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    L11: Big Daddy(39,302 until level 12)
    • A 36 year old male gamer
    • Germany
    • Joined on December 1st 2013, last online on 23 August 2021.
    • Profile Views: 71,585
    • Forum posts: 30,087 times which averages 8 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ 7,000.00
    You have liked 139 posts.
    You have 2901 liked posts.
    Your most liked post has 19 likes.

    Badges: (view all)

    10 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 10 years.
    9 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 9 years.
    8 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 8 years.
    A Free Man Managed to avoid being banned for 2 years.
    Happy Birthday Logged in on your birthday.
    7 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 7 years.
    One Piece at a Time Add your first game to your collection.
    The High Flyer Earned 40 badges.
    Good Listener Received 1,000 wall post comments on gamrConnect.
    Breaking Out Managed to avoid being banned for 1 year.
    6 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 6 years.
    Vice Free Managed to avoid being banned for 6 months.
    Ride Into the Sunset Managed to avoid being banned for 3 months.
    Some Here, Some There Bank a Total of 5,000 VG$.

    VG$ Transaction List


    Height: 0'0

    Favourite Games:

    Final Fantasy
    Dragon Quest
    Mirror's Edge
    Rocket League

    Favourite Music:

    Anything JPop
    Anything Electronic
    Occasional Alternative Rock



    Game Stats

    • 1 total number of games
    • 0 games in common
    • average game rating
    • PC favourite console (1 games)
    • Sports favourite genre (1 games)
    • 0% of games completed