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routsounmanman said:

1. Price isn't THAT important people. Do you go into a store looking for a HDTV and when you see the 1000$ price tag, you say "oh well, $1000 is too much! Let's get a CRT crappy one for 400$!"? NO! You wait until you can afford the product! People don't buy XBox360 and Wii because they are put off by PS3's price; it's matter of momentum, a thing PS brand has long lost and better find back fast.

Sorry, have to disagree with that one.  Price IS that important, unless your a core gamer and it's a priority for you.  For example, I need a new tv, I refuse to pay $1000 for HDTV, so what if it's a sharper image, it's not $600 sharper, that's crap.  I'm getting a CRT for $400 and will continue to until HDTV drop to their pricing levels.  For me HD isn't a priority, watching tv is, price is important.  For the mainstream buying public, playing the lastest game isn't so important that they'll shell out big bucks for a PS3.