S.Peelman said:
Mnementh said:
As all my games are guessed by now, I also can show a breakdown of the best guessers: user | count | entries |
The_Liquid_Laser | 12 | #25, #22, #24, #21, #20, #18, #16, #10, #8, #7, #9, #4 | Darashiva | 7 | #45, #35, #28, #27, #26, #13, #2 | Machina | 6 | #48, #39, #34, #29, #31, #30 | drbunnig | 4 | #19, #15, #12, #5 | Zippy6 | 3 | #50, #43, #38 | Kakadu18 | 3 | #46, #37, #39 | coolbeans | 3 | #17, #3, #1 | TruckOSaurus | 2 | #33, #32 | Supermario28 | 1 | #41 | S.Peelman | 1 | #36 | Platina | 1 | #11 | UnderwaterFunktown | 1 | #6 | no one | 7 | #49, #47, #44, #42, #40, #23, #14 |
As in the past years, The_Liquid_Laser keeps being the one knowing most of my games. |
Only 1, not a good score, figured I could've gotten some more of yours. |