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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FTC VS Microsoft: Judge's Son Works for Microsoft - Issue?

Frightening new information revealed: The US-company Microsoft seems to be trying by all means to make the competition smaller. Now also judges who work in favor of Microsoft? I look forward to your thoughts and opinions on the subject.

Microsoft has long focused on takeovers and smear campaigns against the competition. Google and other developers have already commented on this and criticized these actions. After Microsoft transferred "donations" to some senators to harm Sony. And after one of the Microsoft bosses confirmed via email that they were only buying up publishers in order to take away PlayStation games, there was a great outcry. Bethesda employees also commented negatively. After the takeover, Microsoft wanted many titles to be Xbox-exclusive, even though predecessors on PlayStation sold better. But that's not all: the judge's family connection sparks a call for dismissal, maybe!

Leading the ongoing case between the FTC and Microsoft is a judge whose son works for the company behind Windows and Xbox. According to a watchdog group, their jurisdiction should therefore be removed.

The FTC is seeking an injunction blocking Microsoft's proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard until the trial is over. The case is headed by US District Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley, whose family background has prompted calls for her dismissal from the case.

A watchdog group is calling for the judge to be dismissed, citing the fact that her son works for Microsoft. That's according to a letter provided to Washington Post label The Technology 202.

"The public may rightly be concerned that a judge is being unduly biased when the judge's child is employed by a company whose case the judge is overseeing," according to the Revolving Door Project. "It is common sense that a parent would want to support the financial success of their child's employer in order to promote their child's financial stability and professional standing."

That's really incredible.

Last edited by KazumaKiryu - on 30 June 2023

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Does not surprise me in the slightest. Although, regardless, the US will ALWAYS look after their own companies to the dis-benefit of the consumer.

Unless the judge's son works in some capacity that directly relates to this merger, I don't see any problem. Microsoft is a giant company. The judge can hit them with the world's largest fine (there's nothing like that in play here, just saying) and it will have no noticeable impact on their son if he works anywhere else in the company.

If their son is Phil Spencer, or somebody in the executive team at Xbox or Microsoft, that's one thing. But even if their son is working in gaming somewhere in the company at a low level, you'd have to think pretty low of that judge to say they can't be fair in this case.

Wouldn't Microsoft be happy if the case gets dismissed, as it is the FTC seeking an injunction?

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After Microsoft transferred "donations" to some senators to harm Sony - I've already shown you that this was a lie, multiple times, and you continue to ignore it, if you continue to ignore it and continue to create threads based on lies then I'll start considering taking away your thread making privileges.

This is NOT a scandal either, the Judge said from day one, minute one that her son works for Microsoft, both the FTC and Microsoft agreed that it wasn't a problem, they both agreed to this judge for this case. Stop with the dang conspiracy theory nonsense in your threads.

It's an insult to her to think she can't make an unbiased decision because her son works at Microsoft, she is a very highly regarded judge and been doing this for a very long time. She is also a judge appointed by Biden, just like Lina Khan was appointed by Biden, so an equally bad conspiracy theory will say she will side with Lina on this, but no, she won't, it means shit, she'll make her own judgement.

Locking in a few minutes.

Keeping it open, for now.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 June 2023

Around the Network

What? Almost everyone has a relative working for MS/Google/Apple/Facebook/Amazon at this point, it's not conflict of interest lol

Ryuu96 said:

After Microsoft transferred "donations" to some senators to harm Sony - I've already shown you that this was bullshit multiple times and you continue to ignore it, if you continue to ignore it and continue to create threads based on nonsense then I'll start considering taking away your thread making privileges.

This is NOT a scandal either, the Judge said from day one, minute one that her son works for Microsoft, both the FTC and Microsoft agreed that it wasn't a problem, they both agreed to this judge for this case. Stop with the dang conspiracy theory nonsense in your threads.

It's an insult to her to think she can't make an unbiased decision because her son works at Microsoft, she is a very highly regarded judge and been doing this for a very long time. She is also a judge appointed by Biden, just like Lina Khan was appointed by Biden, so another conspiracy theory will say she will side with Lina on this, but no, she won't, it means shit, she'll make her own judgement.

Locking in a few minutes.

Perfectly fair to ask for sources from OP but this is an overreach on your part. 

"I've already shown you that this was bullshit multiple times" does this mean that nobody is allowed to think otherwise?

Also not everyone is aware of this with regards to the Judge. OP made a request for opinions on can you lock this?

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Shinobi-san said:
Ryuu96 said:

After Microsoft transferred "donations" to some senators to harm Sony - I've already shown you that this was bullshit multiple times and you continue to ignore it, if you continue to ignore it and continue to create threads based on nonsense then I'll start considering taking away your thread making privileges.

