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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "Nintendo future exists off their own hardware"

How pompous. 

Literally the entire handheld industry is living off the Switch success, many Japanese publishers wouldn't be where they are right now if it wasn't for Nintendo's hardware.

"A career moment for me"? Buying Apple would a career moment for me, I just need some 100 trillion dollar to overcome a final minor hurdle  

Besides giving interviews every hour and spending daddy's money, what is Phil's resume? Yet he thinks he knows what's best for Nintendo  

Not that I am expecting more, this is the company's DNA, wait for growth to happen and join the party later, little to no idea on how to create it. 


From the same email, Phill: “Gaming is our most likely path to consumer relevance”, well it certainly isn't the NEW Bing, aka the borrowed ChatGPT, that now has LESS market share than the old Bing had. 

MS can't let ABK go because the TikToc generation don't use their products and find it more natural to get computing done on Android/iOS than they do on Windows. This is a fight for relevancy, because it certainly isn't innovation that will win MS consumers back, it would too much of a career moment for Phil and Satya to handle. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 19 September 2023

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Imagine how strong gamepass would be if they had all of Nintendo's offerings and Microsoft could bring Nintendo games to pc. It isn't all that bad for the Industry, if Microsoft actually does the impossible. On the other hand I doubt Nintendo is willing to sell for anything less than ABK.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

God I wish, I despise having to buy Nintendo’s hardware for the small handful of games I like from them.

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Qwark said:

Imagine how strong gamepass would be if they had all of Nintendo's offerings and Microsoft could bring Nintendo games to pc. It isn't all that bad for the Industry, if Microsoft actually does the impossible. On the other hand I doubt Nintendo is willing to sell for anything less than ABK.

Considering the absolutely shitty way they've handled what they do have, it wouldn't make any difference. It wouldn't make Xbox any better and it would make Nintendo worse.

Microsoft should have been broken up in 2001.

I'm all for it, would love to play the Bayonetta games on good hardware!

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I hope this never happens. The only reason Nintendo is successful and has great games is that they are able to do their own thing, distancing themselves from the general industry tendencies. This is obviously a double edge sword, but as a Nintendo fan the good things surpass the bad.

Being owned by Microsoft would fundamentally change the identity of Nintendo, and ultimately we would lose everything we like about them,

lol Never going to happen. Nice try though, Phil.

I can't believe there are actually people that think it would be a good idea if MS buys up Nintendo. That's the world nowadays, short term gains and me me me. MS tried to buy Nintendo before, it will never happen.

Most famously, Microsoft made a serious pitch to Nintendo to try to buy the company. That was first revealed in 2021 in a Bloomberg article that we reported on at the time. In short, Bloomberg got Kevin Bachus, Microsoft's former director of Xbox third-party relations, to admit that Ballmer made them go to Nintendo to see if they would like to be bought. Bachus said that instead, "They just laughed their asses off." Ouch.

SvennoJ said:

I can't believe there are actually people that think it would be a good idea if MS buys up Nintendo. That's the world nowadays, short term gains and me me me. MS tried to buy Nintendo before, it will never happen.

Most famously, Microsoft made a serious pitch to Nintendo to try to buy the company. That was first revealed in 2021 in a Bloomberg article that we reported on at the time. In short, Bloomberg got Kevin Bachus, Microsoft's former director of Xbox third-party relations, to admit that Ballmer made them go to Nintendo to see if they would like to be bought. Bachus said that instead, "They just laughed their asses off." Ouch.

Oh yeah, I don't care how it sounds, I care about what makes me happy versus everyone else, I could not care any less about what other people want, I'm not here for a long time, but indeed, a good time. But yes, we know Microsoft is not going to buy Nintendo, would be super dope tho 

Microsoft gaming makes more money year over year than the entire Nintendo corporation combined, and that’s before the ABK merger.

I don’t think Phil Spencer is taking crazy pills suggesting Nintendo is leaving money on the table. Basically every Nintendo first party can run on mobile phones, and the addressable market for iOS and android is billions of people.