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Forums - General Discussion - Is athiesm a belief? What is "God?"

Reasonable said:
pizzahut451 said:
mysticwolf said:

I just think the idea of God is unrational. There's no logic. There's no physical evidence of God.

There is evidence to support that life started long ago with volcanic eruptions underwater. The volcanoes released chemicals, and these certain chemicals reacted with elements on the surface of the earth, and the right conditions were made for bacteria to be created.

Here's an article:

there is no phisical evidence of a human thought either...just sayin

Sure there is.  You ever see a brain scan or wonder how they can make a device capable of identifying certain brain patterns and using that to operate something?

Thought can be traced back to activity in the brain.

do you mind showing mee the picture of a human though? A brain scan doesnt really show an actuall human thought. Otherwise, people could read other peoples thoughts from it. I mean, my cousins brother is a neurosurgeon, he operates on ahuman brain and he never saw a human though.  

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pizzahut451 said:

there is no phisical evidence of a human thought either...just sayin

We can locate areas of brain activity by using magnetic resonance imaging. certain areas become active when people have certain thoughts. An example of this can give is the way we can communicate with people in a vegetative state. We can tell a person to think of playing tennis or navigate their house. We can detect their thoughts and interpret them as yes and no becasuse the two different tasks light up different parts of the brain when using an MRI machine. If they think of tennis it would be a yes, or if it is the navigation task we read that as no. I see that as pretty convincing physical evidence for human thought.

Heres an example:

Thanks for all your replies everyone! ^_^


This is a lot to take in, and my head feels like it's about to explode. x_x I'm going to respond to this later once I have more time to think it all out.


One thing I want to know is, does EVERYONE agree on the limits of what God is allowed to be? Are there bare-bones basics that we can all agree on that, if stepped over, said thing isn't a God anymore? What are those limits?

Also, as Reasonable said, I don't lump atheism in with science. Science says you can't believe in something you can't prove. We can't prove God exists with science, but we can't prove that God doesn't exist either! If such a thing as God exists, not only could it's entire level of working be so far beyond our own comprehension, he/she/it might have left our plane of existence over a trillion years ago.

As of now I'm still sitting in the same camp. We as humans in our current state can never tell. However, whether or not God does exist, I don't believe he/she/it wants our praise or devotion. I'll just continue to live my life as good as I can for the sake of myself and the world in general, and see what happens when death comes. On the other hand, even if a God does exist, that doesn't necessarily mean there's an afterlife. >_< But life and death are inevitable and it's something that I think isn't worth getting scared over or thinking too much about. It's beyond our comprehension. Whatever happens, happens.


I'm still thinking atheism is a belief, however. By science's standards, don't believe in something that you can't prove. Can you disprove the existence of some sort of God?

So then why don't atheists just think like agnostics? Do they not find comfort in the idea of "we don't know, there probably isn't, but there might be?"If you've set up strict rules about what a God can be, like modern-day religions claim, then I can understand atheism - the disbelief that that certain type of God doesn't exist. But why would atheists put such a cap on what God could be?


Is atheism really the belief that: "I don't believe in a God that any religion has ever told of, showing all of those qualities, but there might be a God of a different state out there. We can never truly tell?"


... But then that sounds like agnosticism. I know I have something mixed up here, can someone please help me?

whatever said:
raptors11 said:
whatever said:
raptors11 said:
whatever said:

If there is this all powerful being, where did he come from?

Lamest question in history. I can ask the same thing just reverse it, where did everything needed for the big bang come from?

Nice non-answer.  As is expected for those that believe blindly.

The big bang, as with any scientific theory, is constantly trying to be proven and disproven.  Striving to find answers is the exact opposite of any religion, since they already claim to have all the answers.

So my belief is blind but yours isn't? You're believing in theories and hypotheses about things that supposedly happened billions of years ago.

That's it exactly.  If something proves to be a more accurate description of the beginning of the universe, then it would be accepted by the Scientific community.  Just because it happened billions of year ago, doesn't mean there isn't information about it that can be discovered and analyzed.  The big bang is Science's best theory based on current evidence.  If more evidence is discovered and refutes the big bang, then the big bang would be thrown out (as have many other scientific theories throughout history).

