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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 43, 2019 (Oct 21 - Oct 27)

Mario Kart cracks me up. Between the Wii U and Switch, how many copies have they sold?


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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Ringfit might be the first new ip on switch to cross a million

MasonADC said:
Ringfit might be the first new ip on switch to cross a million

Arms, 1-2 Switch, Labo, Octopath Traveler, off the top of my head. Or do you mean Japan-only?

Asriel said:
MasonADC said:
Ringfit might be the first new ip on switch to cross a million

Arms, 1-2 Switch, Labo, Octopath Traveler, off the top of my head. Or do you mean Japan-only?

Yes lol

Nice bounce back for Switch HW this week. Interestingly, the increase is entirely with base Switch units. Could it be that Ring Fit is becoming a system seller?

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish

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Switch Lite sold between 17k and 19k in the last 3 weeks without a game release boosting sales.
1st week was launch, week 2 and 3 there was the Dragon Quest XI effect and next week until january there's the LM3/Pokemon/holiday effect.

So these 3 past weeks are the only ones giving an idea of what could be the Switch Lite baseline in japan: around 18k.
I know there was the taxes and the typhoon but can we still say that this looks a bit weak as a baseline?

My prediction is for a maximum baseline of 25k from mid-january on.

The decline in Switch Lite HW could be attributed to several things but key part the past few weeks has definately been the Pokemon version of Lite releasing this friday.

I expect Lite sales to > OG Switch next week.

Lite will be a key factor during the holidays, we'll see how ratio is then but I think it's gonna look very differently than now.

That ringfit hold!

The Switch bounces back to respectable numbers, the PS4 is strugglin, it's been in the 7-8k range for 3 weeks now. Ring Fit Adventure has a surprisingly good second week!

Signature goes here!

Nice week 2 for Ring Fit.
Switch Lite is underperforming a bit but that is offset by the hybrid model performing better than expected.
PS4 is on life support in Japan. Barely anyone expected it to be this bad this year.
I re-call a thread earlier in the year where one of the users predicte under a million for ps4 in Japan and almost everyone disagreed!
Need to find the thread

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"