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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most polite/friendly online (gaming) community

Hmm, for me that would be Priston Tale 2, could be because hardly anyone plays it though...

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Found MW2 to be the worst but suprisingly found the Bad company 2 community to be really friendly so far.

Games4Fun said:
Linkasf said:
SickleSigh said:
Friendly people in games usually suck, just my observation.

I disagree. Some of the more friendly people that play games are actually really good players.

This and they are the first to help you if you are having a problem with something in game.

I agree, I'm really nice in games and I'm at least above average, and just darn great on some.

I think LBP has a nice community.

I don't play MMO games at all, so I don't know about them.

Some people made some interesting points here, though.

By far the worst communities I've ever come across are the Halo, COD, and MGO NA and EU communities, especially NA. Now, MGO Japan, on the other hand, has one of the nicest communities I've ever seen. Most Japanese gamers are very polite people, apparently.

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Berstuck said:
Found MW2 to be the worst but suprisingly found the Bad company 2 community to be really friendly so far.

Indeed it has a rather nice community for a FPS, only found one screaming kid and he shut up rather fast compared to most of the 360 FPS kids.

I think it helps that is not FFA and 16 people chatting at once, and most people play rush which is 4 people in a squad working together, so there's less reason to trash talk.

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Vetteman94 said:
LittleBigPlanet community!!!

i don't know about polite but these guys are very creative, i didn't see a more creative community even on GMOD.

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vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
For the most part a game like WoW or MMO's the other people are almost entirely just doing their own thing or are there to help you complete quests (unless in enemy territory). Games like MW2 are much more competitive.

I don't think that's true because UT and Quake were far more competative and yet there wasn't even a fraction of a fraction of the idiots on LIVE. Only CS could claim idiots like that from those days. I guess asshole noobs swarm the noobish games even today.

No, its just a sign of the changing times.  So many more gamers exist now and are older and more mature, and swearing in general conversation is becoming more common and accepted.  Older games like UT and Quake were before the competitive swearing and insulting trend started.

nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
For the most part a game like WoW or MMO's the other people are almost entirely just doing their own thing or are there to help you complete quests (unless in enemy territory). Games like MW2 are much more competitive.

I don't think that's true because UT and Quake were far more competative and yet there wasn't even a fraction of a fraction of the idiots on LIVE. Only CS could claim idiots like that from those days. I guess asshole noobs swarm the noobish games even today.

No, its just a sign of the changing times.  So many more gamers exist now and are older and more mature, and swearing in general conversation is becoming more common and accepted.  Older games like UT and Quake were before the competitive swearing and insulting trend started.

That's the thing though, UT and, before that Quake, literally created the competative gaming scene. Howver if you hop in a game even right now, go on to Quake Live if you don't believe me, people are quiet all the way through a match. The entire time everyone is quiet, then the gg's are exchanged at the end with a few random compliments, and then off to the next match. The people that swear and bitch are still the people in the bottom half though. Silent types are usually in the top half, contrary to what someone else in the thread mentioned.

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vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
For the most part a game like WoW or MMO's the other people are almost entirely just doing their own thing or are there to help you complete quests (unless in enemy territory). Games like MW2 are much more competitive.

I don't think that's true because UT and Quake were far more competative and yet there wasn't even a fraction of a fraction of the idiots on LIVE. Only CS could claim idiots like that from those days. I guess asshole noobs swarm the noobish games even today.

No, its just a sign of the changing times.  So many more gamers exist now and are older and more mature, and swearing in general conversation is becoming more common and accepted.  Older games like UT and Quake were before the competitive swearing and insulting trend started.

That's the thing though, UT and, before that Quake, literally created the competative gaming scene. Howver if you hop in a game even right now, go on to Quake Live if you don't believe me, people are quiet all the way through a match. The entire time everyone is quiet, then the gg's are exchanged at the end with a few random compliments, and then off to the next match. The people that swear and bitch are still the people in the bottom half though. Silent types are usually in the top half, contrary to what someone else in the thread mentioned.

Isn't Quake Live a browser game?  Wouldn't that explain why not many people are using mics?  Even so, I'm assuming you mean free-for-all because to be truly competitive in a team setting you have to have conversation going on.

Another thing of note, back when I first joined LIVE over 5 years ago, the most competitive games I played (Rainbow Six, Rainbow Six Black Arrow, Crimson Skies, Counter Strike) were all very polite and good gaming communities.  In fact some of my friends on my friends list today I met way back then on those games.  It was just as Xbox Live and the gaming market in general expanded that the assholes became a part of it.  More people with broadband internet, more immature kids able to use the computer or console while mommy and daddy are busy, etc.

nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
vlad321 said:
nightsurge said:
For the most part a game like WoW or MMO's the other people are almost entirely just doing their own thing or are there to help you complete quests (unless in enemy territory). Games like MW2 are much more competitive.

I don't think that's true because UT and Quake were far more competative and yet there wasn't even a fraction of a fraction of the idiots on LIVE. Only CS could claim idiots like that from those days. I guess asshole noobs swarm the noobish games even today.

No, its just a sign of the changing times.  So many more gamers exist now and are older and more mature, and swearing in general conversation is becoming more common and accepted.  Older games like UT and Quake were before the competitive swearing and insulting trend started.

That's the thing though, UT and, before that Quake, literally created the competative gaming scene. Howver if you hop in a game even right now, go on to Quake Live if you don't believe me, people are quiet all the way through a match. The entire time everyone is quiet, then the gg's are exchanged at the end with a few random compliments, and then off to the next match. The people that swear and bitch are still the people in the bottom half though. Silent types are usually in the top half, contrary to what someone else in the thread mentioned.

Isn't Quake Live a browser game?  Wouldn't that explain why not many people are using mics?  Even so, I'm assuming you mean free-for-all because to be truly competitive in a team setting you have to have conversation going on.

Another thing of note, back when I first joined LIVE over 5 years ago, the most competitive games I played (Rainbow Six, Rainbow Six Black Arrow, Crimson Skies, Counter Strike) were all very polite and good gaming communities.  In fact some of my friends on my friends list today I met way back then on those games.  It was just as Xbox Live and the gaming market in general expanded that the assholes became a part of it.  More people with broadband internet, more immature kids able to use the computer or console while mommy and daddy are busy, etc.

Quake neevr had mic support, neither did UT until UT2004, but even then it didn't really have a lot communication mid game. Even in the non-DM games people would just say whatever they had to say as quickly and succinctly as possible.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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