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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Hot take - I think the Joy-Cons are underrated


What mode do you use to play your Switch?

Handheld 4 10.81%
Docked 17 45.95%
Tabletop 0 0%
Handheld/Docked 11 29.73%
Handheld/Tabletop 0 0%
Docked/Tabletop 1 2.70%
All 4 10.81%

The joycons don't have the best reputation, and for good reasons. It drifts, it's small for many, lacks the D-pad and so on. But the pro controller exists for those type of people. I think the joycons are fantastic for casual experience. There are many pros, such as being able to share them with friends and family easily wherever I go, but the best feature is being able to play with your arms apart from each other. This is something unique to the joycons. You can't relax your arms with the pro controller, even playing on PC or a mobile device your arms are stuck in one place. But with the joycons you can move freely. The analog stick could definitely see improvements and maybe a better grip, but I hope Nintendo keeps the concept for their next hardware. However, I've heard rumors that they are completely changing the controllers again so who knows.

Last edited by Shatts - on 31 July 2023

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I think they are great and a single Joy-Con can function as a Wii Remote or a SNES controller and two Joy-Cons can function as a standard dual analog controller or a Wii Remote+Nunchuck. They’re pretty much the perfect design for offering multiple play styles.

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Shatts said:

The joycons don't have the best reputation, and for good reasons. It drifts, it's small for many, lacks the D-pad and so on. But the pro controller exists for those type of people. I think the joycons are fantastic for casual experience. There are many pros, such as being able to share them with friends and family easily wherever I go, but the best feature is being able to play with your arms apart from each other. This is something unique to the joycons. You can't relax your arms with the pro controller, even playing on PC or a mobile device your arms are stuck in one place. But with the joycons you can move freely. The analog stick could definitely see improvements and maybe a better grip, but I hope Nintendo keeps the concept for their next hardware. However, I've heard rumors that they are completely changing the controllers again so who knows.

The joy cons also effect the handheld experience. The buttons and analogs are too small and everything feels like huge downgrade compared to a pro or current gen controller playing in handheld. Also joycons are what come with the switch you need to shell out another 70$ for a pro if you wanna play docked and have a good experience. For people like that joycons are a huge inconvenience. 

JoyCon drift and the retail price for JoyCons make it so difficult to look at them in a positive light. I have little interest in games that force JoyCons (rare as they are) and view JoyCons as mostly worthless outside of handheld mode. I used JoyCons in a grip for the first month I had my Switch. After getting a Pro Controller, I haven't looked back.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

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I use all. Handheld, tabletop, and docked.

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Wman1996 said:

JoyCon drift and the retail price for JoyCons make it so difficult to look at them in a positive light. I have little interest in games that force JoyCons (rare as they are) and view JoyCons as mostly worthless outside of handheld mode. I used JoyCons in a grip for the first month I had my Switch. After getting a Pro Controller, I haven't looked back.

Joycon drift is a non issue unless you refuse to clean your joycons with electronic contact cleaner for like 30 seconds every 18 months or so. I’m not saying it’s not something Nintendo should fix, but it is a trivially easy to fix issue.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

My switch OLED had drift issues within 5-6 months. Nintendo should have used Hall effect sensors with the refreshed models instead of continuing to use this nonsense. This is a big problem for Switch Lite owners who would need to send the entire handheld in for repair instead of just the joycons. Luckily Nintendo does free repairs even out of warranty so it's not that big of an issue but still annoying that for something Nintendo is asking $80-$90 for, they couldn't be bothered to fix it.

Other than that, it's largely a non issue and has been good to use.


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I like the joycons. I game on handheld mode very often. The Switch is a very slick device.

Nintendo Switch was the first console that really got me into gaming. I grew up on GameCube (little bit on Wii) so the only controller I had ever used prior to Switch was GCN and Wii-mote. That being said...when I got the Switch, I naturally opted to use the joy-cons. I instantly fell in love with them and still do consider them the best controller of any consoles besides maybe GCN.

EDIT: also, forgot to mention, joy-con drift. For whatever reason, it seems as though I've avoided the plague: I have never once experienced joy-con drift. I've experienced drift on the PowerA GCN controllers but never the joy con. I'm certain it exists, I have seen videos; I just have no idea how I've never had such problem given how much I use them.

Joycons would be one of my favourite controllers ever, if they weren't so damn faulty. The drifting problem has been an epidemic throughout the entire Switch lifespan.

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