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DC Comics just has better characters. That is why they are better. I think the only good truly awesome characters Marvel has are Gambit and The Punisher. I mean Spider-Man? Really? He's an effing pussy. Poor little emo boy had his uncle killed. UNCLE! Batman had both of his parents murdered in front of him. Superman's entire species is basically extinct. Martian Manhunter is even worse, and don't even get me started on Deathstroke.


P.S. The DC Original Animated Movies have to be the most amazing things I have ever seen. They are far better than any Marvel live action movie except for Iron Man 1.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Wolverine Origin

Persepolis- I saw the movie that came from this graphic novel and knew I just had to read it.

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The Fury said:
adriane23 said:



Be careful when reading and catching up on Gambit, he hasn't been treated that well recently but then Marvel have the habbit of ill treating it's once great characters in exchange for a new breed of crapper and less likeable/cool characters.

Seriously, a actual clone of Wolverine just in female form is the least 'cool' thing I could think of. And 'Armour' is s crappy code name for a crappy character.

Yea, I'm still a few years back on Gambit, but I already see the downfall of a great character coming. This is only slightly less dissapointing to what I'm currently reading in X-Men which blows ass right now. Oh well, it's always darkest before dawn.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


I read a lot of comics, but none with super heros. The editors control the writers too much in the mainstream super hero books, and although it's rarely as stupid as Brand New Day, it shows up everywhere. I did read the Straczynski Spider-Man run (due to love of writer's work) which is amazing, and a few other super hero books but in general I prefer comics without them. My favourite series is Fable at the moment. I have no idea what people ever saw in Frank Millar or Mark Millar for that matter. (Though the Kick Ass movie which he [Mark Millar] apparently consulted on to the point of almost being the director kicked ass.)

Edit - Also, anyone who likes Batman and/or super hero stories in general is commanded to read Hush. So I have spoken. (Sadly, the writers other work is above average but not amazing.)

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I used to be a HUGE marvel fan, but they lost most opf their best writers to DC, so I have slowly been getting some DC comics in my collection.  I've always read batman, but I wasn't ever really a fan of other characters like Supes' outside of cartoons and such.  I mostly buy trades now, and anything Deadpool as many of you would assume based on my avatar :P

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spdk1 said:

I used to be a HUGE marvel fan, but they lost most opf their best writers to DC, so I have slowly been getting some DC comics in my collection.  I've always read batman, but I wasn't ever really a fan of other characters like Supes' outside of cartoons and such.  I mostly buy trades now, and anything Deadpool as many of you would assume based on my avatar :P

Oh yeah the other of the few Marvel chars I like is Deadpool.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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adriane23 said:

Yea, I'm still a few years back on Gambit, but I already see the downfall of a great character coming. This is only slightly less dissapointing to what I'm currently reading in X-Men which blows ass right now. Oh well, it's always darkest before dawn.

X-men has been weird of late. I love the X-men but it's not like it used to be at all. I loved Carey's X-men when he first started, it was new, fresh and different. Then his early Xavier stuff was great too but recently with Rogue at the front it's not as good in anyway, Carey needs to get back to a X-men team.

Brubaker wrote a story that in many fans minds was a joke story line, I never could understand why such a talented writer of both DareDevil and Cap A could write so badly on a team book. Art by Tan didn't help, never did like it, still don't but now that Fraction has taken over Uncanny it's moving in a much more lighthearted and entertaining direction while still keeping with the dark undertones the x-men have recently.

Both books though are far better then drivel that is X-force, aka the Murder-force. They are scewing the X-men into a team of killers and murderers, X-men like Angel of all people. 

I hate Wovlerine's currently Marvel characterisation, especially in X-men comics, the X-men comics have him as what he always tried not to be, a weapon. And he's being a weapon more then ever yet this is apparently okay in the exchange for 'cool' because X-force is 'cool'.

They ruined Bishop and have still not undone the damage Whedon did with his crap....


.... other then that, New Avengers book is good, Wolverine in that is well written and the book as a whole is a nice read.

Hmm, pie.

vlad321 said:

DC Comics just has better characters. That is why they are better. I think the only good truly awesome characters Marvel has are Gambit and The Punisher. I mean Spider-Man? Really? He's an effing pussy. Poor little emo boy had his uncle killed. UNCLE! Batman had both of his parents murdered in front of him. Superman's entire species is basically extinct. Martian Manhunter is even worse, and don't even get me started on Deathstroke.


P.S. The DC Original Animated Movies have to be the most amazing things I have ever seen. They are far better than any Marvel live action movie except for Iron Man 1.

The great thing about Marvel's characters is how flawed every character is and that resonates with readers. Spider-Man was just an insecure kid who had power thrust upon him and lost his father figure because of it. The Hulk is an allegory to dealing with the demon inside each of us. X-Men is a story of racism and intolerance of a people who have no control over what they are.  Daredevil is the story of a man who feels obligated to do the right thing and uphold the law, despite having a handicap and a deep-rooted desire to stoop to his enemies' level. Iron Man was a coddled youth who suddenly saw the damage he had wrought and wanted to change his life, despite is personal addictions to women and drugs. Each character has their imperfections that people can identify with, which is why people love them.

Does anyone really identify with Wonder Woman? The Flash? Green Lantern (maybe, but only after Jordan's origin stories in the 80s)? Other than Batman, DC has few truly great characters outside the suit. I'd put Green Arrow up there as well, BTW. He's fantastic.

I'm not bashing DC characters but anyone who has spent thousands of hours reading books has to appreciate what Marvel has created (and later polluted).

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Yeah, Marvel pioneered the "human approach" to their characters but over time, everybody started copying it.  DC does it, too.  They just don't use their upper echelon characters like Marvel does.  People like Blue Beetle Kyle Rayner, or Tim Drake are the ones that get that treatment.   The big guns are treated as larger than life.

--You know who's artwork I really miss?  Michael Turner.  Nobody could draw a hot chick like he could (except for Ian Churchill).

MIchael Turner was an incredible artist. What ever happened to him? He disappeared during one of my comic book off-times.

edit: Aw shit, he died of cancer. How terrible.

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