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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What big games does nintendo have for 2011?

Hopefully Fire Emblem - if nothing is announced for later this year.

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It's a little early to be worrying about 2011, after all it is Nintendo, but so far we 'know' about:

Zelda Wii (hope I'm wrong)
Retro title
Pikmin 3 (unless Miyamoto was lying to us)
Dragon's Quest
The Last Story

That's a pretty good start I think and there are bound to be other titles not yet announced or hinted at.

Tons and tons of expanded games since they don't take as long to develop.


I think Zelda will probubly launch in 2011. Also I think Nintendo's next home platform will become availible so launch titles like Smash Bros could be expected. As for Kirby that was listen in Nintendo's 2010 release list released from Nintendo Japan earlier this year so I think a 2011 date may be a little late then again Kirby was listed last year too.

So what do I expect? a new SmashBros maybe a new console Pokemon game. Also we've been waiting for Donkey Kong's Wii debut for a while then their all the other franchises Nintendo neglected this gen that could be headed to the next gen. Maybe an HD StarFox perhaps?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


there is a rumor about a starfox game being develop right now so I hope there is gonna have some news before 2011.
Last story and zenoblade in 2011 for sure

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After an F-Zero X... I wouldn't mind another Battalion Wars.... though I don't think the first two sold particularly well so I am doubtful.

Zelda probably will come out this year. twilight princess was only delayed so it could be a wii launch title. wind waker was released 2 1/2 years of MM and they were working on completely new hardware. seeing how the wii is the GC.5 the've practically been working with the hardware for a decade. if it gets delayed its only so they they have something to release in 2011.

other games will be:
dragon quest X
Wii something?(possibly new peripheral)
pikmin 3
unnanounced retro game

I dont think they'll be too worried about releasing AAA titles. I think they're shifting focus towards next console  nov 2012.


- Unannounced Retro Studios title
- Unannounced Project Sora title
- Pikmin 3
- Unannounced Next Level Games title (Punch-Out!! 2?)
- Unannounced Miyamoto WM+ title

There should be a few more, perhaps Super Paper Mario 2, something from HAL, and maybe a Monster Games racing title, Mario Party or sports titles?