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pizzahut451 said:
novasonic said:

There would have only been like 1/5th the wars, and a lot less sickness and death... Less raceism.. less everything bad. Religions are outdated concepts that work great in small anchient communities, but cause hatered and war on a large scale.

i love how people blame relgion for mankind's faults...

It's basicly human nature, first you identify something in others  that you don't see in yourself  then believe that is the cause of evil. Thus someone who does not see themselves as religious (they will have some kind of replacement) will be pick religion as an evil. It's the same attitude Pharisee had  in Luke 18:11  "God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publician...." The publician the Pharisee look down on prayed "God be mericiful to me as a sinner."