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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Could the Wii remain dominant another five years?


Could the Wii remain dominant another five years?

Yes, no new console needed 75 33.94%
No, the competition will ... 146 66.06%



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I didn't realise the Wii was still dominant at the minute. Sure its got a larger install base but its sales are not what they used to be.

No, but wii doesn't need to be dominant for other 5 years, I think the wii successor will come out in late 2011 or late 2012 at max...With the normal evolution of the hardware technology, N will be able to offer a new console quite soon, updating the key features of the wii and adding high-quality HD graphics at a very competitive price.

We're of course operating under the idea that Sony and Microsoft will be able to stretch out their platforms for five more years without a successor. This of course is fallacious.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

No... Wii is losing your "moment" to HD consoles.

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I'm a huge supporter of the Wii but the answer is clearly 'No' but as I stated elsewhere, Wii was never intended to last 10 years.    All other generations were 5 years long, and Nintendo moved forward on the basis that this gen would be 5 years long too.   Proof is in the pudding.    Back in '05 Nintendo seriously considered HD graphics for Wii but ultimately declined based on the low penetration HD had at that time.   They reasoned it wouldn't matter really until the start of the next generation which would then have to be HD.

Based on a 5 year plan that would put a new Nintendo console out in Nov 2011.  HD for sure but what else it delivers we can only image.

Despite MS and Sony retoric about Move/Kinect giving them another 5 years they'll be forced to respond with new consoles of thier own by 2012 or else Nintendo will run away with the next gen (almost) uncontested.


looking at sales over the past month or so, the wii has clearly already lost its dominance so remaining dominat for another 5 years is pretty much impossible. 

it will be interesting to see how nintendo plays their next gen if MS and Sony keep to their 10 year plans.  with how poor third party support is for the wii i'm not sure nintendo has enough influence to go-it-alone in starting the next generation.

Certainly not. When the successor arrives in a few years Nintendo will drop the support for the Wii.

Squilliam said:

Its a moot point because the next Nintendo console is coming in the next 24 30 months.


In 30 months? A console release in February?

Niether one of your choices for an answer are adequate.