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OK, from all this obviously I am most excited about Avowed. Obsidian really is the reason I got an Xbox. But looking at what they did, it seems their world can be rival to Tamriel, which is a great feat as this is the thing that makes Elder Scrolls great. If Avowed turns out good and the world is good, it might hopefully make Bethesda feel the need to up their game for TES VI.

Ara looks like a good, well thought out Civilization clone. The thing is, from the presentation I see nothing groundbreaking new, but a lot of attention to detail. Ara might become the best Civilization game, just like Okami is one of the best Zelda-games.

Senua and Visions of Mana look both great, but that was also expected, nothing here changed anything massive.

I am very skeptical about Indiana Jones. For one I didn't knew that Todd Howard is involved, and that is a bad thing that he is. I don't trust his insticts to put the focus on the right things. I love the old LucasArts point-and-click-adventures, so this game has a lot to live up to. But if executed well, it could be great. I like that they said they put more focus on puzzles than fights. I also like that they have missable and optional puzzles. And I like that they seemingly allow problems to be solved in different ways. So if executed well Indiana could be great, I am just not confident at the moment it will be executed well.

Anyways, looking forward to Avowed.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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