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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Could the Wii remain dominant another five years?


Could the Wii remain dominant another five years?

Yes, no new console needed 75 33.94%
No, the competition will ... 146 66.06%

With Microsoft just barely announcing that Kinect will give the X-Box 360 another five years and Sony having announced that they expect Move to give them an additional five. Will Nintendo be able to remain dominant with their current Wii and products?

I mean can Nintendo last another full generation without launching a new platform to compete with Sony and Microsoft. Right now as we speak Nintendo is loosing market share quickly now of course if the generation ended in 2011 Nintendo would be victorious on a large scale. But can Nintendo maintain its dominance another five years?

Also keep in mind developers and publishers are already turning large amounts of support towards Kinect and yes even Move. Will Nintendo be able to retain 3rd party support as the power margin continues to expand as developers are better able to use the power of the 360 and PS3?

Whats your opinion will Nintendo be able to make the Wii last as market leader another five years?


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Of course, i think


I voted "no."

The longer this generation continues, the more the PS3 will shine. The PS3 has technical superiority over it's rivals allowing it to age more gracefully and a good number of exclusive franchises to rival Mario, Zelda, Samus and on. The PS3 may have had a rough going from 2006 until the price drops, but now that it has a more accessible entry price and blu ray discs gaining on DVDs, I can easily see the PS3 being bought for home movie viewing just as the PS2 was bought for watching DVDs. The PS3 as a multi-functional device with uses other than gaming is the main reason why the PS3 will gain steam like a locomotive the longer this gen continues.

The Xbox 360, while not far behind the PS3 in technical power just does not have the library of exclusives to define the Xbox experience other than Halo (I don't count Fable or Mass Effect because they are also PC games). A Halo game every 3 to 5 years will not assuage the fact that the 360 does not have a blu ray player to attract non-gaming customers who view a console purchase for their child or spouse as their movie player. Furthermore, the longer this generation continues, the more the 360's graphics will look dated pushing those bleeding edge hardcore types who place graphics as a top priority to either/both the PS3 or PC.

Nintendo as I have stated in many different posts, needs to end this generation come Holidays 2012 or 2013. The Wii has a great game library, but the arrival of Kinect and Move will encroach on the Wii's traditional customer base to a minor, uncomfortable extent. Coupled with a system that developers from Ubisoft deem as a "refurbished gamecube," Nintendo with the release of the 3DS needs to show 3rd party devs that Nintendo is serious again about making games with them. The 3DS will sate many 3rd party devs, but Nintendo needs to seal the deal with a new console kicking off the new gen ASAP.

In five years the Wii will be all but forgotten and the next Nintendo console will be a couple of years into its lifecycle imo. So I guess my answer is a loud and resounding no.

I think Nintendo should release the N6 or 'Super Wii' or whatever it will be called around about early 2012, at that point it's last big hitters will be released (Zelda SS, Dragon Quest X, etc).  I also predict it will be the first home console to market, with the 720 and PS4 releasing slightly later.

I think that the Wii will remain the market leader for the rest of the generation and will be seen as the winner of the 7th gen in years time.  However, I  believe that we will never see the level of Wii dominance witnessed in 2007/2008 again

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It's up to Nintendo, if they will support Wii after launch of next console, then it may have longer tail. 3rd parties will withdraw any support left the day next Nintendo console is announced. As well it depends on how X360 and PS3 sales will fluctuate after N6 announcement, if they'll able to hold up for a while then they may catch up a bit staying relevant compared to N6. But I'm sure Nintendo will start next gen early, and will do everything to shift focus to N6. I doubt MS and Sony will bank everything on previous gen consoles and take risks not to announce their next gen consoles shorlty after N6. Recent PR statements from MS and Sony gaming departements make it clear that they're desperate to extend this gen as far as possible, Nintendo is in good position to catch them by surprise, unprepared, literally with pants down with N6 announcement.

I don't think there is a chance that a Wii successor is not released in the next few years, with a small chance that it is announced at E3 next year. I don't know about dominating,but I think Wii will end up with sales at least in the 100-110 million range, and I don't think either the PS3 or 360 will get above the 75-85 million range. So I think the Wii will always have a double digit advantage, but wouldn't be surprised if it was outsold the by the competition on a weekly basis for the next few years, after this holiday season.

Super Wii will come out in '12

The Wii taking lead no longer matter at that point.

Its a moot point because the next Nintendo console is coming in the next 24 30 months.



Definetely not, and in terms of weekly sales we are seeing its no longer dominant

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