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Severance said:
Umos-Cmos said:

Oh, and as far as the Atari goes, My buddy had one that I played with him but I never actually owned one myself.  My parents thought videogames were the devil and that they'd never get me to do any work after I got one.  Luckily my brother and I begged and pleaded enough to get an NES about a year after launch.  My first personal gaming console was the NES. (-:

Very Offtopic :

why is that? =s i never understood religious parents,  and i haven't lived in the USA by that time i barely able to go outside i was so little but my father was a gamer before me so i got all his consoles and played them (he also had the first MagnaVox Odyssey ) , and that was around the NES days so i got the consoles late.

my father used to get extremely high scores in Space invaders, and i was a noob, i used to like games but not to the point of beating them and mastering them, that is until Sega Genesis came out actually, i began to love games.

I didn't mean that they literally thought it was the devil.  I was using a figure of speech.  It had nothing to do with my religion.  It had more to do with the fact that I grew up in a small town and my dad was a farmer/rancher.  He needed me and my brothers' help on the farm at an early age ( 6-8 years old) so he was afraid he'd have to pry us away from the Nintendo to get us to go to the farm with him.  We would just stay up late at night in our basement room playing on our little 12" black and white tv with the sound turned all the way down instead! (-:

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."