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I'm from the Netherlands and I'm very pro-EU. I also like the Euro. The Netherlands are in a "corner" of Europe and I believe that if we weren't in the EU, we would economically and politically be in a worse position. Turkey is a very difficult and delicate subject. I'm pro Turkey in the EU if it happens slowly, Turkey is ready for it and we have unitary politics...


TWRoO said:
I really don't want to get involved with proper politics (child tax credit disc for sale £40k...good price) but i do have a couple of points.

1. The UK should start using the Euro currency.
2. We should get a standardisation of measurement, all this inches/pints/miles stuff should be dropped.

 Actually the EU and UK had an agreement on this (# 2), however it is recently dissolved. If I remember correctly I read it on the Wii news-channel.


kirby007 said:
they eu is trying too make a constitution.
in the netherlands we had an refererdum.
NO => european constitution

Indeed, the Dutch people said no, but I think the referendum wasn't a proper reflection. At the time we had a very unpopular government, people were still not over the Euro-currency, most people didn't even know what was in the constitution. I know around 15 people in my surrounding that voted "NO" (against 2 "YES"), and all but 2 of them did that to just taunt the government.

 Forgive me if I screwed up some words, this text is a bit more difficult than the usual "OMG! This game is going to rock!!"

I'm going to buy Zack and Wiki! And you should so too.