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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why are people saying the 3DS is selling badly?

As of today the 3DS has sold 44.2 million units and is currently selling over 100k consoles a week. For what is taught of a dying breed, I think that those numbers are amazing. Sure it is far from doing what the DS did during it's time but it is still doing amazinlgy well, and will continue doing well atleast until the end of 2015 with a ton of games which include 3 pokemon games, Super smash bros and a ton of third party games which will surely sell units to kids such as lego batman 3. So why do some of you guys bash the 3DS for it's sales?

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Who is saying that? It's just that it will be lucky to sell half of what its predecessor did. PS3 was laughed at for the same reason.

The One and Only

Why do people always use the term "bash", when someone is saying something negative about the sales of a system? Anyway, here's the reason why people call the 3DS' sales "bad":

Apparently the 3DS is selling badly because it's selling worse than the 2nd best selling video game system of all time!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Everyone knows comparing the PS3 and PS4 to the PS2 is silly.

But comparing the 3DS to the DS is fine because it's Nintendo so like, whatever man.

Or some other crud.

It's dumb.

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Compared to DS; 3DS is a commercial failure.

AZWification said:

Apparently the 3DS is selling badly because it's selling worse than the 2nd best selling video game system of all time!

It's also not likely to pass PSP, which some still call a failure with a bad library. It'll be the worst selling Nintendo handheld ever, unless something major happens. So far this year, it's on track to be the lowest or 2nd lowest year of its life.

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Smear-Gel said:
Everyone knows comparing the PS3 and PS4 to the PS2 is silly.

But comparing the 3DS to the DS is fine because it's Nintendo so like, whatever man.

Or some other crud.

It's dumb.

This does happen frequently though.

Because at the rate its going it wont even outsell the GBA. That is bad, it will need some non-Nintendo like legs to to end up doing well.

Smear-Gel said:
Everyone knows comparing the PS3 and PS4 to the PS2 is silly.

But comparing the 3DS to the DS is fine because it's Nintendo so like, whatever man.

Or some other crud.

It's dumb.

PS3 WAS compared to PS2...a LOT. 3DS is compared to DS because it's a direct successor. PS4 is often compared to PS3 (it's dominating it) and even PS2 (it's comfortably ahead of it). It's the same with everything else. PSV is compared to PSP. One is compared to 360. 

It's not that 3DS is being bashed, it's just that it's massively down on last generation. That is not an opinion or a biased statement. It's a fact you can check out for yourself.

The One and Only