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Forums - General Discussion - wot ur opinion on the european union?

Political unity is absolutely necessary, now that there already is economic unity (more or less). In fact, the biggest mistake Europeans made was beginning with the monetary union, while there were (and still are) no unitary politics.

The days when a single country could pretend to be independent are over. I believe that today, multinational mega companies are more powerful and influential than any European country. It's absolutely stupid to give such megacorps a unified economic area to do what they want to, when at the same time European countries are still competiting with each other and have no standardized laws.

But I do agree that everything must be done to preserve the cultural diversity and different languages. That's what really defines Europe.

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I'm from the Netherlands and I'm very pro-EU. I also like the Euro. The Netherlands are in a "corner" of Europe and I believe that if we weren't in the EU, we would economically and politically be in a worse position. Turkey is a very difficult and delicate subject. I'm pro Turkey in the EU if it happens slowly, Turkey is ready for it and we have unitary politics...


TWRoO said:
I really don't want to get involved with proper politics (child tax credit disc for sale £40k...good price) but i do have a couple of points.

1. The UK should start using the Euro currency.
2. We should get a standardisation of measurement, all this inches/pints/miles stuff should be dropped.

 Actually the EU and UK had an agreement on this (# 2), however it is recently dissolved. If I remember correctly I read it on the Wii news-channel.


kirby007 said:
they eu is trying too make a constitution.
in the netherlands we had an refererdum.
NO => european constitution

Indeed, the Dutch people said no, but I think the referendum wasn't a proper reflection. At the time we had a very unpopular government, people were still not over the Euro-currency, most people didn't even know what was in the constitution. I know around 15 people in my surrounding that voted "NO" (against 2 "YES"), and all but 2 of them did that to just taunt the government.

 Forgive me if I screwed up some words, this text is a bit more difficult than the usual "OMG! This game is going to rock!!"

I'm going to buy Zack and Wiki! And you should so too.

I always liked Europe when each country was duking it out with each other.

Hurry up and go WW3 so we have a new video game setting, Europe! Some continents are so selfish >:(