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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor - Nintendo to join the VR industry?

This news is from a couple of days ago.

So, a new rumor has appeared. According to some reliable sources, Nintendo is making a partnership with Google to launch a VR headset.

According to Nash Weedle, who previously provided accurate leaks about Nintendo, a prototype VR headset already exists. Nintendo is said to be testing micro-LED displays from Raxium, a company Google acquired last year.

It would be a standalone headset instead of requiring a console.


Source: Mixed News

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VR stinks. AR stinks. 3D stinks. No thanks. Nintendo can't help themselves with extra bullshit but nah. A more powerful Switch with DLSS all we need.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

VR is amazing. But the nausea, motion sickness, and disorientation that come with it are not. My opinion on VR changed for the worse after getting PSVR2.

For a lot of people, VR's main problem is not something that advanced technology can solve. Being "too immersive" is a double-edged sword that may -at least initially- do unpleasant things to your mind. If you have the patience to torture yourself and train your mind, then you are in for something truly incredible.

Myself and a couple of friends who tried my PSVR2 felt the same way. A few minutes in RE7 and GT7 VR fucked me up. For two whole days, I pretty much felt like "Rayman"... my limbs didn't feel right anymore, as if they were detached and didn't really belong to me. If I hadn't done some research and prepared myself for the worst, I would have freaked out.

I still think VR has a place in the future, and I'm sure Nintendo will experiment with it and do incredible things. But I don't know if it'll ever truly be mainstream, precisely because it's too immersive for its own good.

Last edited by Kyuu - on 10 September 2023

I hope not but if they do, what needs to happen is barriers have to be knocked down: I feel price prohibits mass adoption for VR.

Gotta find a way to make the tech easily reachable. Perhaps an upgrade to the labo approach: slip the next Switch into an inexpensive head mount that doesn't blind your periphery so you don't feel completely isolated and hopefully won't suffer nausea.

That said, playing things in a dark quiet room has been plenty immersive so I'm seeing little need for all the extra burdensome hardware...

What do you mean "join", they've already got the most hightech headset out there:

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God, I hope not. VR is probably the least interesting thing in gaming to me and since I'm a huge fan of a lot of what Nintendo produce, it would inevitably make them release a lot more products that don't interest me.

Kyuu said:

VR is amazing. But the nausea, motion sickness, and disorientation that come with it are not. My opinion on VR changed for the worse after getting PSVR2.

For a lot of people, VR's main problem is not something that advanced technology can solve. Being "too immersive" is a double-edged sword that may -at least initially- do unpleasant things to your mind. If you have the patience to torture yourself and train your mind, then you are in for something truly incredible.

Myself and a couple of friends who tried my PSVR2 felt the same way. A few minutes in RE7 and GT7 VR fucked me up. For two whole days, I pretty much felt like "Rayman"... my limbs didn't feel right anymore, as if they were detached and didn't really belong to me. If I hadn't done some research and prepared myself for the worst, I would have freaked out.

I still think VR has a place in the future, and I'm sure Nintendo will experiment with it and do incredible things. But I don't know if it'll ever truly be mainstream, precisely because it's too immersive for its own good.

It’s not for everyone, and some people experience what you did, but not everyone. Probably not even a majority of users.

VR gives me none of those issues, luckily enough.

Last edited by Hynad - on 11 September 2023

Hynad said:
Kyuu said:

VR is amazing. But the nausea, motion sickness, and disorientation that come with it are not. My opinion on VR changed for the worse after getting PSVR2.

For a lot of people, VR's main problem is not something that advanced technology can solve. Being "too immersive" is a double-edged sword that may -at least initially- do unpleasant things to your mind. If you have the patience to torture yourself and train your mind, then you are in for something truly incredible.

Myself and a couple of friends who tried my PSVR2 felt the same way. A few minutes in RE7 and GT7 VR fucked me up. For two whole days, I pretty much felt like "Rayman"... my limbs didn't feel right anymore, as if they were detached and didn't really belong to me. If I hadn't done some research and prepared myself for the worst, I would have freaked out.

I still think VR has a place in the future, and I'm sure Nintendo will experiment with it and do incredible things. But I don't know if it'll ever truly be mainstream, precisely because it's too immersive for its own good.

It’s not for everyone, and some people experience what you did.

VR gives me none of those issues, luckily enough.

And the phenomenon of motion-sickness is adaptable for most too really. Doing it once can lead to it sure, but like anything, if you do more often, your body will acclimate to it and manage it like second nature at some point.

When I did my first few VR games. I couldn't stand more than 30 min. for différents reasons. But now I can do it for 2 hours quite easily.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Anywoo, aside from another side project à la Labo VR, I doubt Nintendo will truly make a plunge for it unless they have a design or feature up their sleeve that will make VR quite the must app to get ourselves. Maybe at some point, but not now.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

VR is fairly niche. I definitely don't see them basing a system around it. And I think if they do VR it'd be more likely to be next gen than this gen, when perhaps the technology is advanced enough to not require a big headset and also be cheaper. I could see next next gen Nintendo having a VR headset as one of their models, like having a family of Switch 3 models be hybrid, Lite, XL, Home, and VR. But I don't see it happening next gen. Too expensive and tech not advanced enough and too niche.