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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Can Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, and FF XIII turn things around?

libellule said:
"""""""1. "xbox 360 doesnt have any good games next year, ps3 has them all so ps3 is gonna win!"
Bullshit, even if gears isnt released the 360 lineup is hardly weak, its rather very strong, that and easily could they fit a kotor to be announced at e3 or something""""""

==> for the moment, the 2008 line-up of the Xox360 is far from being impressive ... stop making speculation about games not even announced.

""""""""2. "ps3 has sold just as well without these AAA games so it will dominate when they arrive!"
Ever consider that the ps3 has also had 2 price cuts, bundled, made cheaper sku and more? wii hasnt done squat, and 360 cut its price by a meek 50 bucks, and 30 on its cheaper, hardly a 100 dollar price cut sony did TWICE.
If sony wants to keep bleeding let them.""""""""

==> PS3 has only 1 price cut and a new model. No 2 price cuts.
More important this price cut+new sku only appeared recently.
Xbox360 has only 1 price cut but u can get your console with 2 games inside just as the sold out PS3 starter pack for PAL.
Both consoles were supported this year but the PS3 is still too expensive :

basic Xbox360 ==> premium ==> 350$ +2 games
basic PS3 ==> 60gb ==> 500$, no games.

entry price Xbox360 : 270$
entry price PS3 : 400$

It is obvious that when the PS3 will reach the mass market, the sales will skyrocket.

"""""3. "FF and MGS4 sold big on the ps2, so they should be huge boosters to the ps3!"
They were big on a 100 million seller console. They will not sell like they did on such a small userbase, unless ps3 owners actually start buying games.""""""""

==> considering the userbase of the PS3, the attach rate of the console is OK even if I agree the Xbox360 attach rate is huge. Whatever, if you want to play these 2 "poor" games that are MGS4/FFXIII, you just have to buy a PS3 man.
That is the life ^^

1. Price isn't THAT important people. Do you go into a store looking for a HDTV and when you see the 1000$ price tag, you say "oh well, $1000 is too much! Let's get a CRT crappy one for 400$!"? NO! You wait until you can afford the product! People don't buy XBox360 and Wii because they are put off by PS3's price; it's matter of momentum, a thing PS brand has long lost and better find back fast.

2. Attach rates fall as the volume of the installed base rises. 120m PS2 mean 120m active buyers? Hell no! Also, seeing as how PS3 is the most expensive piece of hardware at the moment, the current owners are more likely deep-pocketed enough to buy more games, thus the relatively low Wii attach rate. Don't be delusional, guys. XBox360 is the software king of the current generation.

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lols hey remember the "do not underestimate the power of the playstation" ads for the ps1? that was when i hated sony, but you had to hand it to them they had GOOD marketing.
then i got the ps2 cuz it had too many games i cudnt ignore, still loved my cube.
now i pity ps3, though MGS4 is not quite enough to warrant any more than £250.00 (im in the uk) and well it costs a damn site more, im not interested in anything else on ps3 aside from RE5 which i can get on my 360, and well the wii is cheap enough for it to not hurt my wallet too much with enough games for it too warrant a purchase already. still i wud like to get the ps3, mayb nearer the end of its life when its alot cheaper.

Wii code: 6355-7594-5867-2364 Wii name: Mo Smash Bros Brawl: 5198-6095-4615 Cue Sports Revolution: 5327-4649-0447 Mario Kart Wii: 3308-8543-5834



Why is this in the Microsoft discussion?

Should be in sales or gaming...or at least Sony discussion


Here is my up to the minute view of the market...

January 1st, 2008 will show:

Wii - ~20 million (+/- 5%)

Xbox 360 ~16 million (+/- 5%)

PS3 ~ 8 million (+/- 5%)


Xbox 360 will be ahead of Wii for at least another 6 months in the Americas.  Wii will continue to catch up, as demand will not be slowing in Q1 (new Sonic, Wii Fit, Brawl).  PS3 will, at some point, see Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet, Grand Theft Auto IV.  360 has Banjo, Halo Wars, Too Human, and other big games for 2008.

Still, just in the USA, PS3 is going to be about 6 million behind Xbox 360 entering 2008.  Wii will be 1-1.5 million behind Xbox 360 in the USA.

There are two trends right now in the USA - the huge games allocated toward catering to a decreasingly significant hardcore audience, and the explosion of games that anyone can play and get addicted to playing.  I'd say there are 10 million gamers out there who will buy 10+ games every year for their console(s).  However, there are 40 million+ gamers and potential gamers who will buy under 5 games a year for their console(s).  Maybe 50% of the hardcore audience that is on the current systems is on 360 (60%), Wii (25%), and PS3 (15%) already.  In other words, 3 million on 360, 1.25 million on Wii, and .75 million on PS3.  The other five million more are still on PS2 and DS and PSP.      

