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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Nintendo Media Summit 2010 HYPE & ANNOUNCEMENT Thread

Main focus on Monster Hunter Tri. DSiXL date as well as new colors. Thats about it. If we're lucky SMG2 and M:OM but honestly some of you guys are too excited.

Still these things are fun. Hopefully some a surprise or two.

Around the Network

15 wii and 8 DS game (That might be what is ready for play)


Bragging time


 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


I see a wierd looking picture. Cammie on drugs?

Around the Network

Upcoming launch of the DSi XL March 28th, $189.99


XL for $190......fuck that. DS prices are already way too close to Wii price

$190 DSi XL?


March 28th.

$189 for the bigger DS

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
forest-spirit said:

Munch munch munch...something...munch munch...happening...munch...yet? Munch munch.

Munch munch munch... nothing... munch munch... yet. Munch munch.