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Lost tears of Kain said:

"same could be said of ps3 games, im still hearing all this shit for FF 13 next year blah blah, when its not even likely to happen.

Bullshit its not impressive, next year looks twice as good to me as this year, and thats saying something. Maybe they wont be GOTY material but they are looking to be fantastic games, and some of them having GOTY hype.

Maybe games like banjo 3, fable 2, NG 2 and games like that are not big and impressive to you, but to 360 owners and most people it really quite is.

==> Banjo3 is like Ratceht&clank, not a huge event for hardcore gamer that Xbox360/PS3 owners are. Fable2 is the sequel of a disapoiting RPG that was exclusive to Xbox meaning most of gamers dont know it. Even more it is an hardcore RPG like Mass Effect that will not sell incredibly. NG2 is, well, let's say it is ok but it is just another hack and slash...
All those games are unknow outside of the USA where the first Xbox succeed to sell during the last gen.

On the PS3 side, for what we know,
GT5 : system seller
MGS4 : VERY famous game, good sales expected
Killzone2 : maybe one of the most beautifull games of the 2008 year.
WKS : the game that will sell the console in Japan.
Home and LBP : wait and see.
Tekken 6 : famous game

All these sequels are wellknow from the HUGE PS2 WW users base.

First price cut, on the 60 gig to get rid of it. NUMBER 2 cutting the price of the 80 GIG model. Thats TWO pricecuts, even if one was clearence.

Whats obvious, i would be worried if i were sony. Even after the momentum of ANOTHER price cut, and releasing a LOWER sku they still could not beat 360 WW, and the week they did they barely did it. Once this momentum falls where will ps3 stand?

==> well there is still no good exclusives game on the PS3 except the very old Reistance fall of man, the online restricted Warhawk, the casual Ratchet and the just release Unchartred.
the Xbox360 line-up is just too strong this year (bioshock/Froza2/PGR4/Halo3). Since the console is also cheaper is expected that the Xbox360 sell better than the PS3.


Outside of the NA, the Xbox360 is behind the PS3 underlying WHY I m worried about the Xbox360 future : What will happen when the PS3 will reach the mass market too and when the PS3 will have good title ???

Besides the bundled games, and multiplatform games of COD and AC, tell me any ps3 games that have sold good. Specially exclusives.

==> becuase the PS3 is laking the very good line-up the Xbox360 has.
I agree with this.
But if you make good exclusives games, people will buy them.
Particularly when they already know them like Tekken/Godofwar/FF/MGS/GT
Remember on the Xbox360 exclusive line-up :
PGR4 : sequel
Halo3 : sequel
Forza2 : sequel
AceCombat 6 : sequel

At the opposite, none of the PS3 exclusive title where sequel so far ...

You will see in 2007, things will be different.



Time to Work !