Among the explosion of games that anyone can play, these are the games that add the most value to a console:  Guitar Hero III, Rockband, Wii Play, Wii Sports, Smash Brothers, Halo 3, GTA IV, Mario Kart, Wii Fit, and Brain Training are the most important right now.  Nine of those are on consoles, so lets look at the break down:

Wii - GHIII/Wii Play/Wii Sports/Smash/Mario Kart/Wii Fit

360 - GHIII/Rockband/Halo 3/GTA IV

PS3 - GHIII/Rockband/GTAIV

PS2 - GHIII/Rockband

With Rockband, Halo 3, GTA IV, GHIII and a larger library of games, 360 is doing a much better job of appealing to the mass-market American gamer.  Wii has an equally large number of mass market games (GHIII, Wii Play, Wii Sports, Wii Fit) - with two others that will pull in some mass market, alot of Nintendo gamers, and some traditional gamers.  Given the sales of GHIII on Wii, Rockband will likely be ported over at some point as well.  That suggests that except for those who buy consoles for sports games, the mass market will eventually choose Wii over 360, and already is choosing it over PS3.

In terms of feeding the enormous appetite of hardcore gamers, 360 should eventually end up with 6-7 million of the 10 million USA hardcore.  PS3 and Wii will end up with around 4 million each, as there will be considerable overlap between the three based on greater than usual differentiation.

The real question is how will Sony appeal to more mass market gamers?

I'd say they will drop the price for GTA IV, since thta game has mass market and hardcore appeal.  A $300/$400 PS3 could net Sony Xbox 360-2006 sales in 2008.  In turn though, Microsoft would probably drop the price to at least $200/$300/$400 to keep pace with Sony.  With a bigger library, many would choose 360 at that pricing.  But for those choosing between PS3 & 360 who have no real preference, equal pricing would probably favor Sony.

A $300 PS3 price point for most of 2008 in the USA would probably see Sony match 360 sales in 2008 (probably about 4-5 million units each).  Depending on the success of Wii Fit, Wii will probably sell 7-10 million units in the USA in 2008, especially if there is a price cut to $200 for Mario Kart or Smash.

Entering 2009, PS3 could start outselling 360 if the big games keep coming, and Blu-Ray becomes mainstream.  However, the 360 lead entering the year would remain around 6 million units.  By the end of the year it could be down to 5-5.5 million, but its hard to imagine PS3 selling over 20 million units in the USA.

The USA market will probably end up at like 40/30/18 (Wii/360/PS3) this generation, while the PS2 generation finished at like 40/17/11/4 (PS2/Xbox/GC/DC).


PS3 has been ahead of Xbox 360 since its launch month.  In Japan, if this lead were to increase to 5-6 million units by the end of the generation, then Sony could offset the 360 in the USA.  While that's possible, PS3 is about where PS2 was in 7 weeks.  In other words, its currently selling 6-7 times slower.  If PS2 ends up at 24 million in Japan, that would put PS3 at a max of 4 million in Japan.  PS3 has been selling better lately in Japan, but still 3-5 times slower than PS2 in Japan.  Final Fantasy XIII should be a million seller soon after it comes out, as PS3 will likely be in the 3 million-4 million range by then.  I'd guess PS3 will reach 5-7 million in Japan - but thats only a 3.5-6 million lead over 360 - which could sell up to 1.5 million units in Japan.  That may not offset the USA.  Wii could have higher lifetime Japanese totals than either console by the end of 2008.



That means sales will come down to others for PS3 in terms of over taking the 360.  The UK should play out similarly to the USA, which bodes well for 360 and Wii but won't harm Sony too much.  However, France is strong for Nintendo and Microsoft, and fairly week for Sony.  The other markets will have to make up the difference.  Currently, that is the case, and PS3 is outselling the 360 in Europe.  A wider catering to European tastes should allow PS3 to outsell 360 in Europe, as long as it is of comparable pricing, at least for its first full year.  Still, 360 has a big lead here as well - in the millions.  In much of Europe though, the PS2 remains the console of choice (or Wii).  By the time users upgrade, they will likely look to pricing and exclusive content and that should benefit Nintendo in many markets, and 360 in the UK & France.  Elsewhere, PS3 should take second place or first place in the few oddball places like Spain that are out of step with the rest of the world trends.  With the lead and UK strength, I'd put this as a virtual PS3-360 tie in sales.  That would mean, that despite the games, PS3 will end up in third worldwide, with sales between 40 and 50 million.


