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Forums - General Discussion - Where would the world be right now if religion never existed?

highwaystar101 said:

My last paragraph wasn't intended to read like that. Although I do think that environmentalism has become dogmatised, I also think that it's just a product of human nature to want to protect the environment we live in. Furthermore, nobody is going to force you to recycle against your will or anything. The most they can really ever do is try and debate your viewpoint (unless you're going to dump nuclear waste in a lake or something, in which case I think they should stop you).

I have to comment this specifically. It was just too naive Highwaystar.

I am (was) tempted to say similar things about Christianity but I've learned not to. You see I could say that statistically Christians are more healthy, less criminal, more law-obedient, less depressive... and the list goes on, just to prove how good religion is. Or I could point to the fact that most religious people actually have honest well-meaning intentions - they believe Christianity is the best thing for humans so they only want to spread the faith to everyrone. It's all nice and innocent. And they too will say that you can just choose not to go to Church if you don't want to - "nobody is going to force you (to believe) against your will or anything"!

But it's not that simple.

Enter mental rape, institutionalized discrimination, taxes to the church or tax-rebates that favor the traditional core family, religious involvement in politics, religious conflict with common laws etc.

With the environment lovers it's the same. Mental rape through all media. "polar bears are drowning". "The antarctic lost almost one millimeter of it's ice core last month" etc. People around you will judge you if you diss the environment. The state will tax you. It will forbid the use of coal, close nuclear plants. Force everything from institutions down to simple electrical goods to be labeled as either eco-friendly or not. We will transfer money from the West to the developing world in the name of global warming (and within our societies too, from the rich to the poor, since the Global warming hoax is part of a socialist project). Scientists and other "good guys" will profit. Sceptics won't get funds. All sorts of corruption from electric companies getting contracts in the name of pro-environment to politicians telling you nice things about flowers and cows just to get your vote.

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WessleWoggle said:

If religion never existed Hitler never would have hated the jews.

Hitler would most certanly find another way to start WW2 and kill people.

pizzahut451 said:
WessleWoggle said:

If religion never existed Hitler never would have hated the jews.

Hitler would most certanly find another way to start WW2 and kill people.

Hitler wouldn't have been born if religion never existed. Neither would I.

But there would be other dictators.

Slimebeast said:
Scoobes said:
Slimebeast said:

No dogmas? Freethinking?  I don't know really.

Look at how many dogmas have replaced religous dogma and how much freethinking have been restricted in the short time since religion lost it's grip of Western society.

  • Everyone must love immigration or else you're labeled racist.
Not neccessarily. Depends on your motivations and the current problems in the country you're in. For instance, in the UK immigration is a hot topic of debate and many are for stricter immigration control.
  • You have to love the environment and care about nature.
You do? I find it varies person to person. Take the guys on Top Gear for instance, absolutely hate anything about supporting the environment.
  • You have to not only believe in global warming but also be concerned about it and actively support measures taken against it.
Again, not neccessarily. Plenty out there argue against global warming (at least humans causing it). Also, see above.
  • You must accept evolution theory or you're labeled a nutcase.
Well, this one's kinda true, mainly due to the level of evidence for evolution, but that's already been discussed in other threads so I'll leave it be here.
  • You have to be against drugs or be labeled someone who doesn't take responsibility of himself.

Errr... depends who you talk to. Obviously the conservative groups will always say so, but about half the people I know have used recreational drugs. And what about places like Amsterdam or even Camden Town? It's pretty much socially acceptable to take drugs at certain places such as music festivals.

  • You shouldn't be religious or people will label you ignorant.
I thought freedom to practice religion was kinda important in the Western world?
  • You should accept abortions or you're barbaric.
Again, a debate that rages and is hardly black and white. That viewpoint is hardly the norm, even in the Western world.
  • You should not support the concept of revenge because that's considered primitive.
Yet revenge stories do incredibly well in cinema, literature etc. I think there are plenty out there who support the idea of vengeance up to a point.

Without religion I think we still live in mental slavery.

I think the major difference is that those dogmas are more likely to change if and when new evidence/circumstances presents itself. With Religious dogmas there is a whole lot of confusion if we're presented with new evidence contrary to past dogmas and many just won't accept it until the majority of society does (which takes a long time if the religion is dominant). Without religion I don't think this would occur.

A lot of what you put up there as well varies from country to country and I don't neccessarily agree with. Just because large groups have reached similar conclusions doesn't equate to mental slavery. See comments above.

1. There were opposing opinions towards religious dogma too, historically.

2. Modern dogma varies from country to country? No kidding. Religion varies from country to country too.

You bring me freaking Amsterdam to prove that there is actually people in this world who are pro-drugs. I think that speaks for itself.


