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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vote Now! gamrConnect Most Wanted: October 2012

~gamrConnect Most Wanted! October 2012 Edition~

Vote for your top 5 most anticipated games in decending order!


  • Name the platform you intend to buy the game for, I advise everybody to do this please, but multiplatform games need to have a single platform specified.
  • Cannot release in September, has to be an October 2012 or later release.

How This Works:

  • Points will then be added up on the basis of most wanted.
    • 1. = 5 points
    • 2. = 4 points
    • 3. = 3 points
    • 4. = 2 points
    • 5. = 1 point
  • For example, here's my top 5:

    1. 1. Assassin's Creed 3 (Wii U)
    2. 2. Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)
    3. 3. Monster Hunter 4 (3DS)
    4. 4. New Super Mario Bros U (Wii U)
    5. 5. Pikmin 3 (Wii U)

Previous Results:

2012: April May June July August September


Equivalent Voting Threads:

2012: April May June July August September


Note: You can NOT vote for Borderlands 2, LittleBigPlanet Vita, Fifa, Dead or Alive 5, or Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Those are released too soon.


Please do NOT edit old posts. That throws off the numbers. Instead, quote your original post and then specify the changes. Alternatively, if you were just reserving a spot, feel free to make an entirely new post with relevent information.

Around the Network

HaHa! Finally first in one of these. Did you know, I joined VGC primarily because I wanted to vote in these?

1. Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
2. Pokemon Black/White 2 (DS)

-----Those are really the two I am drooling for.

3. Halo 4 (360)
4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengence (360)
5. Pandora's Tower (Wii)

I might change these after the Wii U press event on September 13th, but I'll let you know if I do.

The Last Story and XenoBlade were just so good, I had to include Pandora's Tower.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
Vote for the March Most Wanted / February Results

1. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 360
2. Halo 4
3. Beyond
4. GTA 5 360
5. Final Fantasy Versus 13 PS3

1. Halo 4(360)
2. Bioshock Infinite(PC)
4. SimCity(PC)
5. Grand Theft Auto V(PC)

1 - Pokemon Black/White 2 (DS)
2 - ZombiU (Wii U)
3 - Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion (3DS)
4 - Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)
5 - Pikmin 3 (Wii U)

Around the Network

1. ZombiU
3. Pokemon Black 2
4. Assassin's Creed 3 U
5. Paper Mario 3DS


1. Borderlands 2 (PS3)
2. Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)
3. NSMB U (Wii U)
4. Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)
5. Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)

1.Pokemon Black/White2 (DS)
2.Luigi's Mansion:Dark Moon (3DS)
3.Harvest Moon:The Land of Origin(3DS)
4.Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
5.Paper Mario:Sticker Star (3DS)

1) Halo 4 (360)
2) GTA V (360)
3) Dishonoured (360)
4) Hitman Absolution (360)
5) Far Cry 3 (360)

1. Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)
2. Professor Layton: Mask of Miracle (3DS)
3. Aliens: Colonial Marines (WiiU)
4. Castlevania Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate (3DS)
5. New Super Mario Brothers.U (WiiU)
List may change depending on what will be shown during September 13th, so I will quote this post, like you asked.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David