Your belief, on the other hand, has never required proof of any kind, just "faith".  Archaeologists have been disproving the "historical" parts of the bible for years (for instance, the Exodus clearly never happened).  Yet I'm guessing you refuse to accept this evidence.  If so, then, yes, your belief is blind.

ah yes, the good ol big bang theory.

0 = 10000000000000000 ?????

One day, there was absolutely nothing in the existance. But than, out of nothing, BOOOOOOOOOOM everything in the exisatnce created itself from nothing????

Your belief is nothing but a spontaneous, causeless, sourceless, purposeless, meaningless belief in the existance that created itself out of nothing.

Your belief is that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing somehow exploded for no reason, creating everything and then bunch of everything somehow rearranged itself for no reason and what so ever into self replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.

See how easy it is to attack other people s beliefs??? If you dont believe in God, thats fine. But dont so fucking arrogant and attack other peoples beliefs and act like they are wrong and ignorant and you are right and smarter. than everyone who doesnt have the same belief.

highwaystar101 said:
pizzahut451 said:

there is no phisical evidence of a human thought either...just sayin

We can locate areas of brain activity by using magnetic resonance imaging. certain areas become active when people have certain thoughts. An example of this can give is the way we can communicate with people in a vegetative state. We can tell a person to think of playing tennis or navigate their house. We can detect their thoughts and interpret them as yes and no becasuse the two different tasks light up different parts of the brain when using an MRI machine. If they think of tennis it would be a yes, or if it is the navigation task we read that as no. I see that as pretty convincing physical evidence for human thought.

Heres an example:

Brain activity is not always a human though. And you cant just interpret  thoughts as yes or no. it doesnt work like that. But normaly, when a person thinks something, his or hers brain is active and that picture only shows the part of brain that is active when a person is thinking something, its not the picutre of an actual thought.

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pizzahut451 said:
Reasonable said:
pizzahut451 said:
mysticwolf said:

I just think the idea of God is unrational. There's no logic. There's no physical evidence of God.

There is evidence to support that life started long ago with volcanic eruptions underwater. The volcanoes released chemicals, and these certain chemicals reacted with elements on the surface of the earth, and the right conditions were made for bacteria to be created.

Here's an article:

there is no phisical evidence of a human thought either...just sayin

Sure there is.  You ever see a brain scan or wonder how they can make a device capable of identifying certain brain patterns and using that to operate something?

Thought can be traced back to activity in the brain.

do you mind showing mee the picture of a human though? A brain scan doesnt really show an actuall human thought. Otherwise, people could read other peoples thoughts from it. I mean, my cousins brother is a neurosurgeon, he operates on ahuman brain and he never saw a human though.  

I don't normally turn to Wiki, but it is free and mostly okay.  Take a look at this and read up on BCI devices.–computer_interface

Your cousin is operating at the macro level on the physical brain, of course he's not going to see a "thought" and I'm sure you know that.  A "thought" however exists within the brain and can be accessed, which is what BCI devices do.

It's early days, of course, but just imagine in 100 years or so.  Or even a 1000.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Joelcool7 said:

I am not an Athiest nor an Agnostic.

However I think that any belief in how the world was created is no more then a belief based on faith in the unseen. Christians believe in their God , Muslims theirs, Jews there's , Hindu's , Sihks and yes even Atheists.

Now some say that their belief is more then faith, that they have cold hard scientific facts. But lets look at Science has Science over the last few thousand years stayed consistant? Scientists taught Alchemy was that fact? Scientists taught that the world was flat was that right? Scientists taught many different theories of evolution concluding all theories had some flaws and taking bits and peices from different theories to create the modern theory.

Most recently I watched on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) a segment. The segment said that we are 4% genetically related to Neanderthals. Infact we have more genetically in common with Pigs and Chimpanzees. The segment said that it would be hard to say we were related to the Neanderthals and that text books may have to be re-written.I graduated a few years ago and in school was taught that we evolved directly from Neanderthals. That Neanderthals were our ancestors.Then only a few years later I find out, yah we have more incommon genetically with Pigs.

