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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Does it again... Three Weeks Running (In Japan)

Psycho1984 said:
Lol, so many angry people in here^^ I clearly remember PS3 Fanboys on this site claming that Japan was no longer relevant, if you want to talk about SMG sales, no problem, even if it is not relevant at all in this discussion. I completely agree, some people were talking crazy about the sales of Mario in Japan, but hey, that's not so bad:D In fact, it will easily outsell Super Mario Sunshine, no doubt about this since this game is going to sell for a really long time, as almost all the Nintendo games seem to do. But anyway, Japan is becoming irrelevant, so who cares? ;)

By the way, you don't have to attack people personaly to express yourself, by reading some of the reactions, I really wonder who is really psycho^^

So much anger in this world, lol^^

Psycho, clearly you must be sipping the juice.  No PS3 people were saying that.  The first time I ever heard that was when SMG didn't do as expected in Japan.  then it didn't matter.  I actually made a thread about that a few weeks ago, but that's besides the point.  This is not about SM sales in Japan but about the PS3 winning (At least in home consoles) in Japan and congratulating them on it.  The hate started when Zucas said something about the numbers and how he trusts MC because of fifteen years, or some jazz like that.  Anyway, I got angry when he attacked this site and discredited the numbers.  Also, you are psycho, again.  No PS3 people have said that.  Just wanted to reiterate.

 Also:  600th Post!!

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DMeisterJ said: Delusional much?

So you don't think dropping the price of a console you initially started selling at a loss, by 20-30% (depending on how and where you look) within less than one year isn't desperate measures in desperate times? You also don't think that going way over your projected, already huge, losses for the fiscal year in an effort to remain relevant is desperate?

Kudos for Sony, as it's somewhat working - in Japan, and in Europe at least - but at a huge cost. Fortunately the PS2 also helps. And fortunately the rest of the company is doing OK. But this still can't go on for much longer.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.
KruzeS said:
DMeisterJ said: Delusional much?

So you don't think dropping the price of a console you initially started selling at a loss, by 20-30% (depending on how and where you look) within less than one year isn't desperate measures in desperate times? You also don't think that going way over your projected, already huge, losses for the fiscal year in an effort to remain relevant is desperate?

Kudos for Sony, as it's somewhat working - in Japan, and in Europe at least - but at a huge cost. Fortunately the PS2 also helps. And fortunately the rest of the company is doing OK. But this still can't go on for much longer.

I wouldn't say it like that.  It was very drastic and daring but desperate makes it seem like there aren't any other reasons to not purchase a PS3 because of price.  I do think it helped but quality games could have done the same thing.  Both of those mixed however, would be awesome.

DMeisterJ said:
No, Zucas likes the Wii, and is surprised that it's been outsold for three weeks. And believes MCs numbers from last week which paint the picture that PS3 and Wii are close. I like the PS3 though, which is why I started this post.

 You know apsolutely nothing about me so now you are assuming what I prefer?  Man you've done the 2 big no no's in debate already.  Contradiction/hypocrisy and now assumption.  Your either new to debate or simply unintelligent.  Either way no skin off my nose.

I'm actually in no surprise that Wii has been outsold for 2 weeks straight, and possibly a 3rd.  Actually after Galaxy sales, I stated that 40gb week and a few weeks after we'd see PS3 outsell Wii in Japan.  I actually probably stated this before you cause I analyse not comment when it happens.  You obviously have no ability to do that.  

Yes I do approve of MC numbers more than anything and really always have been.  Although last week and this week as well I'm willing to take a median between the 2, but this site in no way would which neither surprised me nor affected me.  I don't run the site and I don't pick the numbers.  But I do have the right to say my opinion on which I do think is more right, something you'd wish no one would say.  Jump on the bandwagon blindly seems to be your goal.  Sad really. 

I know PSP sold more than Wii (it's a good thing PSP is a superb product) but if you look at the big picture. Its like this..

The DS sold,in 1 week, almost a million more than its competitor?
If you were head of Nintendo you would be estatic with these numbers.

1.3 Million DS vs. 350k PSP
600k Wii vs. 300k PS3 or 360

Not to mention Nintendo acually profits off of hardware.

Now who knows Nintendo could have a big drop off in sales this 2008 because the sales were so high in 07.

Off topic.
I think a week B4 Christmas i'm gonna try and well my Wii for $600+

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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DMeisterJ said:
KruzeS said:
DMeisterJ said: Delusional much?

So you don't think dropping the price of a console you initially started selling at a loss, by 20-30% (depending on how and where you look) within less than one year isn't desperate measures in desperate times? You also don't think that going way over your projected, already huge, losses for the fiscal year in an effort to remain relevant is desperate?

Kudos for Sony, as it's somewhat working - in Japan, and in Europe at least - but at a huge cost. Fortunately the PS2 also helps. And fortunately the rest of the company is doing OK. But this still can't go on for much longer.

I wouldn't say it like that. It was very drastic and daring but desperate makes it seem like there aren't any other reasons to not purchase a PS3 because of price. I do think it helped but quality games could have done the same thing. Both of those mixed however, would be awesome.

