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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid: Samus Returns is FANTASTIC so What's Next for 2D Metroid?


What should Metroid 5 be?

2D 38 26.95%
2.5D 40 28.37%
3D 25 17.73%
4D 38 26.95%

Samus Returns proves once again that Nintendo hasn't lost it's magic even though the game was developed by MercurySteam we all know how Castlevania Mirror of Shit turned out to be. So yeah with Nintendo & Sakamoto's guidance MS gave us another great 2D Metroid. Oh, and for those wondering... No, it's not AM2R...

 It's better.

Even though Prime 4 is confirmed for Switch and will probably see a 2019 or 2020 release, i'm actually more excited (and hoping) for a Metroid 5 (Dread) on Switch it's been too long since the story ended with Fusion. The game should be another 2.5D Metroid game like SR but with a more non-linear world like Super that encourages you to explore every nook and cranny and with a not too heavy nor too lightly focus on the story. I sure want to know what Samus is going to do now with her Metroid DNA, X parasyte, Varia, Gravity, Fusion suit.

Speaking of equipment and powerups i think the next game should really introduce some new things to the Metroid formula because finding the same old upgrades Powerbombs, Screwattacks, Grapple, Super Missles, Ice Beams is getting really old now, very predictable. The same goes for the same old boss fights which is where Metroid 2 stands out since the only bosses in this game are the Metroids though it does get repetitive at times. I liked the Aeon abilities in SR since they were mostly optional and fun new ideas i would love to see them return and have a more focus in the next game.

Metroid is back baby.


EDIT: Why the hell are people voting 4D? What's wrong with you people.

EDIT 2: Please guys i know this is quite common but we all love Metroid, some of us like 2D Metroid others like 3D Metroid some of us like Federation Force let's just try to keep it civil alright.

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I think right now the focus will be Metroid Prime 4


I would love some 2D HD sprites. 3D graphics on 2D Metroid is just jarring to me, and I'm not sure why. Maye it's because I love Fusion's artsyle so much (haven't played yet, but it looks beautiful). Where's the GBA-DS sprites nowadays? Megaman Zero, Astroboy GBA, The Minish Cup, TWEWY, Megaman ZX, the DS Castlevanias...

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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mZuzek said:
Good to see someone else hyping this game, it needs more attention.

Have you got 100% on it? If you do, it unlocks a certain something that might be teasing a Metroid 5, just saying. At this point I'm definitely more hyped for that than for Prime 4, I really want to see how far MercurySteam can go after doing this remake so well.

Metroid 5? So Metroid, Metroid II, Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion are 1-4?

mZuzek said:
VGPolyglot said:

Metroid 5? So Metroid, Metroid II, Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion are 1-4?

Yeah, I mean... the games even say so?

They do?

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Meant to get it on day one but I finally got it yesterday. Couldn't agree more. Nobody does it like Metroid.

Imo Metroid should stay as a 2D game, it works best in 2D and all secrets and tricks you can do are at their beat when you only have to focus on moving in four directions.

I wish it was on the Switch. My only gripe.

mZuzek said:
VGPolyglot said:

They do?

Yeah. Metroid and Metroid II's titles obviously speak for themselves, but in the intros of both Super and Fusion they're introduced as "Metroid 3" and "Metroid 4" respectively.

I knew about Metroid 3, I didn't know about Metroid 4 though. Which is strange, considering that Metroid Fusion is the only one of those 4 I actually own.

Snoorlax said:

Oh, and for those wondering... No, it's not AM2R...  It's better.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"