This is NOT a scandal either, the Judge said from day one, minute one that her son works for Microsoft, both the FTC and Microsoft agreed that it wasn't a problem, they both agreed to this judge for this case. Stop with the dang conspiracy theory nonsense in your threads.

It's an insult to her to think she can't make an unbiased decision because her son works at Microsoft, she is a very highly regarded judge and been doing this for a very long time. She is also a judge appointed by Biden, just like Lina Khan was appointed by Biden, so another conspiracy theory will say she will side with Lina on this, but no, she won't, it means shit, she'll make her own judgement.

Locking in a few minutes.

Perfectly fair to ask for sources from OP but this is an overreach on your part. 

"I've already shown you that this was bullshit multiple times" does this mean that nobody is allowed to think otherwise?

Also not everyone is aware of this with regards to the Judge. OP made a request for opinions on can you lock this?

You can think the Earth is flat, it doesn't make it true.

There is 0 evidence for his claim, so yes, if someone keeps making a claim about something as a statement of fact with 0 evidence then we will call it out and if he keeps trying to cause drama about it (especially when it involves actual people) we will clamp down on it.

I can lock this thread because it's nothing but a silly conspiracy theory that the judge is biased because her son works at Microsoft, we don't need this level of low quality threads on this forum that lack basic knowledge about how the world works.

It causes unnecessary drama and could also lead to attacks towards individuals (i.e. in this case, people start attacking the judges credibility), not necessarily from people in this forum but maybe someone sees it, spreads it on Twitter, another spreads it, then people start attacking the judge based on something so utterly stupid.

Not to mention the clickbait..."SCANDAL?!?!" Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 June 2023

Ryuu96 said:
Shinobi-san said:

Perfectly fair to ask for sources from OP but this is an overreach on your part. 

"I've already shown you that this was bullshit multiple times" does this mean that nobody is allowed to think otherwise?

Also not everyone is aware of this with regards to the Judge. OP made a request for opinions on can you lock this?

You can think the Earth is flat, it doesn't make it true.

There is 0 evidence for his claim, so yes, if someone keeps making a claim about something as a statement of fact with 0 evidence then we will call it out and if he keeps trying to cause drama about it (especially when it involves actual people) we will clamp down on it.

I can lock this thread because it's nothing but a silly conspiracy theory that the judge is biased because her son works at Microsoft, we don't need this level of low quality threads on this forum that lack basic knowledge about how the world works.

It causes unnecessary drama and could also lead to attacks towards individuals (i.e. in this case, people start attacking the judges credibility), not necessarily from people in this forum but maybe someone sees it, spreads it on Twitter, another spreads it, then people start attacking the judge based on something so utterly stupid.

Not to mention the clickbait..."SCANDAL?!?!" Lol.

I don't feel strongly about how you want to handle this. But wouldn't a title edit is better than an outright lock? The majority won't support the claim of this being a scandal (lol), and the few who believe it is, might end up changing their minds reading the reasonable counter arguments.

Ryuu96 said:
Shinobi-san said:

Perfectly fair to ask for sources from OP but this is an overreach on your part. 

"I've already shown you that this was bullshit multiple times" does this mean that nobody is allowed to think otherwise?

Also not everyone is aware of this with regards to the Judge. OP made a request for opinions on can you lock this?

You can think the Earth is flat, it doesn't make it true.

There is 0 evidence for his claim, so yes, if someone keeps making a claim about something as a statement of fact with 0 evidence then we will call it out and if he keeps trying to cause drama about it (especially when it involves actual people) we will clamp down on it.

I can lock this thread because it's nothing but a silly conspiracy theory that the judge is biased because her son works at Microsoft, we don't need this level of low quality threads on this forum that lack basic knowledge about how the world works.

It causes unnecessary drama and could also lead to attacks towards individuals (i.e. in this case, people start attacking the judges credibility), not necessarily from people in this forum but maybe someone sees it, spreads it on Twitter, another spreads it, then people start attacking the judge based on something so utterly stupid.

Not to mention the clickbait..."SCANDAL?!?!" Lol.

So we cant make threads about Flat Earth? I am not sure if you are being serious with this response. Regardless he can be asked to edit his thread to be less clickbaity as well as adjust the title. How can this be the first response from a moderator? You have essentially killed this thread.

Its not a conspiracy theory, its a fact, he has asked opinions about said fact and the potential for bias.

Unnecessary drama is not for you to decide? Have you read the moderation guidelines?

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|