My point was religious views are less open to change than all the examples you gave. These views can change over a generation or two. For instance, if a study gives strong evidence that global warming is false then in a short space of time others will look into it, and if their results agree the viewpoint will change. Alternatively, social viewpoints can change over time. It may effect 2-3 generations of people.

In religion, the dogmas and views will remain for hundreds, potentially thousands of years, even with evidence to the contrary. Whilst some religious teaching truly are timeless, some have hindered progress.

And what's wrong with Amsterdam (everyone tells me the 'tulips' are lovely)?! :D It stands as an example of a place where your view of having to be against drugs is false. Whilst the government and media may shove the viewpoint down your throat, my own experience is around 80% of my friends have at least once tried an illegal substance.

Look, I don't know what your personal situation is, but I'm a little suprised the people you know are that black and white about the issues you've raised. My experience is that my friends have a range of mixed views about the issues above. The only issue from your post where we all agree is evolution (which isn't suprising considerring my field).

Slimebeast said:

We will transfer money from the West to the developing world in the name of global warming (and within our societies too, from the rich to the poor, since the Global warming hoax is part of a socialist project). Scientists and other "good guys" will profit. Sceptics won't get funds.

Global warming hoax? Socialist project? Look, I personally agree that there isn't enough evidence to say that global warming is caused by humans (I think there is enough evidence to suggest the world is warming but I don't think we can accurately place the blame with us), but a socialist project? Left wing view maybe, but I don't think there is a major conspiracy going on.

Also, scientists will try and get funds regardless of there viewpoint. Their own personal viewpoint has no place in the process and really shouldn't be disclosed when applying for funds/grants. I doubt any scientists would truly profit from research into global warming.

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pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:

There would have only been like 1/5th the wars, and a lot less sickness and death... Less raceism.. less everything bad. Religions are outdated concepts that work great in small anchient communities, but cause hatered and war on a large scale.

i love how people blame relgion for mankind's faults...

It's basicly human nature, first you identify something in others  that you don't see in yourself  then believe that is the cause of evil. Thus someone who does not see themselves as religious (they will have some kind of replacement) will be pick religion as an evil. It's the same attitude Pharisee had  in Luke 18:11  "God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publician...." The publician the Pharisee look down on prayed "God be mericiful to me as a sinner."

animefobber said:

we'd probably be much closer to finding cures to a bunch of diseases since no one would be bitchin about using stem cells from fetuses....

Adult Stem Cells?

People may be resistant to change but to call science dogmatic is a bit of a stretch. When the science is clear then of course scientists will defend it, but begrudgingly science will change its mind if another theory supplants the current favourite. Science at least has tools for distinguishing such theories whereas religion largely doesn't and it makes tremendous claims with ZERO EVIDENCE. Thats the difference.

I have no problem with passionate nearly dogmatic defense of a claim if its actually supported by anything. But Religion doesn't deserve such dogmatism. Especially considering religion is being proven wrong left right and centre by science.

Now I don't like bringing arguments about science into atheism debates because they aren't the same thing. Atheism is simply the claim that no convincing evidence exists to show that God exists. That doesn't necessarily mean someone is obsessed with this scientific world as atheism is simply the dismissal of the theistic claim.

pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:
pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:

There would have only been like 1/5th the wars, and a lot less sickness and death... Less raceism.. less everything bad. Religions are outdated concepts that work great in small anchient communities, but cause hatered and war on a large scale.

i love how people blame relgion for mankind's faults...

Religion caused many of man kinds faults. It's also man kind's biggest faults. It's slaughtered more people than any other person or country ever has or will.

i agree, papers in bible were so sharp they caused lot of paper cuts killed so many innocent people...

The millions of people slaughtered over ignorant religious beliefs would really appreciate that.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

Think Fallout 3

Well that is if Christianity the one true religion didn't exist... rest don't matter much.

No morals? Just survival of the fittest... hell. A heck load more wars too.... or constant war and problems... deadz everywhere... durgz everywhere.... choas... depression.... and bloodz everywhere

All gaming systems, consoles/PC, have thier perks... why fight over preferences? I like Coke and you like Pepsi, that's it, let's not fight over which toy we like best cause that's what they are. Is someone's preference in a toy important or is the relationship between you and your neighbor more important? Answer is obvious, but THE most important thing is your relationship with God almighty. God Bless you in Jesus's name.

I can communicate without talking... I can send a loved one money without actually sending money... and I can commit theft without the product disappearing, the point of theft is the point of theft not one of it's possible symptoms which is the product dissappearing. The thief wants to gain something without paying for it, that's the point of theft, the thief doesn't have to care or anybody else has to care if the product dissappears. The product dissappearing is just a possible symptom of theft. Gifts are sacrfices, in order to give a gift, it has to be a genuine sacrfice/gift, meaning a copy of the game isn't still in your PC. Piracy is theft and/or being a culprit of theft.