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

tis a shame really i dont think those titles, at least alone can turn the tide for the ps3.

Wii code: 6355-7594-5867-2364 Wii name: Mo Smash Bros Brawl: 5198-6095-4615 Cue Sports Revolution: 5327-4649-0447 Mario Kart Wii: 3308-8543-5834



libellule said:
"""""""1. "xbox 360 doesnt have any good games next year, ps3 has them all so ps3 is gonna win!"
Bullshit, even if gears isnt released the 360 lineup is hardly weak, its rather very strong, that and easily could they fit a kotor to be announced at e3 or something""""""

==> for the moment, the 2008 line-up of the Xox360 is far from being impressive ... stop making speculation about games not even announced

"same could be said of ps3 games, im still hearing all this shit for FF 13 next year blah blah, when its not even likely to happen.

Bullshit its not impressive, next year looks twice as good to me as this year, and thats saying something. Maybe they wont be GOTY material but they are looking to be fantastic games, and some of them having GOTY hype.

Maybe games like banjo 3, fable 2, NG 2 and games like that are not big and impressive to you, but to 360 owners and most people it really quite is.

""""""""2. "ps3 has sold just as well without these AAA games so it will dominate when they arrive!"
Ever consider that the ps3 has also had 2 price cuts, bundled, made cheaper sku and more? wii hasnt done squat, and 360 cut its price by a meek 50 bucks, and 30 on its cheaper, hardly a 100 dollar price cut sony did TWICE.
If sony wants to keep bleeding let them.""""""""

==> PS3 has only 1 price cut and a new model. No 2 price cuts.
More important this price cut+new sku only appeared recently.
Xbox360 has only 1 price cut but u can get your console with 2 games inside just as the sold out PS3 starter pack for PAL.
Both consoles were supported this year but the PS3 is still too expensive :

basic Xbox360 ==> premium ==> 350$ +2 games
basic PS3 ==> 60gb ==> 500$, no games.

entry price Xbox360 : 270$
entry price PS3 : 400$

It is obvious that when the PS3 will reach the mass market, the sales will skyrocket.

First price cut, on the 60 gig to get rid of it. NUMBER 2 cutting the price of the 80 GIG model. Thats TWO pricecuts, even if one was clearence.

Whats obvious, i would be worried if i were sony. Even after the momentum of ANOTHER price cut, and releasing a LOWER sku they still could not beat 360 WW, and the week they did they barely did it. Once this momentum falls where will ps3 stand?

"""""3. "FF and MGS4 sold big on the ps2, so they should be huge boosters to the ps3!"
They were big on a 100 million seller console. They will not sell like they did on such a small userbase, unless ps3 owners actually start buying games.""""""""

==> considering the userbase of the PS3, the attach rate of the console is OK even if I agree the Xbox360 attach rate is huge. Whatever, if you want to play these 2 "poor" games that are MGS4/FFXIII, you just have to buy a PS3 man.
That is the life ^^

Besides the bundled games, and multiplatform games of COD and AC, tell me any ps3 games that have sold good. Specially exclusives.


                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
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routsounmanman said:

1. Price isn't THAT important people. Do you go into a store looking for a HDTV and when you see the 1000$ price tag, you say "oh well, $1000 is too much! Let's get a CRT crappy one for 400$!"? NO! You wait until you can afford the product! People don't buy XBox360 and Wii because they are put off by PS3's price; it's matter of momentum, a thing PS brand has long lost and better find back fast.

Sorry, have to disagree with that one.  Price IS that important, unless your a core gamer and it's a priority for you.  For example, I need a new tv, I refuse to pay $1000 for HDTV, so what if it's a sharper image, it's not $600 sharper, that's crap.  I'm getting a CRT for $400 and will continue to until HDTV drop to their pricing levels.  For me HD isn't a priority, watching tv is, price is important.  For the mainstream buying public, playing the lastest game isn't so important that they'll shell out big bucks for a PS3.


It will not effect sale that much. It will be the same like halo for the xbox360!
Also the reason the ps3 is selling more then the Wii is because the Wii is waiting the give out one big shippment of wiis. Like I woulds say 600-1million to every country. They will all sale like hot cake and the Wii will be at 18 million by the end of the year!

