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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Anybody else underwhelmed by Final Fantasy XV?

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Do you think Final Fantasy XV looks amazing?

Yes. 37 48.68%
Some parts do, others not so much. 16 21.05%
No. 23 30.26%

Nothing about the game amazes me, and I remember being blown away by the reveal trailer of FFXIII at E3 2006. I think it's because FFXV is simply VersusXIII renamed and I've seen and read about the game for like 7 years now. There's nothing exciting and "new" about the story, characters and battle system, especially seeing as we already saw a gameplay trailer in back January 2011.

To put it bluntly: I have no interest in the game. The E3 reveal did nothing to arouse my interest. Also, the game doesn't even look next-gen. The graphics looked like it could easily run on a PS3 in 480p and 30 frames per second.

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Nope =)

Haha no it didn't even close to last gen

Galvanizer said:

Nothing about the game amazes me, and I remember being blown away by the reveal trailer of FFXIII at E3 2006. I think it's because FFXV is simply VersusXIII renamed and I've seen and read about the game for like 7 years now. There's nothing exciting and "new" about the story, characters and battle system, IMO.

To put it bluntly: I have no interest i the game. The E3 reveal did nothing to arouse my interest. the game didn't even look next-gen, IMO. The graphics looked like it run on a PS3 in 720p and 30 frames per second.

While that is absolutely true... the gameplay potential in it could be quite big, especially provided they don't go for KH-style limited environments, but mix its gameplay with a big environment with lots of shit to do in, along with a deep and customizeable battle system, and you could have a winner. If they gave me the amount of freedom FF VIII gave, then god damn, it could be fun to play.

The characters are typical Nomura spike and belt slaves, but it doesn't mean it'll turn out boring, especially if there's a nice love story involved. The story of the game itself we don't know much about to judge.

Barozi said:
Haha no it didn't even close to last gen

It certainly looked current gen to me, and I'm not even a graphics whore. Compared to the other next-gen exclusive games, it didn't look like a big leap over current gen visuals. You should watch the gameplay walthrough of The Division. You can see a clear graphical difference in textures and lightning when compared to FFXV.

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I'm pleased with it really. I'm sure it will improve between now and launch. Visually I'm content with its current form too, considering it is a cross gen game.


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Well, I was disappointed and felt cheated that the "new" next-gen FF was just Versus renamed (how is it "new" when you've known about the game for 7 years??), but the game does interest me. Certainly not as much as I thought it would given so much time has passed since its original reveal.

Even the KH3 reveal didn't do much for me. But then again, I've been growing out of gaming. The only two games I've played this year to completion are Ninokuni and The Last Of Us, and I'm currently trying to beat Luigi's Mansion. Other than that, hard to get excited for anything gaming anymore.

Doesn't look as interesting as I thought it would be. Monolith Soft's X looks to be a better game than FFXV. FF XV looks visually stunning, but it's a bit too different for my liking.

wtf no

Xen said:

While that is absolutely true... the gameplay potential in it could be quite big, especially provided they don't go for KH-style limited environments, but mix its gameplay with a big environment with lots of shit to do in, along with a deep and customizeable battle system, and you could have a winner. If they gave me the amount of freedom FF VIII gave, then god damn, it could be fun to play.

The characters are typical Nomura spike and belt slaves, but it doesn't mean it'll turn out boring, especially if there's a nice love story involved. The story of the game itself we don't know much about to judge.

I think that the game had better be freaking huge in order to compensate the current gen visuals, especially seeing as the game is not even cross-gen. Even MGSV is cross gen and yet has better graphics than FFXV.

From what I seen of FFXV, nothing looks amazing. Maybe I'm just jaded from waiting for this game for over 7 years. It just doesn't impress me anymore.