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With Microsoft just barely announcing that Kinect will give the X-Box 360 another five years and Sony having announced that they expect Move to give them an additional five. Will Nintendo be able to remain dominant with their current Wii and products?

I mean can Nintendo last another full generation without launching a new platform to compete with Sony and Microsoft. Right now as we speak Nintendo is loosing market share quickly now of course if the generation ended in 2011 Nintendo would be victorious on a large scale. But can Nintendo maintain its dominance another five years?

Also keep in mind developers and publishers are already turning large amounts of support towards Kinect and yes even Move. Will Nintendo be able to retain 3rd party support as the power margin continues to expand as developers are better able to use the power of the 360 and PS3?

Whats your opinion will Nintendo be able to make the Wii last as market leader another five years?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer