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DMeisterJ said:
No, Zucas likes the Wii, and is surprised that it's been outsold for three weeks. And believes MCs numbers from last week which paint the picture that PS3 and Wii are close. I like the PS3 though, which is why I started this post.

 You know apsolutely nothing about me so now you are assuming what I prefer?  Man you've done the 2 big no no's in debate already.  Contradiction/hypocrisy and now assumption.  Your either new to debate or simply unintelligent.  Either way no skin off my nose.

I'm actually in no surprise that Wii has been outsold for 2 weeks straight, and possibly a 3rd.  Actually after Galaxy sales, I stated that 40gb week and a few weeks after we'd see PS3 outsell Wii in Japan.  I actually probably stated this before you cause I analyse not comment when it happens.  You obviously have no ability to do that.  

Yes I do approve of MC numbers more than anything and really always have been.  Although last week and this week as well I'm willing to take a median between the 2, but this site in no way would which neither surprised me nor affected me.  I don't run the site and I don't pick the numbers.  But I do have the right to say my opinion on which I do think is more right, something you'd wish no one would say.  Jump on the bandwagon blindly seems to be your goal.  Sad really.