CrazzyMan said:
when they should really be asking "Will the PS3 even have any exclusive third party games in 2008?"
Rockstar creating L.A Noire for PS3.
Rockstar creating New IP for PS3.
Cellius creating games for PS3.
Sega creating Jakuza3 for PS3.
Konami creating Coded Arms for PS3.
Nippon Ichi creating Disgaea3 for PS3.
Free Radical Design creating Haze for PS3.
Atlus creating Persona4 for PS3.
Tri ace making Star Ocean4 for PS3.
Namco making Time Crisis4 for PS3.
Sega creating Valkyrie of the Battlefield for PS3.
Digi-Guys creating WarDevil for PS3.
Quantic Dream creating Heavy Rain for PS3.
Konami creating MGS4 for PS3.
Square creating FFXIII for PS3.

AND some multiplatform:
Eternal Sonata coming to PS3.
Ace combat6 coming to PS3.
Lost Planet coming to PS3.

kirby007, by the end of november 2006 x360 was sold less then 6 mln. worldwide, while PS3 already sold 6 mln.

Now that gap is growing now, explain that

star ocean is NOT ps3 exclusive, no platform is announced.

If you like i could create a list as well, but why? Neither is lacking 3rd party, but the incentive to support sony is slowly draining.

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

Now that gap is growing now, explain that
READ my post ABOVE.
star ocean is NOT ps3 exclusive, no platform is announced.
in famitsu was mentioned for PS3. Anyway, there are a lot exclusive 3rd party games, is that not enough for you? Or you just see, what you want to see? =)) Ignoring other 14 games? Nice! 
If you like i could create a list as well, but why? Neither is lacking 3rd party, but the incentive to support sony is slowly draining.
DO YO READ what other people write? That guy was saying, that there are not enough 3rd party exclusive games in 2008.
Slowly draining? PROVE that.

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

Lost tears of Kain said:

"same could be said of ps3 games, im still hearing all this shit for FF 13 next year blah blah, when its not even likely to happen.

Bullshit its not impressive, next year looks twice as good to me as this year, and thats saying something. Maybe they wont be GOTY material but they are looking to be fantastic games, and some of them having GOTY hype.

Maybe games like banjo 3, fable 2, NG 2 and games like that are not big and impressive to you, but to 360 owners and most people it really quite is.

==> Banjo3 is like Ratceht&clank, not a huge event for hardcore gamer that Xbox360/PS3 owners are. Fable2 is the sequel of a disapoiting RPG that was exclusive to Xbox meaning most of gamers dont know it. Even more it is an hardcore RPG like Mass Effect that will not sell incredibly. NG2 is, well, let's say it is ok but it is just another hack and slash...
All those games are unknow outside of the USA where the first Xbox succeed to sell during the last gen.

On the PS3 side, for what we know,
GT5 : system seller
MGS4 : VERY famous game, good sales expected
Killzone2 : maybe one of the most beautifull games of the 2008 year.
WKS : the game that will sell the console in Japan.
Home and LBP : wait and see.
Tekken 6 : famous game

All these sequels are wellknow from the HUGE PS2 WW users base.

First price cut, on the 60 gig to get rid of it. NUMBER 2 cutting the price of the 80 GIG model. Thats TWO pricecuts, even if one was clearence.

Whats obvious, i would be worried if i were sony. Even after the momentum of ANOTHER price cut, and releasing a LOWER sku they still could not beat 360 WW, and the week they did they barely did it. Once this momentum falls where will ps3 stand?

==> well there is still no good exclusives game on the PS3 except the very old Reistance fall of man, the online restricted Warhawk, the casual Ratchet and the just release Unchartred.
the Xbox360 line-up is just too strong this year (bioshock/Froza2/PGR4/Halo3). Since the console is also cheaper is expected that the Xbox360 sell better than the PS3.


Outside of the NA, the Xbox360 is behind the PS3 underlying WHY I m worried about the Xbox360 future : What will happen when the PS3 will reach the mass market too and when the PS3 will have good title ???

Besides the bundled games, and multiplatform games of COD and AC, tell me any ps3 games that have sold good. Specially exclusives.

==> becuase the PS3 is laking the very good line-up the Xbox360 has.
I agree with this.
But if you make good exclusives games, people will buy them.
Particularly when they already know them like Tekken/Godofwar/FF/MGS/GT
Remember on the Xbox360 exclusive line-up :
PGR4 : sequel
Halo3 : sequel
Forza2 : sequel
AceCombat 6 : sequel

At the opposite, none of the PS3 exclusive title where sequel so far ...

You will see in 2007, things will be different.



Time to Work !