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libellule said:
"""""""1. "xbox 360 doesnt have any good games next year, ps3 has them all so ps3 is gonna win!"
Bullshit, even if gears isnt released the 360 lineup is hardly weak, its rather very strong, that and easily could they fit a kotor to be announced at e3 or something""""""

==> for the moment, the 2008 line-up of the Xox360 is far from being impressive ... stop making speculation about games not even announced

"same could be said of ps3 games, im still hearing all this shit for FF 13 next year blah blah, when its not even likely to happen.

Bullshit its not impressive, next year looks twice as good to me as this year, and thats saying something. Maybe they wont be GOTY material but they are looking to be fantastic games, and some of them having GOTY hype.

Maybe games like banjo 3, fable 2, NG 2 and games like that are not big and impressive to you, but to 360 owners and most people it really quite is.

""""""""2. "ps3 has sold just as well without these AAA games so it will dominate when they arrive!"
Ever consider that the ps3 has also had 2 price cuts, bundled, made cheaper sku and more? wii hasnt done squat, and 360 cut its price by a meek 50 bucks, and 30 on its cheaper, hardly a 100 dollar price cut sony did TWICE.
If sony wants to keep bleeding let them.""""""""

==> PS3 has only 1 price cut and a new model. No 2 price cuts.
More important this price cut+new sku only appeared recently.
Xbox360 has only 1 price cut but u can get your console with 2 games inside just as the sold out PS3 starter pack for PAL.
Both consoles were supported this year but the PS3 is still too expensive :

basic Xbox360 ==> premium ==> 350$ +2 games
basic PS3 ==> 60gb ==> 500$, no games.

entry price Xbox360 : 270$
entry price PS3 : 400$

It is obvious that when the PS3 will reach the mass market, the sales will skyrocket.

First price cut, on the 60 gig to get rid of it. NUMBER 2 cutting the price of the 80 GIG model. Thats TWO pricecuts, even if one was clearence.

Whats obvious, i would be worried if i were sony. Even after the momentum of ANOTHER price cut, and releasing a LOWER sku they still could not beat 360 WW, and the week they did they barely did it. Once this momentum falls where will ps3 stand?

"""""3. "FF and MGS4 sold big on the ps2, so they should be huge boosters to the ps3!"
They were big on a 100 million seller console. They will not sell like they did on such a small userbase, unless ps3 owners actually start buying games.""""""""

==> considering the userbase of the PS3, the attach rate of the console is OK even if I agree the Xbox360 attach rate is huge. Whatever, if you want to play these 2 "poor" games that are MGS4/FFXIII, you just have to buy a PS3 man.
That is the life ^^

Besides the bundled games, and multiplatform games of COD and AC, tell me any ps3 games that have sold good. Specially exclusives.


                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.