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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you endorse exclusivity?


Do you endorse exclusivity?

Yes 105 78.95%
No 15 11.28%
Don't care 13 9.77%
CGI-Quality said:
BMaker11 said:
I endorse exclusivity because it allows the game to be tailored to the strengths of the console it's on without having to worry about anything else. Full optimization, if you will

Also, without exclusivity, you can barely differentiate between consoles. You buy an Xbox for a reason. You buy a PS3 for a reason. You buy a Wii for a reason. Whether this is the "multiplatform gen" or not, what would be the point of choosing one over the other if they all had the same games?


Your honor, I motion to have that "Touche" stricken from the record!  If all these multi-platform games weren't multi-platform, what would be the motivation to push a console as hard as you can?  The reason games like Uncharted, Killzone, and MAG are the technical marvels that they are is because Sony had to get up off of their asses and make people stand up and say "wow" when they saw PS3 games.  Believe me, Sony would have been more than happy to bask in insane PS3 sales while gamers bought Tekken 6 and Resident Evil 5 exclusively for the PS3.

And just because a game is available for both consoles doesn't mean that it can't be optimized for one console.  Look at Resident Evil on the Gamecube or Bayonetta for the 360.  Multiplatform doesn't mean a gimped PS3 version.  It just means more people get to play.  This generation, it's up to the first party to make sure that their console is worth buying.  Looking at my console collection, it seems like they're all doing a good job!!

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It would be odd to a Mario Kart game, or any Mario game, on the PS3 or 360. So I would have to say, yes, I endorse it :).

No, I think people are scared that games being multi-plat would suck on their console or not be as good as the other console's version. It's the fear that their console would sell less and looked down on, because they have an inferior version, that drives people to want exclusives.. Flaws are only present if there is an alternative that is better... ¬_¬

Of course I think this way, because Dreacast died. I don't love brands like I used to. Sega plays the whole field now and so should I... When you have your heart cut out, you would feel the same way. So fuck exclusives... FUCK YOU


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I endorse it.

Multiplatform games almost never showcase a system's true capabilities because Devs won't or can't modify it enough to max out each different system's potential and still keep the game itself uncompromised.

I mean, games like Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 could only be fully realised on PS3, while something like Red Steel 2 or Mario Galaxy wouldn't be nearly as compelling without the Wii's controls.

Also, it gives the different consoles personality. If all their libraries were the same, it'd all come down to secondary factors like pricing. This is why the PS3 and 360 often feel interchangeable to me, due to sharing so many of their games.

Shadowfest3 said:
It would be odd to a Mario Kart game, or any Mario game, on the PS3 or 360. So I would have to say, yes, I endorse it :). (Mario on the PS3)

I would say, better would be to have them run natively on the PS3 rather than through emulation (like Wii emulation on Windows PCs).

I think Nintendo gaming would be a good fit for the PS3, maybe release a restyled PS3 with a joyful mushroom casing or something.


Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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CGI-Quality said:
d21lewis said:
CGI-Quality said:
BMaker11 said:
I endorse exclusivity because it allows the game to be tailored to the strengths of the console it's on without having to worry about anything else. Full optimization, if you will

Also, without exclusivity, you can barely differentiate between consoles. You buy an Xbox for a reason. You buy a PS3 for a reason. You buy a Wii for a reason. Whether this is the "multiplatform gen" or not, what would be the point of choosing one over the other if they all had the same games?


Your honor, I motion to have that "Touche" stricken from the record!  If all these multi-platform games weren't multi-platform, what would be the motivation to push a console as hard as you can?  The reason games like Uncharted, Killzone, and MAG are the technical marvels that they are is because Sony had to get up off of their asses and make people stand up and say "wow" when they saw PS3 games.  Believe me, Sony would have been more than happy to bask in insane PS3 sales while gamers bought Tekken 6 and Resident Evil 5 exclusively for the PS3.

And just because a game is available for both consoles doesn't mean that it can't be optimized for one console.  Look at Resident Evil on the Gamecube or Bayonetta for the 360.  Multiplatform doesn't mean a gimped PS3 version.  It just means more people get to play.  This generation, it's up to the first party to make sure that their console is worth buying.  Looking at my console collection, it seems like they're all doing a good job!!

You make good points, but my opinion will hardly, if ever, be moved on his subject. The industry wouldn't be where it is without the exclusive, and this gen is no different. It's not exactly comforting to have two consoles regarded as "twins" when everybody is supposed to be completely unique. With this mindset, devevlopers just put almost any and everything on both the PS3 and the 360 to make a quick buck. What made past gens so interesteing was seeing what each console had to offer that was only available to it. This gen, there's not as much variety on a equal playing field, although there are breaths of fresh air, such as Wii offerings or things like HEAVY RAIN or Flower.

