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DMeisterJ- that is because I've only added those systems yet. I still need to add my Xbox games. That would add to my diversity.

But just to comment on that, by what games I own doesn't make me bias. As sales has nothing to do with preference, as sales is based off factual information. Meaning I can apsolutely love one console and see another one winning. As long as you do it unbiasedly then you can allow that to happen. Something I have been doing and will continue to do. That's why last generation I could love the GC and still say PS2 was going to win. And that's why I can love the Wii this generation, and still debate if it'll be able to win. If you think I'm a fanboy, then you are allowed to your opinions, but I consider myself more along the lines of ioi, I tend to be more towards one side at heart, but able to seperate my likes and sales.

Something I really doubt you could do, cause first of all its apparent you are either a Sony fan or anti-Nintendo. I really don't know. And it really doesn't matter to me. Secondly its even more apparent that you really know nothing about sales and the market, or otherwise you would be posting like I do that takes into account all sides and come out with a conclusion. Personally I don't know you so you could totally surprise me, but just by reading your posts and here so far, I doubt you do what I do.

Explain to you the last sentence? I decline to.