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whatever said:
raptors11 said:
whatever said:
raptors11 said:
whatever said:

If there is this all powerful being, where did he come from?

Lamest question in history. I can ask the same thing just reverse it, where did everything needed for the big bang come from?

Nice non-answer.  As is expected for those that believe blindly.

The big bang, as with any scientific theory, is constantly trying to be proven and disproven.  Striving to find answers is the exact opposite of any religion, since they already claim to have all the answers.

So my belief is blind but yours isn't? You're believing in theories and hypotheses about things that supposedly happened billions of years ago.

That's it exactly.  If something proves to be a more accurate description of the beginning of the universe, then it would be accepted by the Scientific community.  Just because it happened billions of year ago, doesn't mean there isn't information about it that can be discovered and analyzed.  The big bang is Science's best theory based on current evidence.  If more evidence is discovered and refutes the big bang, then the big bang would be thrown out (as have many other scientific theories throughout history).

Your belief, on the other hand, has never required proof of any kind, just "faith".  Archaeologists have been disproving the "historical" parts of the bible for years (for instance, the Exodus clearly never happened).  Yet I'm guessing you refuse to accept this evidence.  If so, then, yes, your belief is blind.

ah yes, the good ol big bang theory.

0 = 10000000000000000 ?????

One day, there was absolutely nothing in the existance. But than, out of nothing, BOOOOOOOOOOM everything in the exisatnce created itself from nothing????

Your belief is nothing but a spontaneous, causeless, sourceless, purposeless, meaningless belief in the existance that created itself out of nothing.

Your belief is that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing somehow exploded for no reason, creating everything and then bunch of everything somehow rearranged itself for no reason and what so ever into self replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.

See how easy it is to attack other people s beliefs??? If you dont believe in God, thats fine. But dont so fucking arrogant and attack other peoples beliefs and act like they are wrong and ignorant and you are right and smarter. than everyone who doesnt have the same belief.