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Thanks for all your replies everyone! ^_^


This is a lot to take in, and my head feels like it's about to explode. x_x I'm going to respond to this later once I have more time to think it all out.


One thing I want to know is, does EVERYONE agree on the limits of what God is allowed to be? Are there bare-bones basics that we can all agree on that, if stepped over, said thing isn't a God anymore? What are those limits?

Also, as Reasonable said, I don't lump atheism in with science. Science says you can't believe in something you can't prove. We can't prove God exists with science, but we can't prove that God doesn't exist either! If such a thing as God exists, not only could it's entire level of working be so far beyond our own comprehension, he/she/it might have left our plane of existence over a trillion years ago.

As of now I'm still sitting in the same camp. We as humans in our current state can never tell. However, whether or not God does exist, I don't believe he/she/it wants our praise or devotion. I'll just continue to live my life as good as I can for the sake of myself and the world in general, and see what happens when death comes. On the other hand, even if a God does exist, that doesn't necessarily mean there's an afterlife. >_< But life and death are inevitable and it's something that I think isn't worth getting scared over or thinking too much about. It's beyond our comprehension. Whatever happens, happens.


I'm still thinking atheism is a belief, however. By science's standards, don't believe in something that you can't prove. Can you disprove the existence of some sort of God?

So then why don't atheists just think like agnostics? Do they not find comfort in the idea of "we don't know, there probably isn't, but there might be?"If you've set up strict rules about what a God can be, like modern-day religions claim, then I can understand atheism - the disbelief that that certain type of God doesn't exist. But why would atheists put such a cap on what God could be?


Is atheism really the belief that: "I don't believe in a God that any religion has ever told of, showing all of those qualities, but there might be a God of a different state out there. We can never truly tell?"


... But then that sounds like agnosticism. I know I have something mixed up here, can someone please help me?