually stand out from all the standard genre-defined games of third parties and the like doesn't it?

Also, you shouldn't forget how many genres Nintnedo has pioneered. Sony and MS are now making Wii sports clones for example.

Nintnedo hasn't made new IP in a long time, but the IP that they already have does stand out from all other games that the industry makes, unlike MS and Sony's new games, that mostly just takes proven concepts and applies them to already well-defined genres.

I'll quote myself just to show one of the original points I was trying to make. People are nitpicking about the bolded part. Just disregard it, and my original point stands. Nintendo has pioneered many more genres that Sony ever will, and made more innovations in gameplay than Sony ever will, the most notable being the innovations introduced in OoT and SM64 that STILL build the foundation for 3D gameplay. What genres or fundemental gameplay mechanics have MS or Sony ever invented?

Also, Nintendo's games does stand out in the sea of Gods of War and Killzones and Gears of Wars, or U fitness obvious rip offs that you find on store shelves. There is nothing like Super Smash Brothers Brawl except the game itself for sale today, same goes for Zelda TP, New Super Mario Bros Wii (I know Sonic 4 just released, but that was like 2 days ago), and so on.

There, happy now?


KungKras said:
ConnorJCP said:
KungKras said:
Severance said:
KungKras said:
Severance said:
MDMAniac said:
KungKras said:

I'll never get over the loss of the greatest rival that Nintendo ever had :)

The only rival to Nintendo is Nintendo themselves.

what about Sony ? PS1 and PS2 days?

They are so different in style from Nitnendo and Sega that they shouldn't be considered a rival.

how so ? they're japanese ?

It's hard to explain. But I'll try.

Sega was like Nintendo in that they are both pure games companies, both relied on first party games to compete and to drive hardware install bases, both have a mascot that are the face of the company, and they have similar licensing practices.

Sony does not have a platformer that is the face of the company They have platformers, sure, but no mascots, and none of their characters is the face of the company the way Sonic or Mario is. They rely on undercutting hardware and paying third parties for exclusives in order to compete and drive install base.

I just think that Sony is too different from Nintendo to be considered a rival. Sure, they are a competitor, but they compete on very different terms whereas Nintendo and Sega competed against each other identically, and thus were rivals.

I totally disagree with you.

Sony did have a mascot during the PS1 dominated era.
And i really hope your joking about Sony relying on  3rd party games, Sony has probably the best First Party line up of any of the competitors this generation. Sony also relies on making new IPs instead of continuously recycling old ones.

Crash bandicoot and spyro? Those were good platformers for the system, but they were never the face of Sony.

How much hardware do Sony's first party games push? Have you seen how terrible Sony's first party lineups were during the PS1 and 2 era?

And even though Sony's first party games are new IP's they are not original. GoW plays just like DMC, GT is a racer, Ratchet and Clank is your standard 3D platform game, same goes for spyro in his glory days, Killzone is a generic FPS and Infamous is a generic sanbox game. Nothing about hose games stand out. The only Sony first party games that stand out are LBP (Which is from Media Molecule who were bought by Sony this gen) and the games from Team ICO.

Sony never relyed on first party until most recently, and they only try to do that becasue their 3rd party support decreased this gen. Hell, the game that sold the original Playstation was Final Fantasy VII wich is a 3rd party game.

This is another original point I was trying to make.

Sony does rely on third party software, that is a proven fact, I can't imagine anyone arguing against that. They have made effort to change this fact this gen, but they are 3rd party driven, they may make som 'must have' games games if you own the system nowadays, but not many if any system sellers.

Sony's first party titles doesn't stand out. I still stand by that. If you didn't know that much about gaming, it would be impossible to go into a game store, and point at every Sony game, wheras it would be easy to say "that's a Nintendo game". I know this argument is a bit vague, but I will stand by this point to the death. Or until someone has a REALLY good argument against it. I know LBP and the ICO games are original. Still, I could never have guessed on my own that the ICO games are first party.

"Sony does not have a platformer that is the face of the company They have platformers, sure, but no mascots, and none of their characters is the face of the company the way Sonic or Mario is. They rely on undercutting hardware and paying third parties for exclusives in order to compete and drive install base."

Also, you may nitpick about details as much as you like, but this is true, I can't see anyone argue otherwise.

About the mascot part. If Sony really thought of Crash and Spyro as their mascots, they would have secured the IP. Instead they just let the franchises go to be destroyed. They don't view their games as giving the company an identity, they just see "many good games in many genres" and if what sells better changes, they would leave their IP to rot and never look back.