Sometimes, it pays off, a good deal of multiplats are excellent games. And nobody said multiplatform games were "bad", I just detest the thought that multiplatting is "always" the way to go.

Hopefully, with the pending releases of Move and Natal, Microsoft and Sony will begin to stand out from each other a little more in the way that Nintendo has managed to maintain its own individuality.  It's not the responsibility of Capcom, Konami, or Square-Enix to make one platform stand out over another.

--enjoyed the debates today, guys!!  I gotta work a twelve hour night shift and I've spent all of my "sleepy time" on VGChartz!!  Later, dudes!

d21lewis said:
CGI-Quality said:
BMaker11 said:
I endorse exclusivity because it allows the game to be tailored to the strengths of the console it's on without having to worry about anything else. Full optimization, if you will

Also, without exclusivity, you can barely differentiate between consoles. You buy an Xbox for a reason. You buy a PS3 for a reason. You buy a Wii for a reason. Whether this is the "multiplatform gen" or not, what would be the point of choosing one over the other if they all had the same games?


Your honor, I motion to have that "Touche" stricken from the record!  If all these multi-platform games weren't multi-platform, what would be the motivation to push a console as hard as you can?  The reason games like Uncharted, Killzone, and MAG are the technical marvels that they are is because Sony had to get up off of their asses and make people stand up and say "wow" when they saw PS3 games.  Believe me, Sony would have been more than happy to bask in insane PS3 sales while gamers bought Tekken 6 and Resident Evil 5 exclusively for the PS3.

And just because a game is available for both consoles doesn't mean that it can't be optimized for one console.  Look at Resident Evil on the Gamecube or Bayonetta for the 360.  Multiplatform doesn't mean a gimped PS3 version.  It just means more people get to play.  This generation, it's up to the first party to make sure that their console is worth buying.  Looking at my console collection, it seems like they're all doing a good job!!

Last gen, the PS2 completely dominated the market...yet GoWII was one of the best looking games. It's not a matter of "getting up off their ass" here, instead it's just that Sony's first party knows the technology at hand and will push it as far as they are capable. Beause they're first party, what'd you think would happen? They'd make sloppy games? They'd get shut down in a heartbeat if that were the case. It's BECAUSE those games are from first party studios that they are the technical marvels that they are. Majesco games could make a shitty game for the PS3, and Sony couldn't do anything to them about it. Naughty Dog releases crap that isn't up to standard, and you might just see an Activision/IW situation. 

"If all these multi-platform games weren't multi-platform, what would be the motivation to push a console as hard as you can?" umm I dunno? You see one developer make this excellent game, then you decide "I want to be better than this", so you go to the next level in terms of development, and use all the resources available on your platform of choice without having to worrying about changing optimization to fit another platform? I mean, what multiplatform developer has pushed any console? Don't say Crytek, because as much as they're talking about Crysis 2, I just downloaded the "The Wall" trailer in 1080p, and I swear to God that in game trailer looked no better than something on the Unreal Engine. Sue me for saying that =/ 

Oh, in the case of Bayonetta, multiplatform DID equal a gimped PS3 version. Just look at the differences lol. And lastly, I stand by the belief that multiplatform =/= more people get to play the game, but instead, multiplatform = the same people are playing the game, the fanbase is just split between consoles. I've used the MGS4 example many times, as compared to other former PS exclusives, and you see that exclusive compared to exclusive, the numbers stayed relatively the same, whereas former exclusive compared to multiplatform....well the numbers stayed relatively the same again. FFXIII is the latest example. What did FFXII sell? 5.69M. What has FFXIII sold? 5.37M. Virtually no difference. More people playing the game? Not at all. Same people playing the game

certain games get better polish as exclusive

"It's not the responsibility of Capcom, Konami, or Square-Enix to make one platform stand out over another."

I totally agree with this!

It's up to the console makers and 1st parties to make the consoles stand out, but 3rd parties should work to make their company stand out. Whether that means making multi-plat or exlusive games is totally up to them, and their needs/preferences.


I'm no enemy of exclusives though, in fact almost every game I own for my Wii is an exclusive game.

MikeB said:
@ d21lewis're saying that if the 360 didn't get a lot of the titles that were considered exclusive to the PS3

The first parties are still exclusive, the 3rd parties you are talking about have always been multi-platform. The reason why many 3rd parties went PS1 or PS2 exclusive was mainly because of cheap CD media (PS1) and the PS2 dominating the market (other platforms being of less relevance), before that you can easily see they were already multi-platform companies.

Why would 3rd partys keep making games on the weakest platform last gen and all of a sudden this gen they want "the full power" of something?


Sony paid them to keep it exclusive, just like MS has done.


But yes i support exclusivity, because certain games just depend on certain platforms.