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Forums - General Discussion - Why is'nt soccer more popular in America.

It's because America is very much a fast food culture.  We want instant gratification (lots of scoring) and don't like discussing the technical brilliance of a 0-0 draw.

Also about the USA not competing in football (soccer).  It's because our best athletes don't play the sport much and actually play several different sports.  All of the best athletes in Brazil (a large country) play football almost exclusively and this is a big reason for them always being amongst the best.  What I'm saying is that if all Americans concentrated on only playing football, then they would be one of the top teams every World Cup.  I know that many don't want to hear this, but it's true.  Also, the USA has a lot of short and agile people that play sports called baseball, tennis, and sometimes hockey.  Not everyone is built like Lebron James.   

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Because they didn't grew up with football and don't understand the tactics. And you won't learn the tactics, subtlety's of the game, etc. by just watching a game once in a while.  That's also the reason why I don't like American football.

Would the USA steam roll the rest of the world if they cared? No, definitely not. But they have all the facilities and a large enough population to become a force to be reckoned with.

Tbh, I would love if the USA took an interest in the game.


Kasz216 said:
Lord Flashheart said:

Football was still called football long before the rules were formalised. True that Rugby and Football used the name but then rugby changed it and later football adjusted its to include association to avoid confusion. Doesn't change the fact it was called football from the start (or near abouts) and isn't called association football unless on a legal document or if you are a Yank being difficult. Also doesn't change the fact that the name Soccer came after association.

Everything was callled Football.  Rugby didn't actually change it's name.  Ask Australia what a football club is.  They'll point you to a Rugby club.

Most of the world just uses the wrong name, because it's easier for them.  It's still the wrong name.  So getting on people who call american football, football is about the clearest definition of hypocricy you could have.

American football has ALWAYS just been called Football.

Including Legal documents.... so if that's the arguement path you want to go down... you are argueing your own defeat.

Really Australians? Did they invent either sport? How long after the games, rules, names had been established did they start playing football or rugby. Either code.

What first had the name of football in regards to the major sports played today. Don't need to get into eton wall games and the such. If you are you saying that rugby and football were the same sport then which changed first? Bear in mind the date from this quote

"Edward II became involved in the debate on football and in 1314 complained about "certain tumults arising from great footballs in the fields of the public, from which many evils may arise."

Rugby grew out of one of the many variations of Football around the country.

GridIron has been called a decendant of Rugby so Yanks calling it football are getting it wrong for a whole new reason.

And when was Australia discovered?

Also most of the world gets the name wrong? Most of the world calls Football Football

Football has ALWAYS been called football.  Trying to argue that because  years later they added association then saying that later still some parts of sociaty  called it soccer so soccer is it's real name is setting up your own defeat.

trying to say random country's sports which you acknowledge as being decendants of football call it something different so 1000 years (older than both countries) of history is null makes me laugh.

As for legal documents, well I was trying to find a time when someone would use association and that was the best i could come up with. But you're right I was wrong. Most simply say football especially outside of England.

Kasz216 said:
Pharaoh said:

by the way the France vs. Uraguay game is STILL 0-0 two hours.  That is why.  I really am trying to like this sport, its just really really hard.  I will be rooting for the U.S. tomorrow though, even though I will have to watch it on mute because of those damn horns, which make no sense

I thought it was a good game.  It showed a France team that was performing better, but just couldn't break through.  Like watching two pitchers dueling in baseball, one doing a little worse but being picked up by superior fielding.

Yeah but baseball never ends in a tie, and unless its great great great pitching it normally always has hits and a few homeruns.  Like I said before I have been trying to like this sport, but its just really hard.  Two games in the books and not one has had a winner. 

Can someone please explain why the fans use those stupid horns the whole game?  I thought soccer was all about stadium wide chants (which is awesome and I wish other sports had it).  They don't blow them in any discernable way.  They aren't giving an advantage to either team when blown indiscriminatly, just giving me and everyone else a headache.

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made

Lord Flashheart said:
Kasz216 said:
Lord Flashheart said:

Football was still called football long before the rules were formalised. True that Rugby and Football used the name but then rugby changed it and later football adjusted its to include association to avoid confusion. Doesn't change the fact it was called football from the start (or near abouts) and isn't called association football unless on a legal document or if you are a Yank being difficult. Also doesn't change the fact that the name Soccer came after association.

Everything was callled Football.  Rugby didn't actually change it's name.  Ask Australia what a football club is.  They'll point you to a Rugby club.

Most of the world just uses the wrong name, because it's easier for them.  It's still the wrong name.  So getting on people who call american football, football is about the clearest definition of hypocricy you could have.

American football has ALWAYS just been called Football.

Including Legal documents.... so if that's the arguement path you want to go down... you are argueing your own defeat.

Really Australians? Did they invent either sport? How long after the games, rules, names had been established did they start playing football or rugby. Either code.

What first had the name of football in regards to the major sports played today. Don't need to get into eton wall games and the such. If you are you saying that rugby and football were the same sport then which changed first? Bear in mind the date from this quote

"Edward II became involved in the debate on football and in 1314 complained about "certain tumults arising from great footballs in the fields of the public, from which many evils may arise."

Rugby grew out of one of the many variations of Football around the country.

GridIron has been called a decendant of Rugby so Yanks calling it football are getting it wrong for a whole new reason.

And when was Australia discovered?

Also most of the world gets the name wrong? Most of the world calls Football Football

Football has ALWAYS been called football.  Trying to argue that because  years later they added association then saying that later still some parts of sociaty  called it soccer so soccer is it's real name is setting up your own defeat.

trying to say random country's sports which you acknowledge as being decendants of football call it something different so 1000 years (older than both countries) of history is null makes me laugh.

As for legal documents, well I was trying to find a time when someone would use association and that was the best i could come up with. But you're right I was wrong. Most simply say football especially outside of England.

Ok, so according to you... Rugby's real name is Football then.  Yes?

Also, well American Football.... since American Football is derived from the other Footballs and ahs always been called football.

Assosiation football is a descendent of Football.

It is also an offshoot.  Simply study the history of the game and you'll realize that.  The football of old was nothing more then a genus.  Not a Species

Football evolved into Foobtall Rugby - Football Assosiation if you were to look at it from a biological perspective.


You should really read about the history of a sport you claim to like.

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amp316 said:

It's because America is very much a fast food culture.  We want instant gratification (lots of scoring) and don't like discussing the technical brilliance of a 0-0 draw.

Also about the USA not competing in football (soccer).  It's because our best athletes don't play the sport much and actually play several different sports.  All of the best athletes in Brazil (a large country) play football almost exclusively and this is a big reason for them always being amongst the best.  What I'm saying is that if all Americans concentrated on only playing football, then they would be one of the top teams every World Cup.  I know that many don't want to hear this, but it's true.  Also, the USA has a lot of short and agile people that play sports called baseball, tennis, and sometimes hockey.  Not everyone is built like Lebron James.   

Bolded: I agree, USA would be a top 10 team. What is stupid is saying that if Americans concentrated only on football, it wouldn't be a contest because Americans are better at sport. 

I actually believe USA will win a world cup in the next 30-40 years.

Pharaoh said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Pharaoh said:
Trying to get into the world cup by watching the south africa vs. mexico and now the france match but watching just strengthens why americans hate this "sport".

1) The stupid horns. I have to watch with the mute button on or else my head will explode. They don't even blow them for any reason, i.e. when their team is on defense.
2) THE HORNS. Its like hearing a baby slowly skinned alive.
3) Both games are scoreless the whole first half!! What a waste of time.

4) The game ends in a tie! Its not a competitive sport if no one wins. Its basically wasting 2 hours of your life.

5) If the u.s. didn't have football, basketball, baseball, and our athletes grew up playing soccer, this wouldn't even be a contest.  Our athletes are just that much physically better.

its actually the same when you watch 2 mediocre teams play in NFL


watch the EPL,UCL and games of the european countries,they are far better

Except in the NFL they have explosive players who actually score.  And when they aren't scoring there is always action going on, tackling, big hits and no RIDICULOUS HORN BLOWING.  In soccer I literally can pause the game and fast foward to the goal scoring, and what did I miss?  Just some passing, and maybe if I'm lucky a headbutt.   Ah that is the legacy of soccer,  bringing flopping into basketball.

ALTHOUGH, I do love how the entire world has figured out to have a whole soccer match without one commercial, while I have to sit through five minutes of commericals every ten minutes of gametime(if I'm lucky). This applies to basketball and football.

the ridiculous horn blowing isn't coccer's fault but AFRICA,its bad that NFL isn't liked anywhere else so people don't even consider staging it as a big even t like WORLD CUP



and football requires skills,thinking and passing with startegies not like mindless running and wrestling like American football



also FOOTBallers are more physically fitter than American footballers


physicality includes stamina,speed,agility,balance,etc - english football has all of this


AMERICAN FOOTBALL is more of muscled wrestling and that is not sport,sport is known more to be played with rules

Pharaoh said:

by the way the France vs. Uraguay game is STILL 0-0 two hours.  That is why.  I really am trying to like this sport, its just really really hard.  I will be rooting for the U.S. tomorrow though, even though I will have to watch it on mute because of those damn horns, which make no sense

I think you have to look at the bigger picture.

It's close to knockout rounds and a nil-nil draw puts a dent in both teams advancing. The last tournaments finalist might not go past the first round. I guess you need to know the history and ins and outs of the game. Who you want to lose or win, how it suits your teams chances, personal biases.

that said if it's a really dull game then it will test the patiences of the most ardent fan.

I just find soccer/futbol/whatever boring. You can go an entire game and only see 1 or 2 goals scored.

tombi123 said:
sguy78 said:
tombi123 said:
Pharaoh said:
Trying to get into the world cup by watching the south africa vs. mexico and now the france match but watching just strengthens why americans hate this "sport".

1) The stupid horns. I have to watch with the mute button on or else my head will explode. They don't even blow them for any reason, i.e. when their team is on defense.
2) THE HORNS. Its like hearing a baby slowly skinned alive.
3) Both games are scoreless the whole first half!! What a waste of time.

4) The game ends in a tie! Its not a competitive sport if no one wins. Its basically wasting 2 hours of your life.

5) If the u.s. didn't have football, basketball, baseball, and our athletes grew up playing soccer, this wouldn't even be a contest.  Our athletes are just that much physically better.

Bolded: That doesn't even make sense when you're talking about "Soccer". 

Underlined: What a stupid thing to say. Typical arrogant American. The best Footballers in the world are typically short, quick and agile. Not physical. Not that Americans are more physical anyway...

Edit: And touch is way more important than athleticism.

Yeah, because Americans are typically arrogant. Give me a break.

Well... the stereotypical englishman talks like the queen, has bad teeth, complains about the weather and drinks tea. 

The stereotypical American is arrogant, stupid and overweight from eating McDonalds all day... neither are true but that is how Americans and the English are viewed around the world.

We do and it pisses me off. That stereotype is true and a negative one