Science evolves and without faith you can't actually believe any scientific theology. Who knows a hundred years from now we could be looking at Evolution the same way we did when the world realized the Earth wasn't flat.

As such I find that Athiesm is a faith and closer to a religion than most Athiests realize. The On The Origin of species is revered as a religious text. Also reported on the news a few church's have openned in the US, Church's of Athiesm. So now that their is a faith based text with a church and people going out into the community trying to convert non-believers.

How is Atheism any different than any other organized religion?

c'est impossible


pure bull crap

whatever said:
raptors11 said:
whatever said:
raptors11 said:
whatever said:

If there is this all powerful being, where did he come from?

Lamest question in history. I can ask the same thing just reverse it, where did everything needed for the big bang come from?

Nice non-answer.  As is expected for those that believe blindly.

The big bang, as with any scientific theory, is constantly trying to be proven and disproven.  Striving to find answers is the exact opposite of any religion, since they already claim to have all the answers.

So my belief is blind but yours isn't? You're believing in theories and hypotheses about things that supposedly happened billions of years ago.

That's it exactly.  If something proves to be a more accurate description of the beginning of the universe, then it would be accepted by the Scientific community.  Just because it happened billions of year ago, doesn't mean there isn't information about it that can be discovered and analyzed.  The big bang is Science's best theory based on current evidence.  If more evidence is discovered and refutes the big bang, then the big bang would be thrown out (as have many other scientific theories throughout history).

Your belief, on the other hand, has never required proof of any kind, just "faith".  Archaeologists have been disproving the "historical" parts of the bible for years (for instance, the Exodus clearly never happened).  Yet I'm guessing you refuse to accept this evidence.  If so, then, yes, your belief is blind.

Well that's kind of the problem I have with atheism. Its just theories and whenever new evidence is discovered all the theories change. 10 years from now they will probably look back on 2010 and say how stupid we were for believing those things.

The difference with religion is we have already fully developed our beliefs and stick with it. You guys change your beliefs every couple years.

I don't believe in a god because there's no proof. You have all these different religions with a god are a different take on the same god. So like god of war,we have a whole gang of gods in the sky,ruling different groups of people in the world. lol  To me believing in a god is no different than believing in unicorns and dragons and under-ground trolls. I just live my life and when you die you die. Nothing amazing and spectacular happens. I also don't believe in spirits and ghost  are ufo's,which to me,is like believing in a so-called god. Call me a cynic,but that's my take on the whole thing.

raptors11 said:
whatever said:
raptors11 said:
whatever said:
raptors11 said:
whatever said:

If there is this all powerful being, where did he come from?

Lamest question in history. I can ask the same thing just reverse it, where did everything needed for the big bang come from?

Nice non-answer.  As is expected for those that believe blindly.

The big bang, as with any scientific theory, is constantly trying to be proven and disproven.  Striving to find answers is the exact opposite of any religion, since they already claim to have all the answers.

So my belief is blind but yours isn't? You're believing in theories and hypotheses about things that supposedly happened billions of years ago.

That's it exactly.  If something proves to be a more accurate description of the beginning of the universe, then it would be accepted by the Scientific community.  Just because it happened billions of year ago, doesn't mean there isn't information about it that can be discovered and analyzed.  The big bang is Science's best theory based on current evidence.  If more evidence is discovered and refutes the big bang, then the big bang would be thrown out (as have many other scientific theories throughout history).

Your belief, on the other hand, has never required proof of any kind, just "faith".  Archaeologists have been disproving the "historical" parts of the bible for years (for instance, the Exodus clearly never happened).  Yet I'm guessing you refuse to accept this evidence.  If so, then, yes, your belief is blind.

Well that's kind of the problem I have with atheism. Its just theories and whenever new evidence is discovered all the theories change. 10 years from now they will probably look back on 2010 and say how stupid we were for believing those things.

The difference with religion is we have already fully developed our beliefs and stick with it. You guys change your beliefs every couple years.

A scientific theory is not the same as atheism.