 Floating $3 billion of your own stocks is a desperate move.  And this has nothing to do with no other reason for purchasing a PS3.  This has to do with the move Sony made to help increase sales.  You don't agree, first of all, that PS3's high price was affecting sales.  I do, and that's why many gave it off for lower sales.  There were obviously other reasons of buying a PS3, otherwise none would have been bought.  I'm wondering what logical thought process you put into this post.  

But the desperate move comes from Sony not just wanting to up sales but to compete with its competition.  If they don't do that then they won't be able to make a profit later on through software, ect.  Meaning they took extreme, or desperate measures, later this year to ensure that they would get a higher amount of sales then previously predicted, which seems to have worked.  What your trying to tell me is that isn't desperate?  If it wasn't desperate then why would they do it, almost ensuring that they would have more losses than previously thought.  You don't float $3 billion of your own stock, drop the price of a product that causes you more losses, unless you desperate need to.  If Sony was not in the posistion it was, then none of that would have never happened.

I think this is youre persona defense rising, as your offended that I'd call oh precious Sony's movement as desperate.  Let me put it to you this way kid.  If I had put it any other way then I'd have been bias by numbing it down. 

Zucas said:
DMeisterJ said:
No, Zucas likes the Wii, and is surprised that it's been outsold for three weeks. And believes MCs numbers from last week which paint the picture that PS3 and Wii are close. I like the PS3 though, which is why I started this post.

 You know apsolutely nothing about me so now you are assuming what I prefer?  Man you've done the 2 big no no's in debate already.  Contradiction/hypocrisy and now assumption.  Your either new to debate or simply unintelligent.  Either way no skin off my nose.

I'm actually in no surprise that Wii has been outsold for 2 weeks straight, and possibly a 3rd.  Actually after Galaxy sales, I stated that 40gb week and a few weeks after we'd see PS3 outsell Wii in Japan.  I actually probably stated this before you cause I analyse not comment when it happens.  You obviously have no ability to do that.  

Yes I do approve of MC numbers more than anything and really always have been.  Although last week and this week as well I'm willing to take a median between the 2, but this site in no way would which neither surprised me nor affected me.  I don't run the site and I don't pick the numbers.  But I do have the right to say my opinion on which I do think is more right, something you'd wish no one would say.  Jump on the bandwagon blindly seems to be your goal.  Sad really. 

No, I can tell you like the Wii by looking at your profile and see the Wii, N64, and GC all up and through the "Games I own" Section.  Obviously, you are a Nintendo fanboy.  And your comments show that too.  Also, like I said, say your own opinion, just don't badmouth the site and doubt the numbers.  Your last sentence made me laugh for you think that I jump on the bandwagon.  Explain on that, what bandwagon have I jumped on?

KruzeS said:
DMeisterJ said: Delusional much?

So you don't think dropping the price of a console you initially started selling at a loss, by 20-30% (depending on how and where you look) within less than one year isn't desperate measures in desperate times? You also don't think that going way over your projected, already huge, losses for the fiscal year in an effort to remain relevant is desperate?

Kudos for Sony, as it's somewhat working - in Japan, and in Europe at least - but at a huge cost. Fortunately the PS2 also helps. And fortunately the rest of the company is doing OK. But this still can't go on for much longer.

It's called an investment.

DMeisterJ- that is because I've only added those systems yet. I still need to add my Xbox games. That would add to my diversity.

But just to comment on that, by what games I own doesn't make me bias. As sales has nothing to do with preference, as sales is based off factual information. Meaning I can apsolutely love one console and see another one winning. As long as you do it unbiasedly then you can allow that to happen. Something I have been doing and will continue to do. That's why last generation I could love the GC and still say PS2 was going to win. And that's why I can love the Wii this generation, and still debate if it'll be able to win. If you think I'm a fanboy, then you are allowed to your opinions, but I consider myself more along the lines of ioi, I tend to be more towards one side at heart, but able to seperate my likes and sales.

Something I really doubt you could do, cause first of all its apparent you are either a Sony fan or anti-Nintendo. I really don't know. And it really doesn't matter to me. Secondly its even more apparent that you really know nothing about sales and the market, or otherwise you would be posting like I do that takes into account all sides and come out with a conclusion. Personally I don't know you so you could totally surprise me, but just by reading your posts and here so far, I doubt you do what I do.

Explain to you the last sentence? I decline to.

In all fairness, Sony placing excess amount of money into the PS3 can hardly be considered a desperate measure. Like PS-She said, its an investment, or building on the already existing investment.

Would Sony have liked to avoid doing so? Of course, but their sales weren't TERRIBLE by any means, lower than the competition but thats what you have to expect with the troubles of coming a year after the 360.

Besides, if youre going to call that a desperate move by sony, then theoretically Microsoft giving everyone 3 year warranty could be construed as desperate, but they were hardly in a bad situation at the time...


EDIT: Post didnt make sense, does now. 

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey.