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The_Liquid_Laser said:

In light of Switch's string of 30/30 weeks on the Famitsu charts, I found this old conversation to be interesting.  I hope the rest of you will enjoy it too.  (The rest of this thread has some other interesting posts, but I tried to get a continuous conversation.)

kirby007 said:

will AC be the last trick for the switch in japan?

kirby007 said:

because if this is the last big trick it wont reach 22 million in japan

MasonADC said:

When does this third party domination start? 

MasonADC said:

And then the third parties will start making switch exclusives? Yeah I doubt it. Switch will continue to get multi plat of smaller titles but in no way will it ever dominate. Also It makes 0 financial sense for third parties to make switch exclusives 

Train wreck said:

I don't get it either.  Sony home consoles have been averaging 1 billion+ games sold for the last 25 years, 85+% 3rd party but NOW is the time they will be shying away to make Switch exclusives that have shown not to sell 3rd party software anywhere near that.

MasonADC said:

Japan isn’t the be all end all for most games. Being exclusive for any platform doesn’t make sense until someone paid them to make it. The switch still doesn’t get big third party games so I don’t see how you expect exclusive titles to start coming. It hasn’t even gotten a monster hunter yet

MasonADC said:

Big third parties games aren’t targeting just japan anymore. That explains why they aren’t on switch 

Train wreck said:

The few big?  So you're saying that the Switch "exclusives" will be games from no name publishers who have first week sales of 8k and top out at 25-30k and have no relevance outside Japan.  Sorta what the Vita got, gotcha.

You should be worrying more about how. after three years on the market, The Switch can release a game like The Outer Worlds in the shape its in than worry about which 3rd party exclusives it might be getting.

Train wreck said:

So you saying that in 2022, Sony won't have 7 games chart in a given week even though the console will be only 18 months old and we are already hearing and seeing content announced for it...this conversation is over.

Well, TrainWreck certainly was true to his name.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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