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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is there soo much negativity in any 360 related thread?

Just a quick look at the front page...

None of them have any negativity. And i could find many... Many more.


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Haha, I think it's because people tend to dislike microsoft as a whole. They really are a hard company to like, Satan gets better press than them. If the 360 was made by any other company people would warm to it a lot more!

The dude abides   

i dont see any negativity on here tbh

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Chairman-Mao said:
examples please? Not much of a thread without any evidence.

How long have you been on this site.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

PS3 fans hijack the threads.

Its been that way for the past few years, but has been exacerbated since the Slim came out. AFAIK, there are twice as many PS3 fanboys here as opposed to 360.

Heck, look at this thread. There are 3 360 owners and 4 PS3 owners. Given that this is the MS forum, it should tell you something.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Chairman-Mao said:
examples please? Not much of a thread without any evidence.

Yay! To the prediction in your signiture, PS3 almost catches up to 360.

I am a loyal SONY fan and will always be.

I am also a PS1, PS2, PS3 and a PSP owner.

<a href=""><imgsrc="" border="0" alt="daiyumn316 /></a>

Click this -----> post your top 10 games.

there are alot more ps3 fans.




blazinhead89 said:
PS3 fans outnumber 360 fans on this website. Simple.

What does this comment mean?  If you're a PS3 fan you have to be a total jackass and be rude and flame on every post that is Xbox 360 related?  Ok, whatever.


I agree there are ALOT more PS3 fans on this site than 360 fans, but this is ridiculous and just immature.


I try to limit my posts on this site (hence the very low number of total posts I have) because it is just a waste of my time with all of the Xbox 360/Microsoft hate on this site....but I also appreciate the great sales stats every week so I keep coming back.


The sales stats probably are the only reason why ANY Xbox 360 fans still frequent this site at all!  Oh well...


Any time between Christmas 08 and "Slim-time" 09, the exact same thing happened to PS3 related threads.

I think everyone should team up against the Wii.


There's negativity everywhere I look on the forums...but the regulars usually post worth while stuff, regardless of what type of thread they are in.